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This Is The End Macedonia, Alexander, and the Last Great Hurah of the Greeks.

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Presentation on theme: "This Is The End Macedonia, Alexander, and the Last Great Hurah of the Greeks."— Presentation transcript:

1 This Is The End Macedonia, Alexander, and the Last Great Hurah of the Greeks

2 Macedon Located north of Thessaly –Constant battles with the northern barbarian tribes Actually kept them from entering Greece Not well respected –A dominant King –No poleis –Council of nobles –Not much attention paid to them Greek Culture

3 Phillip II: 359-336 bce Came to power at 27 –Overthrew his nephew Which really wasn’t that hard –Great admirer of Greek culture 3 year prisoner in Thebes –Military and Diplomacy Used both to pacify northern tribes Undermined Athenian control of northern Aegean Sea Took Amphiplois- silver and gold mines

4 Macedonian Army National and professional –Not the amateur’s of the Greek polis –Farmers and hill people Turned into a national, but more importantly, loyal force Make-up –13 ft. pikes, not the common 9 ft. –Open phalanx Use of pike important –Companions Nobles and clan leaders Made up the calvary

5 Phillip’s Greek Invasion Phocians at war with Thebes and Thessaly –Phillip accepts generalship of Thessalians Defeat Phocis Takes control of Thessaly –Turns north Takes Thrace Direct threat to Athens

6 4 th Century Greece Weak –Losses in Peloponnesian Wars Man power and Navy weak No strong leader since Pericles No allies –Society was divided Rich and poor Economy shot –Empire What was left was breaking apart –Overly cautious Demosthese breaks this Urged Athens to see the threat that Phillip was

7 Athens and Greece Fall 349 bce –Phillip takes northern and central Greek cities –Elected president of Pythian Games at Delphi Isocrates (436-338 bce) –Saw Phillip as a leader that could take on Persia This war would bring a economic solution to social problems –340 bce Phillip attacks Perinthus and Byzantium –Athens Navy saves them –338 bce Battles of Chaeronea and Boeotia Alexander cavalry charge cements Athens fate Greece falls to Phillip Athens spared invasion, but gives up empire and must follow Macedon

8 Greek Gov’t Under Phillip Not that harsh –Though some atrocities committed Demosthenes –Remain involved in politics –Athens spared invasion Federal League of Corinth- 338 bce –Delegates to make foreign policy without having to consult Phillip But Phillip was the president of the League Polis and Greek autonomy lost for good

9 Eyes towards Persia Seat of power at Corinth –Same spot where Greeks had held their ground against Persia 150 years before Phillip sets sights on Persia –But is assassinated in 336 bce –Power falls to his son Alexander at age 20

10 Persia The largest and richest Empire in the World –Size made it hard to control Darius III –Ruled Persia at the time of Phillips death –Inexperienced and also a bit lax with affairs Military –Vast resources –Navy dominated the seas –Army was large and experienced –Truly what held Persia together –Didn’t scare Alexander though

11 Alexander Invades Persia Going in Weak –Large army, but compared to Persia? No Navy No money Tactics Memmon- commander of Persian Navy Granicus River –Alexander meets Persians Won easily Leads cavalry charge-inspiration Subsequent victories close off ports

12 Alexander’s Empire 336 bce –Marches into Syria and meets Darius army Darius defeated and flees –Takes Tyre- ends Persian naval threat Darius send peace offer and daughter Alexander refuses –Takes Egypt 331 bce takes Mesopotamia, enters Babylon 330 bce takes the Persian capitol of Persepolis –Stay a while then burns it

13 Con’t Hunt for Darius –Finds body, killed by Bessus –Now hunts down Bessus who is eventually captured 327 bce –Army goes through Khyber Pass (Pakistan) 324 bce –Army is tired –Returns to Persian Gulf

14 Death and Empire 323 bce- Alexander dies at age33 yrs old –Fever or poison? Empire is split into provinces controlled by governors –Infighting and civil war Ptolemy –Dynasty 31 in Egypt, Cleopatra the last Seleucus –Seleucid Dynasty in Mesoptamia Antigonus I –Antigonid Dynasty in Asia Minor and Macedon The End –All fall to Rome except Egypt

15 Hellenistic Culture Philosophy –Lyceum Break from Aristotle –Literary and historical studies –Academy Turned away from Plato Pyrrho of Elis –Skepticism Nothing could be known and nothing mattered –Cynics Stuck with the natural thing

16 –Epicureans Epicurus of Athens (342-271 bce) Search not for knowledge but human happiness Atomist ideas Liberation from fear of death, gods, or the supernatural Goal was to achieve ataraxia –Condition of being undisturbed without pain, trouble, or responsibility

17 –Stoics Zeno of Citium in Cyprus (335-263 bce) Humans must live in harmony with themselves and nature God and nature the same thing Guiding principle in nature was divine reason: LOGOS Live a virtuous life in accordance with nature Misery came from passion, the disease of the soul The world was a single polis

18 Literature –3 rd and 2 nd literature coming out of Alexandria –The Museum and the library Research institute royal funds support scientist and scholars –Copying, editing of best works –History and chronology Architecture and Sculpture –Vast health gave rise to building –Sculpture-sentimental, emotional, realistic of 4 th Century

19 Math and Science –Euclid’s Elements Plane and solid geometry –Archimedes Further progress in geometry, lever mechanics, and invented hydrostatics –Heraclides Mercury and Venus circulate around sun and Earth –Aristarchus Heliocentric theory Sun stationary and Earth revolves around it in a circular motion and rotates on its own axis

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