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Ivailo Chakarov System Development, Tools... Ivo Chakarov Telephone: 01782 208208 Ext. 3300 Website:

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Presentation on theme: "Ivailo Chakarov System Development, Tools... Ivo Chakarov Telephone: 01782 208208 Ext. 3300 Website:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Ivailo Chakarov System Development, Tools... Ivo Chakarov Telephone: 01782 208208 Ext. 3300 Email: Website: Room: T47

2 Ivailo Chakarov The module: System Development, Tools, Techniques and Methods Code: CE00838-5 Credits: 15 Module Descriptor Link Learning hours: 150 System Development, Tools...

3 Ivailo Chakarov Introduction: This module will build upon the second part of the IT Skills module studied before. The module discusses how to use structured techniques and a method such as SSADM to analyse, design and implement a system that utilises a database. Aspects of HCI relevant to this type of system will be considered. System Development, Tools...

4 Ivailo Chakarov System Development, Tools... Topics covered: How systems are built – SDLCs System failure Requirements capture Process modelling Data modelling

5 Ivailo Chakarov Assessment: Case study assignment: weighted at 100% 5 deliverables (each with different weighting) Each task will require that you: –Familiarise yourself with the case study –Apply the theory to the specific case study! (most marks will be allocated here) You will be required to submit a report as part of your assessment Deadline for each assessment component System Development, Tools...

6 Ivailo Chakarov Assessment (cont.): You MUST submit your work on time! Submission would be via College’s Moodle: Weightings o Context diagram (10%) o Aim of the system (5%) o Data flow diagrams (30%) o Entity relationship model (30%) o Problems & resolutions section (20%) o Report presentation (5%) System Development, Tools...

7 Ivailo Chakarov Recommended texts: Essentials of System Analysis and Design, 2nd Edition, Joseph S. Valacich, Joey F. George, and Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Pearson Prentice Hall, Dec 2007 ISBN 13: 9780132017565Essentials of System Analysis and Design Interaction Design Beyond Human Computer Interaction, Preece, Rogers & Sharp 2002, Wyllie (Essential Reading), ISBN: 0471492787Interaction Design Beyond Human Computer Interaction Information Systems Development, D Avison & G Fitzgerald, McGraw Hill, 2002 ISBN: 0077096266Information Systems Development System Development, Tools...

8 Ivailo Chakarov Other resources: QSEE Superlite software Various process modelling and data modelling web sites System Development, Tools...

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