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WAVE INTERACTIONS Longitudinal Wave (Compression Wave) wave particles vibrate back and forth along the path that the wave travels.

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Presentation on theme: "WAVE INTERACTIONS Longitudinal Wave (Compression Wave) wave particles vibrate back and forth along the path that the wave travels."— Presentation transcript:



3 Longitudinal Wave (Compression Wave) wave particles vibrate back and forth along the path that the wave travels.

4  Compressions = The close together part of the wave (regions of high density).  Rarefactions = The spread-out parts of a wave (regions of low density).  Wavelength = the distance between successive rarefactions or successive compressions.

5 Transverse waves wave particles vibrate in an up- and-down motion.

6 Transverse Wave Description- Frequency ( f ) = the number of vibrations per unit of time made by the vibrating source. Units - cycles per second 1/s------Hertz (Hz)

7 Amplitude- Height of a wave, from the baseline to the crest or trough.

8 Wavelength ( )= Distance between adjacent crests in a transverse wave Distance a wave travels during one vibration - meters Units

9 Picture of a Transverse Wave Crest Trough Wavelength A A - Amplitude Baseline

10 Waves transfer energy without transferring matter. Frequency= waves/time

11 WAVE INTERFERENCE= when two waves meet while traveling along the same medium.

12 Constructive interference occurs when waves are in phase, that is when crests are superimposed and troughs are superimposed.

13 Destructive interference occurs when waves are out of phase, that is when crests are superimposed with troughs.

14 Electromagnetic Spectrum— Transfer of Radiation -- Transverse waves --They type of radiation is based on the waves wavelength and only the wavelength. --The spectrum from left to right decreases in Wavelength and increase in frequency and energy.


16 The Electromagnetic Spectrum  ROY G BIV = Visible Light in of decreasing wavelength Maxwell - (c. 1864) light is an EM wave

17 Visible Light: Color

18 Dispersion … Color separates using a prism because different colors have different wavelengths. Red light bends the least and purple light bends the most.

19 Colored lights combine to appear white.

20 Colored lights add to become white. Why then do paints add to become black?

21 Answer: paints are pigments. Pigments are chemicals which are capable of absorbing one or more frequency of white light.

22 Reflection= Light reflects when it bounces off the surface of a material


24 Refraction= The Bending of light as it passes through a substance. The shape of the lens determines how the light behaves.



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