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Vocabulary #2 Definitions, Part of Speach, Synonyms, Etymology.

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1 Vocabulary #2 Definitions, Part of Speach, Synonyms, Etymology

2 labyrinth (LAB uh rinth) Noun complex, intricate network of passages, complicated situations: maze Synonyms: maze, tangle, conundrum (kuh NUN drum) A large maze built to hold the Minotaur; perhaps related to Lydian labrys "double- edged axe," symbol of royal power, which fits with the theory that the labyrinth was originally the royal Minoan palace on Crete and meant "palace of the double-axe”

3 Machiavellian - (make e uh VEL ee un) adjective unprincipled and crafty Synonyms: cunning, crafty, deceitful, guileful (GYLE ful) Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527), Florentine statesman and author of "Del Principe," a work advising rulers to place advantage above morality.

4 laconic - (luh KON ik) Adjective brief, concise Synonyms: brief, to the point, concise, terse (TURS) Lakonia, the district around Sparta in southern Greece in ancient times, whose inhabitants were famously proud of their brevity of speech: Ex: When Philip of Macedon threatened them with, "If I enter Laconia, I will raze Sparta to the ground," the Spartans' reply was, "If."

5 Lethargic - (Luh THAR jik) adjective lazy, sluggish, lacking energy Synonyms: drowsy, torpid (TOR pid) Latin lethargia; Greek lethargia originally "inactive through forgetfulness," from lethe "forgetfulness"

6 ostracize (OS truh size) Verb exclude from society, refuse to associate with, banish Synonyms: reject, isolate, shun (SHUN) a method of 10-year banishment in ancient Athens, by which the citizens gathered and wrote the names of men they deemed dangerous to the state on potsherds or tiles, and a man whose name turned up often enough was sent away. From Gk. ostrakismos," related to osteon "bone," ostreion "oyster".

7 Root Words junct – to join Conjunction, adjunct graph – to write biography, autograph cid – to kill Homicide, insecticide aud – to hear Audio, audience here, hes- to stick Adhere, adhesive

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