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2008.03.18(Tue) 1 Network Simulator 2 - Introduction for Beginners - 2008. 03. 18 CNLAB ns - 2 seminar.

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1 2008.03.18(Tue) 1 Network Simulator 2 - Introduction for Beginners - 2008. 03. 18 CNLAB ns - 2 seminar

2 2008.03.18(Tue) 2 Scope  Basic Requirements for Using ns-2 1) C++ 2) Tcl & OTcl 3) Object Orientation concepts 4) ns-2 Mechanisms (ns-2 Core & Utilities) 5) Application-specific Implementation Architectures. Wired ~ to Wireless world. Lower Layer ~ to Higher Layer. Variety of architectural specifics

3 2008.03.18(Tue) 3 Scope  Introduction  Some Basic Concepts - Architectural Views - Plumbing & Duality - Tcl basics  OTcl Linkage Architecture  Object Orientation in OTcl  Elemental Procedures in ns -2 programming - Network creation - Agents & others

4 2008.03.18(Tue) 4 Introduction  Ns has began as a variant of the REAL network simulator in 1989, and has evolved substantially in the past few years.  In 1995 ns development was supported by DARPA through the VINT project at LBL, Xerox PARC, UCB, and USC/ISI. - VINT : Virtual InterNet Testbed   The latest version : ns-2.32 [2007] : hundreds * 1000 LOC

5 2008.03.18(Tue) 5 Introduction R  Related Research area - functionality & application - Network Layer. Routing : unicast, multicast, MPLS. QoS : IntServ / DiffServ. Queuing Disciplines - Transport. TCP. Reliable multicast. Congestion control - Application. Web Caching. Multimedia. Traffic Sources - Wireless world. Mobile IP. Ad hoc routing. Sensor MAC

6 2008.03.18(Tue) 6 Introduction TK8.xOTcltclclTcl8.xns-2nam-1 tcl extest lib... examples validation tests C++ code OTcl code ns-allinone mcast  NS-2 Directory

7 2008.03.18(Tue) 7 Introduction  What is NS-2 ? - Discrete Event Simulator - Packet-level - Link layer and up - Wired and Wireless worlds  Languages - Tcl (Tool Command Language) - OTcl (MIT Object-oriented Tcl) - C++ - Some others

8 2008.03.18(Tue) 8 Introduction  Tcl Interpreter with Extents - OTcl : Object-oriented support, extending Tcl/Tk - TclCL : C++ and OTcl Linkage (interface) - Discrete Event Scheduler (ordered list of events) - Data Network (the Internet) Components tcl8.x Otcl tclcl ns-2 Event Scheduler Network Component Users

9 2008.03.18(Tue) 9 Basic Concepts – Architectural View  Object-oriented (C++, OTcl) - Reusability - Maintenance  Scalability + Extensibility “ - Control / “Data” separation. OTcl for control (scenarios). C++ for “data” - Split OTcl / C++ objects  Duality Needs Linkage  Modular approach - Fine-grained Object composition

10 2008.03.18(Tue) 10 Basic Concepts – Architectural View  Simplified User’s View of NS - NS-2 is basically the Tcl & OTcl Interpreter with network simulation object libraries.

11 2008.03.18(Tue) 11 Basic Concepts – Architectural View  Layered View of the NS [an example] - OTcl : Application, Scenario, or Upper Layer - C++ : Lower Layer or Protocol/Packet Layer

12 2008.03.18(Tue) 12 Basic Concepts – Architectural View  Components domain Relationship View of the NS - NS-2 is written in C++ with OTcl Interpreter as the Front-End. - Simulator objects are implemented in the Compiled hierarchy (C++ domain), but instantiated through the Interpreter.

13 2008.03.18(Tue) 13 Basic Concepts - Architecture  Nodes

14 2008.03.18(Tue) 14 n0n1 Addr Classifier Port Classifier classifier_ dmux_ entry_ Node entry Unicast Node Multicast Classifier classifier_ dmux_ entry_ Node entry Multicast Node multiclassifier_ Classifier : Address, Multicast, Multipath  Nodes Basic Concepts - Architecture

15 2008.03.18(Tue) 15 Basic Concepts - Architecture  Links n0n1 enqT_queue_deqT_ drophead_ drpT_ link_ttl_ n1 entry_ head_ tracing simplex link duplex link

16 2008.03.18(Tue) 16 Basic Concepts - Architecture n0n1 Addr Classifier Port Classifier classifier _ dmux _ entry _ Node entry 0 1 enqT_queue_deqT_ drophead_drpT_ link_ttl_ n1 entry_ head_  Nodes & Links

17 2008.03.18(Tue) 17 n0n1 Addr Classifier Port Classifier classifier_ dmux_ entry_ 0 1 Addr Classifier Port Classifier classifier_ dmux_ entry_ 1 0 Link n0-n1 Link n1-n0 Basic Concepts - Architecture  Routing

18 2008.03.18(Tue) 18 0 1 n0n1 Addr Classifier Port Classifier classifier_ dmux_ entry_ 0 Agent/TCP agents_ Addr Classifier Port Classifier classifier_ dmux_ entry_ 1 0 Link n0-n1 Link n1-n0 0 Agent/TCPSink agents_ dst_=1.0 dst_=0.0 Basic Concepts - Architecture  Transport

19 2008.03.18(Tue) 19 0 1 n0n1 Addr Classifier Port Classifier classifier_ dmux_ entry_ 0 Agent/TCP agents_ Addr Classifier Port Classifier classifier_ dmux_ entry_ 1 0 Link n0-n1 Link n1-n0 0 Agent/TCPSink agents_ dst_=1.0 dst_=0.0 Application/FTP  Application : Traffic Generator Basic Concepts - Architecture

20 2008.03.18(Tue) 20 Basic Concepts - Architecture TclObject NsObject Connector Classifier DelayAddrClassifierAgentMcastClasifierQueueTrace DropTailREDTCP EnqDeqDrop RenoSACK...  Object Hierarchy other objects

21 2008.03.18(Tue) 21 Basic Concepts - Architecture  Some differences between NS-2 & Real network - Node : no queue, above network layer, no lower layer on the basic Node (not in mobile node) - Link : Compound object with Queues - No physical media, but simulated environment - No real data or payload transmissions, except in special applications (web), which uses special transport. - Normally, the ultimate Packet Transmissions are done by calling the next object’s method ( recv ( )).

22 2008.03.18(Tue) 22 Basic Concepts - Plumbing  Network Topology Setup using - Network Objects : Nodes & Links *cf) NsObject - Plumbing Library functions  Plumbing : for Network Setup - Plumbing Data Paths among the Network Objects by setting the “Neighbor” pointers of an Object to the Address of an appropriate object. - Plumbing modules are implemented as member functions of the base Simulator object. - neighbor_, target_ variables are key to plumbing  transmission : target_  recv( )

23 2008.03.18(Tue) 23 Basic Concepts - Duality C++OTcl Pure C++ objects Pure OTcl objects C++ / OTcl split objects ns TclCL linkage OTcl & C++ Share Class Hierarchy

24 2008.03.18(Tue) 24 Basic Concepts - Duality  C++ / OTcl Separation - C++ for “Data”. Per Packet action : Packet Headers accessed - OTcl for Control. Periodic or Triggered action (~ Scenario scheduling). Network(Topology) Creation : Application procedure - Tradeoff between Composability and Speed (+) - Learning/debugging are more difficult (-)  Separation on Dual planes need Linkage to compose

25 2008.03.18(Tue) 25 Basic Concepts - Duality  OTcl : Interpreted hierarchy - Create Network - Create Connection (wired) - Create Traffic  C++ : Compiled hierarchy - Packet processing methods - OTcl command Interpreter. object::command( ) method : one of the linkage

26 2008.03.18(Tue) 26 Basic Concepts - Duality  Otcl domain set tcp [new Agent/TCP] $tcp advance 10  C++ domain int TcpAgent::command( int argc, const char*const* argv ) { if (argc == 3) { if (strcmp(argv[1], “advance”) == 0) { int newseq = atoi(argv[2]); …… return(TCL_OK); } return (Agent::command(argc, argv); }

27 2008.03.18(Tue) 27 Basic Concepts – Tcl/OTcl  Tcl / OTcl Basics - proc command : define a global procedure. proc create_topology { - set command : assign a value to a variable. set count 10. $self set count 10 - Substitutions. Command substitution : brackets as command - set cnt [ $self set count ]  cnt = 10 - set cnt [ expr $cnt + $cnt ]  set cnt to 20. Variable substitution : ex) $count  10 $ns at [ $ns now ] “$self send $class $rate"

28 2008.03.18(Tue) 28 C++ / OTcl Linkage - snapshot view  Export C++ class to Otcl [ Create C++ object from OTcl ] Creating a new network object class in C++, & also an instance of this object in Otcl, needs a Linkage object derived from the TclClass (C++ domain).  Export C++ class variables to OTcl The new network object class in C++ may have some parameter variables, also to be configured from Otcl.  Export C++ Object Control Commands to OTcl Giving the control of new C++ object to Otcl, via the Otcl command interpreter: command() function.  Execute an OTcl command from C++ Execute an OTcl command from the new C++ object.

29 2008.03.18(Tue) 29 C++ / OTcl Linkage

30 2008.03.18(Tue) 30 C++ / OTcl Linkage - TclObject  TclObject : base class - Basic hierarchy in ns-2 for split objects - Mirrored in both C++ & OTcl - NsObject : the superclass of all network component objects that handle packets   Connector, Classifier subclasses - Connector : having only one output data path - Classifier : having multiple output data path (Router) - Node : Compound object ~ Node Entry, Classifier objects - Link : ’’ ~ Queue, Delay, TTL objects..

31 2008.03.18(Tue) 31 C++ / OTcl Linkage - TclObject TclObject Agent Agent/TCP Agent/TCP OTcl shadow object _o123 Agent/TCP C++ object *tcp TclObject Agent TcpAgent OTcl class hierarchy C++ class hierarchy  TclObject : Hierarchy and Shadowing static TcpClass : public TclClass { public: TcpClass():TclClass(“ Agent/Tcp "){} TclObject* create(int,const char*const*) { return (new TcpAgent ());} };

32 2008.03.18(Tue) 32 C++/OTcl Linkage - TclObject  TclObject Creation & Deletion - Global Procedures : new{ }, delete{ } - Example : set tcp [ new Agent/TCP ] set tcp [ new Agent/TCP ] … delete $tcp delete $tcp

33 2008.03.18(Tue) 33 C++ / OTcl Linkage – TclObject C++ OTcl invoke parent constructor Agent/TCP constructor parent constructor invoke parent constructor TclObject constructor create C++ object AgentTCP constructor invoke parent constructor invoke parent constructor parent (Agent) constructor do nothing, return TclObject (C++) constructor bind variables and return bind variables and return create OTcl shadow object complete initialization complete initialization which C++ obj to create? – TclClass set tcp [ new Agent/TCP ]

34 2008.03.18(Tue) 34 C++/OTcl Linkage - TclObject::bind()  Linking C++ member variable to OTcl object variable Bound variables can be configured from Both C++/OTcl.  C++ domain TcpAgent::TcpAgent( ) { // Constructor bind(“window_”, &wnd); … } // other type : bind_time(), bind_bool(), bind_bw()  OTcl domain set tcp [new Agent/TCP] $tcp set window_ 200

35 2008.03.18(Tue) 35 C++ / OTcl Linkage - TclObject::command()  Export C++ Object Control Commands to OTcl int MyAgent::command(int argc, const char*const* argv ) { if (argc == 2) { if (strcmp(argv[1], “call-my-func”) == 0) { MyPrivFunc( )); return (TCL_OK); } return (Agent::command(argc, argv)); } - Effect : Implement OTcl methods in C++ - Trap point : OTcl method cmd{ }

36 2008.03.18(Tue) 36 C++ / OTcl Linkage - TclObject::command() $tcp send TclObject::unknown{}$tcp cmd send no such procedure TcpAgent::command() match “send”? Invoke parent: return Agent::command() process and return Yes No OTcl space C++ space

37 2008.03.18(Tue) 37 C++ / OTcl Linkage – TclClass TclObject Agent Agent/TCP TclObject Agent TcpAgent NsObject ?? OTcl C++ mirroring Static class TcpClass : public TclClass { public: TcpClass() : TclClass(“Agent/TCP”) { } TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) { return (new TcpAgent( ) ); } } class_tcp; Static class TcpClass : public TclClass { public: TcpClass() : TclClass(“Agent/TCP”) { } TclObject* create(int, const char*const*) { return (new TcpAgent( ) ); } } class_tcp;

38 2008.03.18(Tue) 38 C++ / OTcl Linkage – TclClass  Class TclClass ( in C++ ) - This compiled class is pure virtual class : only 2 functions Construct the interpreted class hierarchy to mirror the compiled class hierarchy. Method to Create instances of the associated TclObject. - For the static variable class_tcp, ns-2 will execute the constructor of TcpClass. The constructor specifies the interpreted class explicitly as “Agent/TCP”. - This sets up the related methods and the interpreted class hierarchy in the Otcl space.  Next slide - This class is associated with the class TcpAgent, and when the user issues “new …”, TcpClass::create( ) is invoked.  TcpAgent is created.

39 2008.03.18(Tue) 39 C++ / OTcl Linkage – TclClass  Interpreted Class Hierarchy construction (more) - When the object constructor is executed, the TclClass constructor stores the name of the class, and inserts this object into Linked List of TclClass objects. - During initialization, TclClass::bind() is invoked. - For each object in the List, bind() invokes register{… } with the class name as its argument. - register{ } establishes the class hierarchy, creating the class required. class TcpAgent : public Agent { public: TcpAgent( ); // Constructor protected: int command(int argc, const char* const* argv); int xxx_; };

40 2008.03.18(Tue) 40 C++ / OTcl Linkage – Tcl  Singleton class with a handle to Tcl interpreter  Usage - Invoke OTcl procedure from C++ : 4 methods - Obtain OTcl evaluation results : tcl.result( ) - Pass a result string to OTcl : tcl.result(*s), tcl.resultf(*s)

41 2008.03.18(Tue) 41 C++ / OTcl Linkage – Tcl  Execute an OTcl command from C++ Tcl& tcl = Tcl::instance(); tcl.eval (“puts \ “Message from MyPrivFunc\””); or char wrk[128]; sprintf(wrk, “$s recv %d”, name(), result); tcl.eval (wrk); tcl.evalc (“puts \ “Message from MyPrivFunc\””); tcl.evalf (“puts \ “ my_var1 = %d\””, my_var1); tcl.evalf (“puts \ “ my_var2 = %d\””, my_var2);

42 2008.03.18(Tue) 42 C++ / OTcl Linkage - summary  TclObject - Unifies Interpreted (OTcl) and Compiled (C++) class hierarchies - Seamless access (Method call and Variable access) between OTcl and C++  TclClass - The mechanism that makes TclObject work - Interpreted hierarchy & shadowing methods  Tcl - Primitives ( in C++ ) to access Tcl interpreter

43 2008.03.18(Tue) 43 Object Orientation in OTcl  Some Differences between C++ & OTcl - OTcl Class vs. C++ Class architecture. OTcl attaches methods to Object or Class (evolving). C++ has single Class Declaration - C++/OTcl Split Objects. Implement methods in either language. Define instance variables in either C++ or Otcl  Through in different Syntax & Forms

44 2008.03.18(Tue) 44 Object Orientation in OTcl class PingAgent : public Agent { public: PingAgent( ); int command (int argc, const char* const* argv); void recv (Packet*, Handler*); protected: int off_ping_; }; Class Link Link instproc init { src dst } { $self next $self instvar fromNode_ toNode_ … set fromNode_ $src set toNode_ $dst ………… } Link instproc head { } { $self instvar head_ return $head_ }  Class structures comparison

45 2008.03.18(Tue) 45 Object Orientation in OTcl  Some Differences between C++ / OTcl - instvar : to define/access member variable - instproc : to define member function (procedure) - OTcl init{ } vs. C++ Constructor( ) - $self  this - Syntax checking in Tcl/OTcl. No new line from “{” + body, but only after “{”. if {, } elseif {, …

46 2008.03.18(Tue) 46 OTcl Basics Class Mom Mom instproc greet {} { $self instvar age_ puts “$age_ years old mom: How are you doing?” } Class Kid -superclass Mom Kid instproc greet {} { $self instvar age_ puts “$age_ years old kid: What’s up, dude?” } set mom [new Mom] $mom set age_ 45 set kid [new Kid] $kid set age_ 15 $mom greet $kid greet 45 years old mom: How are you doing? 15 years old kid: What's up, dude?

47 2008.03.18(Tue) 47 Elemental Tcl Procedures in ns-2 programming - Creating the Event Scheduler - [Turn on tracing] - Creating network - Setup routing - Insert errors - Creating connection(Agents) - Creating traffic - Configuring Algorithmic Scenario specific to this App …. - Start ns simulation

48 2008.03.18(Tue) 48 Example Procedures # Application code Tcl/OTcl Script. set end 200.0 set warmup 20.0# For Stable data timing set linkrate 5Mb # May be Adjusted. set ns [new Simulator] # ns Created : First line of App create_topology # Creating topology... create_agents # Creating agents... create_sources # Creating traffic sources... create_conditioners # Creating conditioners... configure_scheduler # Configuring Queue Scheduler... $ns at $end "end" $ns run # Starting simulation...

49 2008.03.18(Tue) 49 Creating Event Scheduler  Create event scheduler set ns [new Simulator]  Scheduling Events $ns at “ ” : any legitimate ns/tcl commands  Start scheduler $ns run

50 2008.03.18(Tue) 50 Event Scheduling Scheduler Event Queue Target object Event (Packet) Time Object B Object A Deque Dispatch Register Event

51 2008.03.18(Tue) 51 Creating Network  Nodes set n0 [$ns node] set n1 [$ns node]...

52 2008.03.18(Tue) 52 Creating Network  Links and Queuing $ns duplex-link $n0 $n1 : DropTail, RED, CBQ, FQ, SFQ, DRR, WRR n0n1 enqT_ queue_ deqT_ drophead_ drpT_ link_ ttl_ n1 entry_ head_ tracing simplex link duplex link

53 2008.03.18(Tue) 53 Creating Network n0n1 Addr Classifier Port Classifier classifier _ dmux _ entry _ Node entry 0 1 enqT_queue_deqT_ drophead_drpT_ link_ttl_ n1 entry_ head_  Nodes & Links

54 2008.03.18(Tue) 54 Packet Format header data ip header tcp header rtp header trace header cmn header... ts_ ptype_ uid_ size_ iface_  Packet Format

55 2008.03.18(Tue) 55 Packet Format  Packet - Fundamental unit of exchange between objects - Contain packet headers  Packet Header - Per-protocol information - New protocols may define their own header or may extend existing headers  New Type Packet added in the Application ? - “ns-allinone2.xx/ns-2.xx/packet.h”  Add “PT_xxx” Type

56 2008.03.18(Tue) 56 Agents  Agents - UDP TCP/Reno, TCP/NewReno, - TCP    TCP/Sack, TCP/Fack, - RTP TCP/FullTcp, TCP/Vegas, - RTCP TCP/Asym, TCP/Reno/Asym, - SRM TCPSink, TCPSink/…. - SRM/Adaptive - CtrMcast/Encap, CtrMcast/Decap - Message, Message/Prune - Null : Endpoint where network-layer packets are constructed or consumed, for protocol implementation at various layers.

57 2008.03.18(Tue) 57 Agents  Agents - Normally Transport, Routing Entities. End-to-End pair : not Hop-by-Hop. Hop-by-Hop : Routing Agent - Implemented partly in C++, and partly in OTcl : ~ns-2.x/common/, ~ns-2.x/tcl/lib/ns-agent.tcl - Basic Member functions. Packet* allocpkt() : not over-ridden. void recv(Packet*, Handler) : main entry point - OTcl Linkage. Agents are created within OTcl code space. set newtcp [new Agent/TCP]

58 2008.03.18(Tue) 58 Agents  Creation & Attach-Agent{ } set tcp1 [ new Agent/TCP ] set tcp2 [ new Agent/TCPSink ] $ns attach-agent $node1 $tcp1 $ns attach-agent $node2 $tcp2 $ns connect tcp1 tcp2 # Internally Calls attach{ } method of Node in ns-node.tcl. Simulator instproc attach-agent { node agent } { $node attach $agent # Compare with below command }

59 2008.03.18(Tue) 59 Agents # Attach an Agent to a Node. Pick a Port and Bind the Agent to the Port number. Simulator's attach-agent{ } internally calls this method : $node attach $agent Node instproc attach { agent { port "" } } { $self instvar agents_ address_ dmux_ classifier_ $self instvar classifiers_ lappend agents_ $agent # agents_ = port list ?? # Attach Agents to this Node (i.e., the Classifier inside). We call the Entry method on ourself to find the front door. Also, stash the node in the Agent and set the local addr of this Agent. $agent set node_ $self # $self = Node if [Simulator set EnableHierRt_] { $agent set agent_addr_ [AddrParams set-hieraddr $address_] } else { $agent set agent_addr_ [expr ($address_ & [AddrParams set NodeMask_(1)]) \ << [AddrParams set NodeShift_(1) ] ] }...

60 2008.03.18(Tue) 60 Agents # If a Port Demuxer doesn't exist, Create it. if { $dmux_ == "" } { set dmux_ [new Classifier/Port] # Point the Node's Routing entry to itself at the Port Demuxer if {[Simulator set EnableHierRt_]} { $self add-hroute $address_ $dmux_ } else { $self add-route $address_ $dmux_ ;# install addr in classifier, } ;# classifier target = dmux } if {$port == ""} { set ns_ [Simulator instance] $ns_ instvar nullAgent_ set port [$self alloc-port $nullAgent_] } $agent set agent_port_ $port $self add-target $agent $port ;# send / recv targets of agent }

61 2008.03.18(Tue) 61 Agents  attach-agent (another for comparison) # In contrast, $App attach-agent $agent is used to attach Application to the Agent in C++ level. int Application:: command (int argc, const char*const* argv) { if (strcmp(argv[1], "attach-agent") == 0)// OTcl command { agent_ = (Agent*) TclObject::lookup(argv[2]); if (agent_ == 0) { tcl.resultf("no such agent %s", argv[2]); return(TCL_ERROR); } agent_->attachApp(this); //; this = App return(TCL_OK); } ……..

62 2008.03.18(Tue) 62 End-to-End Transport with Plumbing 0 1 n0n1 Addr Classifier Port Classifier entry_ 0 Agent/TCP Addr Classifier Port Classifier entry_ 1 0 Link n0-n1 Link n1-n0 0 Agent/TCPSink dst_=1.0 dst_=0.0 Application/FTP

63 2008.03.18(Tue) 63 Creating Connection  Connect : Transport level - $ns connect tcp1 tcp2 - UDP. set udp [new Agent/UDP]. set null [new Agent/Null]. $ns attach-agent $n0 $udp. $ns attach-agent $n1 $null. $ns connect $udp $null

64 2008.03.18(Tue) 64 Creating Connection # Need to check that Agents are already Attached to Nodes : ns-lib.tcl # This is an Agent-level Connect. Simulator instproc connect { src dst } { $self simplex-connect $src $dst # One-way connection $self simplex-connect $dst $src # The other way return $src } Simulator instproc simplex-connect { src dst } { $src set dst_addr_ [$dst set agent_addr_] # Get agent_addr $src set dst_port_ [$dst set agent_port_] # Get agent_port return $src }

65 2008.03.18(Tue) 65 Creating Connection  Connect : Application level $UA connect $DM : Application-to-Application connection Http instproc connect { server } { Http instvar TRANSPORT_ $self instvar ns_ slist_ node_ fid_ id_ lappend slist_ $server # Client side Server List set tcp [new Agent/TCP/$TRANSPORT_] # Transport_ = FullTcp $tcp set fid_ [$self getfid] $ns_ attach-agent $node_ $tcp #  $node attach $tcp # Make a Wrapper in Server, and associate it with Client. # Client calls, meanwhile Server calls. set ret [$server alloc-connection $self $fid_] # Server = Manager set snk [$ret agent] # ret = server wrapper $ns_ connect $tcp $snk # $ns connect{} : 2 agents #  $tcp set dst_addr_ [$snk set addr_]  See $ns connect{} $tcp set window_ 100

66 2008.03.18(Tue) 66 Creating Connection  Connect : Application level # Use a Wrapper(in Client) to implement Application Data Transfer set wrapper [new Application/TcpApp $tcp] # Agent Wrapper $self cmd connect $server $wrapper # HttpApp::command( ) #  Application(Server) is associated with Client TcpApp Agent wrapper #  TcpApp->target( ) = (Process*) this; tagret( ) : return target_ $wrapper connect $ret # TcpApp connect : private #  dst_ = peer object, with each other #puts "HttpApp $id_ connected to server [$server id]"

67 2008.03.18(Tue) 67 Configuring Algorithm/Scenario  Algorithm/Scenario : specific to the Application - Queue Scheduling/Management parameter configuration. DropTail, CBQ, FQ, SFQ, DRR, WRR. RED, MRED - Network Measurement parameter configuration. Admission Control (QoS). Network Measurement & Monitoring …….. - uncountable examples

68 2008.03.18(Tue) 68 Drawing Outputs  Xgraph : exec xgraph -geometry 800x400 &

69 2008.03.18(Tue) 69 Compilation after New Components  : C++ Code Added - “ns-allinone2.xx/ns-2.xx/”  Add “OBJ_CC = xxx.o”  xxx.h : Header Added - Declare New Packet type Data Structure in the header  xxx.tcl : OTcl Library Added - “ns-allinone2.xx/ns-2.xx/”  Add “NS_TCL_LIB=xxx.tcl”  at ns-2.32/: $ make

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