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The Island of Bulls Open Court Unit 2_Lesson 3. Word Knowledge Line 1: huge enormous maze labyrinth Line 2: Crete beast fresco sacrifice Line 3: ferocious.

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Presentation on theme: "The Island of Bulls Open Court Unit 2_Lesson 3. Word Knowledge Line 1: huge enormous maze labyrinth Line 2: Crete beast fresco sacrifice Line 3: ferocious."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Island of Bulls Open Court Unit 2_Lesson 3

2 Word Knowledge Line 1: huge enormous maze labyrinth Line 2: Crete beast fresco sacrifice Line 3: ferocious account philosophy harmonize Line 4: imbedded impressions involving inspired recommend S1: The beast was so huge that its enormous body filled the entire movie screen. S2: Rain soaked the whole field and delayed our game. S3: The team captain gave a cheer and the children joined in. S4: The imbedded shells left impressions on the riverbed rock.

3 Vocabulary presumed (pre-sumed): accepted as true; supposed civilization (civ-i-li-za-tion): the way of life of a particular people, place, or time moonstones (moon-stones): a pearly gemstone curious (cu-ri-ous): eager to know or learn gpysum (gyp-sum): a common mineral used especially in cement stucco (stuc-co): plaster or cement used for covering outside walls or for ornamenting inside walls. enlightened (en-light-ened): to have given knowledge or wisdom to oblivion (ob-liv-i-on): the state or condition of being entirely forgotten

4 Spelling: The Island of Bulls 1. include 2. impose 3. immense 4. increase 5. influx 6. ingredient 7. inhabit 8. innate 9. integrate 10. relaxing 11. remorse 12. relationship 13. recommend 14. reorganize 15. reflect 16. indent 17. imbedded 18. impressions 19. involving 20. inspired

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