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FCTL Summer Conference 2012 Information Fluency Track María Redmon and Gregory Thompson.

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Presentation on theme: "FCTL Summer Conference 2012 Information Fluency Track María Redmon and Gregory Thompson."— Presentation transcript:

1 FCTL Summer Conference 2012 Information Fluency Track María Redmon and Gregory Thompson

2  In Spanish language class students hear the language patterns and pronunciation characteristics of their instructors and find it difficult to comprehend speakers with different patterns and characteristics.  Lacking the aural comprehension needed to carry on a conversation at an elementary level, our students feel frustration, becoming unwilling to listen, or participate actively in oral communication tasks.

3  Our objective is to develop aural comprehension material targeting lower level aural comprehension, oral production, and global competence within the interpersonal communication tasks in the Spanish-language classes.  We propose to produce 5 oral recordings (3-5 minutes) and 2 DVD/ web recordings (10 minutes) of native speakers engaged in conversations.

4  Native Spanish-speaking students were asked to support this project through recordings of authentic conversations.  The audio recordings include greetings and general presentations, talking about family and traditions, storytelling, travel, and culture of the countries represented by the actors/students.  We will use sites such as the Rosen College, Rollins College, and La Tomatina (tapas restaurant) for the video recordings to provide a more authentic feel.

5  Before the conference ◦ We selected native Spanish-speaking students to participate in the recordings.  During the conference ◦ We developed storyboards for the audio recordings ◦ We recorded two audio samples and initiated development of the structure and design for one DVD/web presentation.  After the conference ◦ Implementing the knowledge gained during the conference, we will complete the oral and video recordings during the fall semester when additional students are on campus and available. ◦ Develop student and teacher guides for use of these materials in the Spanish classes.

6  Making your own multiliteracy Mandala ◦ Helped us to broaden our view and organization of multiple literacies in our project\  What a photo is really saying: Pedagogical insight into visual literacy ◦ When recording our videos, we are going to consider the importance and impact of the images presented to the students.  Sex, lies, and multiple lives: Game design literacy as a framework for pedagogy ◦ Iterative design, playfulness, storytelling, multimedia, and interactive approach to our material.







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