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History 155 American Business History Lecture 6 Overview of the Industrial Revolution Shelley Morrisette.

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Presentation on theme: "History 155 American Business History Lecture 6 Overview of the Industrial Revolution Shelley Morrisette."— Presentation transcript:

1 History 155 American Business History Lecture 6 Overview of the Industrial Revolution Shelley Morrisette

2 Review of Prior Lectures and Readings:  Whaling Industry  Wealth of Nations  The Business of Slavery  American Mercantilism  Free Trade

3 Industrial Revolution Images

4 Objectives for the Lecture:  Why was the Industrial Revolution a Revolution?  It may appear as an evolution, but it impacts the population in an immediate and revolutionary manner!

5 Source: Brad DeLong

6 GDP/Per Capita by year YearGDP/Per Capita -100000092 -30000092 -2500093 -10000103 -5000103 -2000112 -1000112 0113 200113 800116 1000116 YearGDP/Per Capita 1200109 1400109 1500138 1600141 1700160 1800190 1900679 19501650 19753800 20006800 Source: Brad DeLong

7 GDP Per/Capita 2014 1.Qatar$143,427 2.Luxembourg$92,049 3.Singapore $82,762 6.Norway$66,937 10.United States$54,597 89.China$12,010 125.India$5,327 198.Central African Republic $600 Source: WHO

8 How long does it take to earn an hour of light?  Today:½ second of work (new bulb)  1950:8 seconds of work (incandescent)  1880:15 minutes of work (kerosene lamp)  1800:6 hours of work (candle) Source: Matt Ridley

9 What was the Industrial Revolution?

10 When did it occur?

11 Industrial Revolution Timeline 1793: Cotton Gin 1763: Steam Engine 1837: Morse Code/Telegraph 1786: Steam Boat 1829: Typewriter 1845: Sewing Machine

12 What were the outcomes of the I.R.?

13 Answers  Huge migration of cities  Factory system launched  Mass production of goods  Industrial capitalism  Increased standard of living  Expansion of democracy  Power of ordinary people rises  Increased leisure time  Science and research stimulated  Foreign markets for goods

14 Why is it important?

15 Answers  Changed the world – forever!  Industrialization destroyed workers’ independence  Huge investments required to operate large businesses – modern capitalism  Overproduction  Monopoly power  Unemployment  Mass produced goods were cheaper  Increased standard of living

16 What was good about the I.R.?

17 Answers  Country and people became wealthier  Child mortality decreased  Literacy increased  Life expectancy increased  Overall health and wellbeing increased  Workers received more political power  Growing middle class

18 What was bad about the I.R.?

19 Answers  Until regulation and laws were enacted, businesses created many externalities that included:  Pollution  Child – labor  Work death/accidents  Monopoly profits  Political influence/corruption  Workers lost independence

20 When did it end?

21 Answers  There is no date certain. Many historians use different dates for different countries:  England (1760 – 1880)  USA (1800 – 1908)  Many other countries are industrializing now!  China  India  Vietnam

22 What does it all mean?

23 Answers  Industrialization is good and bad. With regulation the bad can be managed.  For industrialization to occur a power source is necessary  Energy and GDP are perfectly correlated  Energy must be – cheap, plentiful, reliable, dense, and scalable  All countries of the world want to industrialize because it means more “stuff” for their citizens  People want stuff – smartphones, jeans, cars, etc.

24 Next time  Impact of Industrial Revolution  Communication/Transportation/Production/War  Economics  Politics  Society/Culture/Quality of Life  Backlash of Industrial Revolution  Romanticism  Marxism/Socialism  Luddites

25 Questions?

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