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What is Photography? The Syllabus.  to use the camera as an art tool to capture great photographs, not just snapshots.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Photography? The Syllabus.  to use the camera as an art tool to capture great photographs, not just snapshots."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Photography? The Syllabus

2  to use the camera as an art tool to capture great photographs, not just snapshots

3  think about what you see and design strong photographic compositions

4  learn about famous photographers and careers in photography

5  reflect on your own photography and the work of your classmates

6  learn and use Adobe Photoshop to create and manipulate digital images

7  spend a substantial amount of time shooting images for various assignments

8  Sketchbook – you will make one in class and must bring it to every class  Pencil – bring one to every class  Digital Camera with memory card  USB Flash Drive, 2GB minimum and/or Blank CDs

9  it is expected that you will bring your own batteries and memory card reader or USB cable to connect your camera to the computers

10  Must sign it out and return it by next class  Borrowing for extended amount of time must have prior approval  Limited number available on first come, first served basis – plan accordingly  You are responsible for returning cameras on time – failure to do so will result in a 5-point deduction from your weekly grade

11  Weekly contact sheet of 40 images  Top 2 images from each weekly contact sheet

12  Sketchbook assignments related to each individual project

13  One 3-5 minute PowerPoint presentation on a famous photographer  One research worksheet on a career in photography

14  5-7 large scale photo unit projects

15 Weekly Contact Sheet and Images:  Given weekly grades for contact sheets and top 2 images  Worth 40% of overall grade  100 possible points  See weekly rubric for expectations and requirements

16 Sketchbooks:  Required to complete sketchbook assignments related to each unit project  Worth 10% of overall grade  10 and 50 possible points

17 Projects:  Rubrics provided at the beginning of all projects (including the presentation and research worksheet)  Worth 50% of overall grade  100 possible points

18  Due date given at the start of each assignment  Expected that you will work both in class and outside of class  Five points deducted on weekly contact sheets and projects that are one day late  One point deducted for every subsequent day late  No late work accepted on presentations and research worksheets  One point deducted on sketchbook assignments for every day they are late

19 Behind on a project?  Sign-up to finish it Lunch or After School. Plan ahead - this room is not always open to students Won’t complete assignment on time?  Your responsibility to communicate with me in advance of the due date with a valid explanation of why you need more time  If you have not worked to your fullest potential or made full use of class time you will not be allowed extra time to complete the assignment

20  WLSS Code of Conduct applies in all of my classes  See Agendas for full rules and expectations  My class rule: RESPECT

21  When the bell rings to START class:  In seats, quiet and ready to begin class  When the bell rings to END class:  In seats, cleaned up, ready to tuck chairs in and leave  Lateness  Unexcused and repeated will result in contact home  Absences  Must be excused and legitimate  Attendance lists are checked daily  You are responsible for making up class work and reviewing materials discussed in class  Students found skipping are given a ‘0’ for their weekly grade

22  No cell phones in class at any time  Using cell phone = taken away and given to the office until the end of the day  iPods OK only during work times and provided you can still hear me while using them

23  Check daily agenda… Today is OK, after initial instruction No iPods today

24 Clean-up own workspace 2-3 minutes prior to the end of the block  Pick up papers, pencils, and scraps  Log off computers  Return stylus, tablet, mouse to correct location  Lower and tuck in chairs  Return cameras, cords and card readers Clean-up early = stay extra time to assist in additional clean-up tasks

25  No food or drink is to be consumed in the art room at any time during the day  If you have food or drink with you when you enter the room you must leave them on the cabinets until the end of class

26  No food or drink at any computer, any time, under any circumstances!  Keep your area clean  Lower and push in chairs at the end of EVERY CLASS  Return the styluses to their holders  Do not save to the desktop, always save to your server space  Save often to avoid losing your work

27  These computers are for art applications, research, and resources…not games, social networking, etc. = Points off Time & Effort Grade

28  For students in good standing  No missing work  Good behavior  Complete all projects on time  Extra credit projects given for extra points on 10 week average  Variety of projects to choose from  If you are in class and have no work to complete, see me for one of these fun projects

29 All projects & assignments are posted on Shared Files and my Website Pathway to Course Files: Sd27 Schools WLSS WLSS WEB PAGE Mrs Wright WEBSITE:

30  Make a sketchbook… 1. One piece of construction paper, folded in half 2. 10-15 pieces of printer paper, put inside fold 3. Staple 3 times along folded edge 4. Decorate cover in a way that will help me learn more about you. Include: your full name and class block 5. Glue “Student and Parent Reference Sheet” to inside cover…put one in your agenda too!

31  Bring home syllabus to review with parent/guardian – see this PowerPoint on Blog  Cut out Student and Parent Reference Sheet and give to your parents to put in appropriate place for reference  Get parent/guardian’s name, phone number and email address on Contact Information sheet and return to me  Complete questionnaire and return to me  Due: Start of next class…easy 10 points!

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