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Click to edit Master subtitle style Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 20 March 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to edit Master subtitle style Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 20 March 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to edit Master subtitle style Presentation to the Portfolio Committee 20 March 2012

2 22 THIRD QUATERLY REPORT-EXPENDITURE REPORT AS AT 31 JANUARY 2012  Final AppropriationR 5.153 billion  Appropriation as at (31/01/2012)R 3.614 billion  Actual expenditure (31/01//2012)R 3.189 billion DifferenceR 425 million  Spending represents 61.88% of appropriation.  COP17 claims receivable from departments R117 million

3 33 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION  Final AppropriationR 1.239 billion  Appropriation as at (31/01/2012)R 929 million  Actual expenditure (31/01//2012)R 749 million DifferenceR 180 million  Actual spending recorded at 60.45% of appropriation.  Reasons for under-spending:  Unitary feeR 15 million  ICT projectsR 45 million  Cavendish closeR 70 million  HO operationsR 50 million

4 44 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Capital budget 2011/12 Budget AllocationR 171 million Expenditure to dateR 74 million Difference R 97 million Projected expenditure Feb / March R 20 million Cavendish Close R 77 million Total projected expenditure at the end of financial year R 171 million

5 55 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Capital budget Achievements to date: London – SA House lift refurbishment project completed – May 2011 Pre selected contractors for the construction of a) Chancery in Dar es Salaam b) Chancery and 3 staff houses in Lilongwe – Nov 2011 Washington – Renovation project commenced – Nov 2011 Washington - Temporary office space fitted out and staff relocated – Dec 2011 Completed scoping phase for the renovation of the Chancery, Consulate and OR in the Hague – Dec 2011

6 66 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Capital budget Achievements to date: Appointed a Project Manager for the refurbishment of the Chancery and Official Residence in Paris – Dec 2011 London – Official Residence refurbishment completed – Jan 2012 Implemented handicapped accessibility measures at the Chancery and Official Residence in Brussels – January 2012

7 77 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Capital budget Projected expenditure and activities for February/ March 2012: The following major expenditure is still to be incurred in February and March 2012: The Hague – payment of professional and permit fees London – payment of project management fees Copenhagen – payment of professional fees Dar es Salaam – payment of professional fees Washington – payment of professional and construction fees London, Acquisition of freehold of Cavendish Close – Payment of deposit in terms of local legislation

8 88 PROGRAMME 2: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS HEAD OFFICE _ AppropriationR 307 million  Appropriation as at (31/01/2012)R 255 million  Actual expenditure (31/01/2012)R 239 million DifferenceR 16 million  Actual spending recorded at 77.85% of appropriation.

9 99 PROGRAMME 2: INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS MISSIONS _AppropriationR 2.302 billion  Appropriation as at (31/01/2012)R 1.831 billion  Actual expenditure (31/01/2012)R 1.793 billion DifferenceR 38 million  Actual spending recorded at 77.89% of appropriation.

10 PROGRAMME 3: STATE PROTOCOL & PUBLIC DIPLOMACY AppropriationR 494 million  Appropriation as at (31/01/2012)R 417 million  Actual expenditure (31/01/2012)R 298 million DifferenceR 119 million  Actual spending recorded at 60.32% of appropriation. Reasons for low-spending Expenditure for COP17/CMP7 that will be processed in February 1010

11 STATUS REPORT ON COP17/CMP7 EXPENDITURE – 31/01/2012 1111 ACTIVITY EXPENDITURE TILL DATE CLAIMS RECEIVED BUT NOT YET PAID CLAIMS OUTSTANDING TOTAL EXPENDITURE R'000 VENUES & FACILITIES 92 100 254 - 92 354 ICC & DEC 82 314 - - ACCREDITATION CENTRE 7 000 - - VOLUNTEERS 2 786 - - ACCOMMODATION 22 819 750 30023 869 AIR TRAVEL 3 446200 -3 646 SUBSISTENCE & TRAVEL ALLOWANCE 1 722 2 1003 822 ICT SERVICES 9 182 30 000 - 39 182 SECURITY 14 15831 793 3 04148 992 MEDIA & COMMUNICATION 8 009 5 628 22 20035 837 AUDIO VISUAL SERVICES - - 10 385 TRANSPORT HIRE 700 - 10 800 11 500 MEDICAL SERVICES - - 8 886 PRINTING & STATIONERY 473 35 -508 CATERING & ENTERTAINMENT 137 - - TOTAL 152 74668 66058 812 280 218

12 PROGRAMME 4: INTERNATIONAL TRANSFERS  AppropriationR 809 million  Appropriated as at (31/01/2012)R 179 million  Actual expenditure (as at 31/01/2012)R 109 million Difference R 70 million Actual spending recorded at 13.47% of appropriation. South Africa has honoured its membership obligation in full; namely:- SADCR 43 million UN contributionsR 39 million Common wealthR 4.9 million 1212

13 PROGRAMME 4: INTERNATIONAL 1313 2012 payment schedule February 2012March 2012 AU membership fees 123 326 UN membership 85 045 IBSA 7 580 ARF 450 370 Total 215 951 450 370

14 1414 Thank you

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