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Make a pocket in your sketchbook: This is for your magazine pieces for your collage. Yes, you need to make a new one. STEPS: 1.Reach to the corner and.

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Presentation on theme: "Make a pocket in your sketchbook: This is for your magazine pieces for your collage. Yes, you need to make a new one. STEPS: 1.Reach to the corner and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Make a pocket in your sketchbook: This is for your magazine pieces for your collage. Yes, you need to make a new one. STEPS: 1.Reach to the corner and get a piece of paper. (If you want more variety go up to the scrap paper box.) 2.Title the page : Magazine pieces for collage 3.Put glue on the back on 3 sides only. 4.Put a line of glue 5.Glue the bottom, left side, and right side. 6.DO NOT GLUE THE TOP. GLUEGLUE GLUEGLUE GLUE

2 Drill: 1.Take out your registration sheet. 2.Why is your Fundamentals of Art credit important? 3.List 4 courses that you can take after you have your Fundamentals of Art Credit. 4.Sign up for them so that guidance can remind you when you register. Objective: We will discuss registration options to plan for courses that we will sign up for next year.

3 What other Art Classes are there at Lansdowne? What does completion of Fundamentals of Art entitle you to take? ~FINE ARTS (ART 2) ~ Studio Art (Art 3) ~ Independent Study (Art 4) ~ Clay Design 1 and 2 ~Photography 1/ 2 ~Multi-media Graphics- Televideo Yearbook * Newspaper Sign up for Art for next year!

4 With a Fundamentals of Art credit, I can sign up for… Fine Arts (Art 2)






10 With a Fundamentals of Art credit, I can sign up for… Design in Clay

11 With a Fundamentals of Art credit, I can sign up for… Design in Clay

12 With a Fundamentals of Art credit, I can sign up for… Multimedia

13 With a Fundamentals of Art credit, I can sign up for… Photography

14 What communications courses are available to me? Journalism/Photojournalism

15 What communications courses are available to me? Televideo

16 What communications courses are available to me? Televideo

17 What communications courses are available to me? Yearbook

18 With a Fine Arts (Art 2) credit, I can sign up for… Studio Art

19 With a Fine Arts (Art 2) credit, I can sign up for… Studio Art

20 With a Fine Arts (Art 2) credit, I can sign up for… Studio Art

21 Which courses are you interested to take next year? Sign up for Fine Arts! Art 2! What have you heard people say about these courses? Positive things? Sign up right now on Miss Gauger’s sheet.

22 Make a pocket in your sketchbook: This is for your magazine pieces for your collage. Yes, you need to make a new one. STEPS: 1. Reach to the corner and get a piece of paper. (If you want more variety go up to the scrap paper box.) 2.Put glue on the back on 3 sides only. 3.Put a line of glue 4.Glue the bottom, left side, and right side. 5.DO NOT GLUE THE TOP. 6.Title the page : Magazine pieces for collage GLUEGLUE GLUEGLUE GLUE


24 Studio Goals for class period and rest of week: 1.Finish TAKE 12 – (12 TAKES ON ONE OBJECT) 2.Finish Altered Book and Table of Contents 3.Finish 3 interesting Non-Objective Artworks and critique sheet. 4.Complete these sketchbook assignments: 1.ABSTRACT DAY ONE 2.COMPOSITIONAL STRATEGIES 3.BANK OF LINES, SHAPES, WAYS TO MAKE VALUE 4.ACRYLIC TECHNIQUES 5.WATERCOLOR TECHNIQUES 6.ABSTRACT ARTIST RESEARCH 5.SHOW MISS GAUGER SKETCHBOOK ASSIGNMENTS AT COMPUTER. 6.If everything is done do this: CREATE AN ARTWORK INSPIRED BY NATURE. INTERPRET IT YOUR OWN WAY. TURN FOR IT TO GO IN A SHOW.

25 Objective: You will use a list in Order to know which assignments You need to complete today. DRILL: 1.Get a check sheet from corner. 2.Check off what you did. 3.Circle what you need to complete. 4.Glue into sketchbook. 5.Finish assignments. 6.Turn in sketchbook asap. When finished: 1.Do an artwork inspired by nature. 2.Start collecting school appropriate magazine images for your collage.

26 Artwork “Inspired by Nature” HELP US CHOOSE!!!! * Vote on your 2 favorites. * Walk over and look at the 5 artworks in the back. * Then come up and place a check in the column Of the 2 that you like the best. * THE HIGHEST VOTED ARTWORK WILL GO IN A COUNTY ART SHOW WITH THE TITLE “INSPIRED BY NATURE”.

27 If you do not have anymore pages in your sketchbook: 1.Buy a new sketchbook. 2.Use the backs of your pages!!! 3.Find your folder from the 1 st week of school. Get 20 + pieces of white copy paper. STAPLE THE PAGES IN! This will be your new sketchbook. *FOLDERS ARE IN SKETCHBOOK CABINET OR STILL IN THE GRADED BOX.


29 ASSIGNMENTS due: 1. Grid day one. 50pts 2. One inch grid. 70 pts 3. ½ inch grid. 30pts 4. Make a 1 inch frame 25 pts 5. 2011 2012 reflection- 50pts 6. Upside down drawing 50pts 7. Pocket- yes or no- 25 pts

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