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Maryland at Edgerton Channelization  Maryland Avenue – Ramsey County Roadway  ADT 20,000 plus  Maryland/Edgerton Intersection in top 10 Citywide for.

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1 Maryland at Edgerton Channelization  Maryland Avenue – Ramsey County Roadway  ADT 20,000 plus  Maryland/Edgerton Intersection in top 10 Citywide for Crashes  5 year period ending 12-31-14  134 Crashes - # 7 on City Crash mapping database

2 Maryland at Edgerton Channelization  Acquire ROW and widen street to south to allow for construction of left turn lane, new traffic signal, etc  Reduce Crashes and Improve Operations  Similar to other safety projects White Bear @ Maryland, Minnehaha Maryland @ Prosperity, Rice, Arkwright (2013) Payne (2014)

3 Maryland at Edgerton Channelization  Ramsey County – Applied for Federal Safety Funds  Public Works requesting total of $750,000 in 2017-2018 for City Share  50/50 cost split City/County for ROW Acquisition  City Share of Construction Cost  Widening and ROW Acquisition between Edgerton and Payne completed  County plans to proceed with Construction in 2018 or 2019.

4 Maryland at Edgerton Channelization  Maryland/White Bear Crash History Project Constructed 2007

5 Phalen Boulevard @ Mississippi Street Traffic Signal  I-35E Cayuga Project to be completed in late 2015 or 2016  New Interchange at Cayuga  Section of Phalen Blvd/Pennsylvania Reconstructed

6 Phalen Boulevard @ Mississippi Street Traffic Signal

7  HealthPartners Neuroscience Building and Parking Ramp Proposed Initial Build Out  128,000 SF Building  680 Parking Spaces Future Build Out  192,000 SF Building  960 Parking Spaces

8 Phalen Boulevard @ Mississippi Street Traffic Signal

9  Phalen Blvd – Projected ADT 14,400  Mississippi – Projected ADT 7,600  Construct Traffic Signal in 2017  HealthPartners to Contribute $150,000  Requesting $125,000 of MSA Funds to Fund City Share

10 Phalen Boulevard @ Olive Street Traffic Signal  Same Background Information as signal at Mississippi Street  Phalen Blvd – Projected ADT 14,400  Olive – Projected ADT 3,000  Construct Traffic Signal in 2016  HealthPartners to Contribute $150,000  Requesting $125,000 of MSA Funds to Fund City Share

11 Safe Route to Schools Plan Development  Requesting $100,000 of CIB Funds in 2016 and $100,000 2017  Plan to pursue additional planning funding from other sources  Create/Update Safe Route to School Plans St. Paul Public Schools Private Schools Charter Schools

12 Safe Route to Schools Plan Development


14  In past City/School District had robust Safe Routes to School Program  Over time, we have fallen behind due to many changes in schools and Public Works staff reductions  Missing Opportunity for State, Federal and other Funding for Infrastructure Improvements

15 Safe Route to Schools Plan Development  Requesting $100,000 of CIB Funds in 2016 and $100,000 2017  Once Plan for Individual schools are established, could then apply for State, Federal and other Funding Sources  Incorporate Infrastructure Improvements in City/County/MnDOT Projects

16 Safe Route to Schools Plan Development  Ties into City 8-80 Vitality Program  Crossing Improvements benefit entire community  Evolve into Citywide Map  Associated Education Enforcement Efforts benefit Pedestrians and Bicyclists  High School use of Met Transit Buses

17 Safe Route to Schools Plan Development

18  Met with School District and they are supportive  Letters of Support Transit for Livable Communities Bicycle Alliance of Minnesota Joan Pasiuk St. Paul Smart Trips

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