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Unit 1 Women of achievement Warming up. Behind every successful man there are always a great woman!!

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1 Unit 1 Women of achievement Warming up

2 Behind every successful man there are always a great woman!!

3 Who are they?

4 Joan of Arc (1412-1431) 1. born in a village in France 2. lived at the time when British and France fought “the Hundred Years War” 3. encouraged the king crowned 4. showed the French army how to win the war

5 Elizabeth Fry (1780-1845) 1.1812 first visited Newgate Prison in London 2. 1816 began her prison school in Newgate Prison 3. 1823 New Prison Act: agreed to spend more money on prisoners 4. 1827 published a book about what she had seen in many prisons 5. 1832 gave evidence about prison conditions to the leaders

6 She was one of the top leaders in modern China.

7 Song Qingling (1893-1981) 1. born in shanghai 2. studied in America 3. married Sun Yat-sen 4. vice president of PRC 5. work for women and children welfare activities 6. head of the Women’s Federation

8 Lin Qiaozhi( 林巧稚 ) (1901-1983), China

9 Lin Qiaozhi(1901--1983) 1.Born in Xiamen in Fujian 2.1921 entered BJ University a PhD degree in Gynecology 4. 1932 went to London for further study 5. 1933 studied at the Chicago University Medical School 6.Returned to China as the Head of Gynecology and Obstetrics in 1940 7. 1949 went to study women’s diseases 8. 1983 died leaving her body for medical research

10 Jane Goodall (1934- ), Britain

11 As a young girl, she always wanted to study animals. She went to Africa and studied chimps instead of going to university. Her research showed the connections between chimps and human beings. She works to protect chimps everywhere.

12 Jody Williams (1950- ), USA 1.In 1912 she began to organize ICBL (the International Campaign to Ban Landmines) 2. ICBL was Given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997 and Jody’s work was recognized.

13 She helped found an international campaign to stop the making of landmines ( 地雷 ). She also worked hard to make as many countries as possible agree not to use them. She and her organization were given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1997.

14 Women can hold up half of the sky.

15 In pairs discuss what makes them great.

16 NameAmbition ProblemsSacrifices Joan of Arc To drive the English from France Women were not allowed to fight like a man. She lost her life.

17 NameAmbition ProblemsSacrifices Elizabeth Fry To help improve prison conditions She was criticized for neglecting her family and enjoying fame. Less time was spent with her husband and family.

18 NameAmbition ProblemsSacrifices Song Qingling Her relatives held political opinions completely different from hers. After her husband died, she lived alone. To work for civil rights, democracy and peace

19 NameAmbition ProblemsSacrifices Lin Qiaozhi To help women and children with their illness and health Women had greater difficulties getting into medical college and getting further training. She never got married or had a family of her own.

20 NameAmbition ProblemsSacrifices Jane Goodall To work with animals in the wild She lived a hard life in the wild. She gave up the comforts of life to study the chimps.

21 NameAmbition ProblemsSacrifices Jody Williams To prevent the making and use of landmines. It isn’t easy to work with groups in different countries and persuade governments to stop the making and use of landmines. She has lost her own personal time because of the demands of the job.

22 Personal qualities of the great people determined brave confident warm-hearted responsible unselfish honest intelligent broad-and-open minded generous kind modest hard-working considerate helpful active independent Group work: Brainstorm

23 Match the words with their meanings. welfare institute connections human beings campaign organization 1.a group of people formed together to achieve a certain aim 2. a series of planned activities with a social or political aim 3. happiness and health of people; money paid by the government 4. the way in which two facts, events, etc. are related to each other 5. a society that has a particular purpose 6. a man, woman or child

24 1. achievement achieve: v. 完成 ; 做到 ; 实现 achievement: n. 完成 ; 成绩 ; 成就 I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain. 当我到达山顶的时候, 我有一种巨大的 成就感。 Language Points

25 2. She concerned herself with welfare projects. concern…with 关心 ; 关怀 如 : We must concern ourselves with current affairs. 我们必须关心时事。

26 Homework 1.Surf the Internet to find more great women and describe them in a short passage. 2. Preview the reading “A student of African wildlife”. Study the new words and finish Exercise 1 on page 3.

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