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By Joey, Ari, Seth, and Mathias. The Corvair was manufactured between 1960 and 1969. The models are split into two generations. First generation is 1960-1964.

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Presentation on theme: "By Joey, Ari, Seth, and Mathias. The Corvair was manufactured between 1960 and 1969. The models are split into two generations. First generation is 1960-1964."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Joey, Ari, Seth, and Mathias

2 The Corvair was manufactured between 1960 and 1969. The models are split into two generations. First generation is 1960-1964 and second is 1965-1969. In 1965, the Ford Mustang became more popular than the Corvair.

3 About 1,710,018 rear-engine Corvairs were sold between 1960 and 1969. The Corvairs six-cylinder engine generates 80-95 mph horsepower which brought up its popularity greatly. Some people called the Corvairs the “poor man’s Porsche.”


5 1966 Corvair 500 This car has 95 horse power. 1960 Corvair 700 This 1960 model also has 95 horse power. 1962 Corvair 900 This model has 150 horse power.

6 One pro is that they are a odd looking, unique car. One con is they are unsafe at any speed. Another pro is they are an automobile. Another con is they were discontinued do to safety precautions.

7 Corvair is the 1st and only mass-produced American vehicle offering an air- cooled rear engine design, unibody construction, factory turbo-charging, and 4-wheel independent suspension. The 1962 Corvair Spyder, along with the 1962 Oldsmobile F-85 Jetfire, was America’s 1st vehicle to offer factory turbo-charging. The 9-passenger Corvair Greenbrier van is considered by many auto historians to be the forerunner of the modern minivan.

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