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Fostering International Cooperation in Research & Development Mauro Bianchi, TESEO FORESTA project coordinator ICT Policy Conference │Mexico │ 5/07/11.

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Presentation on theme: "Fostering International Cooperation in Research & Development Mauro Bianchi, TESEO FORESTA project coordinator ICT Policy Conference │Mexico │ 5/07/11."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fostering International Cooperation in Research & Development Mauro Bianchi, TESEO FORESTA project coordinator ICT Policy Conference │Mexico │ 5/07/11 Fostering International Cooperation in Research & Development Mauro Bianchi, TESEO FORESTA project coordinator ICT Policy Conference │Mexico │ 5/07/11

2 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 Strategy for International Cooperation >Contribute to sustainable development worldwide and foster Europe’s S&T excellence >New momentum to the Union's external relations takes full advantage of the opportunities provided by the Lisbon Treaty >Europe needs to promote its interests and values more assertively and in a spirit of reciprocity and mutual benefit

3 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 European Council Conclusions >The EU strategic partnerships with key players in the world provide a useful instrument for pursuing European objectives and interests >This will only work if they are two-way streets based on mutual interests and benefits >… and on the recognition that all actors have rights as well as duties

4 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 Madrid EU-LAC Summit 2010 >Following the Madrid Summit of May 2010 with Latin American and Caribbean countries… >… the EU is committed to continue to work closely together with the countries of the region in response to the global challenges facing all of us

5 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 In practice… >The achievement of those broad technology-related objectives is enacted through the Seventh Research Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development (FP7) >Strong international cooperation dimension But what is FP7..?

6 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 Introduction to FP7 National Governments Ministries and their policies DG’s and their funding programmes EU Funding Programmes = Operational & Financial instruments of EC FP7 is the main European funding instrument in the field of R&D

7 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 FP7 Overview COOPERATION Thematic transnational research collaboration IDEAS Funding to basic or frontier research PEOPLE Support to training, mobility and professional development CAPACITIES Horizontal programmes including INCO > 4 PILLARS >NUMEROUS THEMATIC PROGRAMMES PER PILLAR > CALLS FOR PROPOSALS PER THEMATIC PROGRAMME 

8 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 FP7 Budget (2007-2013) COOPERATION 32.5 B€ IDEAS 7.51 B€ PEOPLE 4.75 B€ CAPACITIES 4.1 B€ > 4 Pillars = 50.5 B€ >EURATOM + ERC = 2.75 B€ > TOTAL = 53.2 B€ >Distributed through approx. yearly calls for proposals…

9 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 International Cooperation under FP7 COOPERATIONIDEAS PEOPLECAPACITIES >Main research topics open to third countries >Objectives with regional target… >… JOINT CALLS FOR PROPOSALS >ICT PROGRAMME >Open to EU & third country researchers >Research host organisation in EU >“Marie Curie Actions” > International Outgoing Fellowships > International Incoming Fellowships > Research Staff Exchange >R&D policy dialogue (INCO) >Research host organisation in EU

10 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 The Cooperation Pillar >Subdivided into 10 Themes >ALL Cooperation calls are open to third country participation >Some topics are specifically intended for international cooperation projects >In some cases Coordinated Calls –EU and third country put money in projects –e.g. Brazil & Russia (ICT 2011) –e.g. India (KBBE, Energy, Transport) COOPERATIONIDEAS PEOPLECAPACITIES 1. Health 2. KBBE 3. ICT 4. NMP 5. Energy 6. Environment 7. Transport 8. SSH 9. Space 10. Security

11 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 Latin America in the ICT Programme COOPERATIONIDEAS PEOPLECAPACITIES >Participation of LA organisation has increased steadily from FP6 to FP7 > Excellent results in FP7 ( 6,1 M€ - excl. Call 7) > Objective: deepen the relationships (political, trade, etc.) through research cooperation in ICT > Call 7 Brazil Coordinated Call = 5M€ on each side >Result of: “critical mass” & “policy dialogue” Mexico’s participation in FP7 so far: 8 ICT SUCCESFUL PROJECT

12 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 >Participation encouraged in Call 8/9 >Objective 1.1 Future Networks >Objective 1.2 Cloud computing, Internet of Services and Advanced Software Engineering >Objective 1.4 Trustworthy ICT >Objective 1.6 FIRE >Objective 8.1 Technology-Enhanced learning >+ Targets for “emerging economies”, “low and middle >income countries” >+ Objective 9.4 FET International Cooperation: “non EU researcher teams” >Horizontal actions fostering international cooperation >Objective 10.3 International partnership building and support to dialogues (ICT Call 9: STREP/SICA) ICT Call 8/9 COOPERATIONIDEAS PEOPLECAPACITIES ICT Call 8 Deadline 17/01/2012 Budget 778.5 M€ ICT Call 9 Deadline 17/04/2012 Budget 291 M€

13 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 Marie Curie Actions >Reinforce the international (extra- European) dimension of the EU’s human resources in R&D >World Fellowships for 730 M€ in FP7 >Three programmes: COOPERATIONIDEAS PEOPLECAPACITIES >International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) >International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) >International Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)

14 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 The Capacities & Ideas Pillars COOPERATIONIDEAS PEOPLECAPACITIES COOPERATIONIDEAS PEOPLECAPACITIES >Creativity driven projects (no work programme) >Frontier research cannot be limited by national boundaries… >Visionaries are everywhere! >INCO: Structuring the political dialogue in R&D > S&T agreements (BILAT) >INCO NETs, ACCESS4EU, etc.

15 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 Priorities for international ICT cooperation >Europe cannot cooperate with all countries on all topics –Choice of third country partners –Choice of research topics –Guarantee of critical mass of resources >Research priorities for cooperation: should be ‘inspired’ by joint inputs from industry, academia and research institutes >Medium Long-term proactive approach… >Alignment with the work of the Technology Platforms is likely to facilitate cooperation

16 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 The Role of FORESTA >Aims to support/facilitate research dimension of ICT policy dialogue between EU and LA S&T Agreement countries >Identification of key areas for cooperation with EU in ICT research >Presentation of the state-of-the-art in international cooperation initiatives (FP7 and other) >Identification of opportunities for international cooperation from LA countries AR BR CL CO MX

17 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 A noble mission… >FORESTA prepares the necessary collaborative ground and makes it fertile… >Success can be reached if LA countries exploit this opportunity >Support LA countries’ interest with instruments and initiatives >We are not alone: other projects have complementary missions like… >The ball is ALSO on YOUR side!

18 ICT Challenges for Innovation │Santiago │ 7-8/06/11 Thank you for the attention Mr. Mauro BIANCHI TESEO Sprl │Brussels

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