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Published byAlexia Wade Modified over 9 years ago
Introduction to Component-Based Software Engineering
Ivica Crnkovic Mälardalen University, Department of Computer Engineering Sweden Page 1, 25 April 2017
Topic overview 1 The challenges of SW- how can CBD help?
What is a software component? Software Architecture and Software Components Basic principles of component-based approach Component-based Software Development Process Problems and research issues References Page 2, 25 April 2017
Part 1 The challenges of software development - how can component software help?
Page 3, 25 April 2017
NATO conf 1968 SW crisis SW engineering components Software problems How to develop high quality software in an efficient an inexpensive way? The “software crisis” (1968) still exists: SW is late SW is buggy SW is expensive SW is difficult to understand Software is difficult to maintain (problems with software life cycle) Page 4, 25 April 2017
SW Productivity Gap (ITEA)
Page 5, 25 April 2017
Challanges of Software Engineering
(The author of slides with blue background: Michel Chaudron, TUe Page 6, 25 April 2017
Page 7, 25 April 2017
Software paradigm shift
Productivity © 2001 ITEA Office Assoc ITEA-Softec project Agent-based development Component-based development Object-Oriented Development Structured programming Time Design method SA/SO UML ADL’s ??? COBOL, C FORTRAN, ADA Smalltalk C++ C++ Java Agglets ? Language We have been moving system organisation since the 70-ies from mainframe to client server to the current N-tier distributed systems in development, moving towards self organising SW systems. We started software engineering technologies with structured programming (Structured Analysis and Organisation) and moved through Object-Oriented development now to Component-Based Technologies. The next step maybe Agent-based. Aspect based OO and CBT allows us to improve the requirements and system modeling, to set up SW development platforms based on re-use and COTS, using Architecture Design Languages at design level We are working at technologies to support distributed SW development. However, the Component based development is not yet well understood and broadly used. Large problems remain, e.g. including non-functional requirements at the design phase, scalability of architectures and design patterns, testing and validation in particular in a distributed environment, reconfiguration. At the same time we need to work towards the next step to allow connectivity for pervasive computing, dynamic reconfigurability, to create self-organising and self-correcting software. We could call this “agent-based development” We can be confident that the Information Society will come over us. How beneficial it will be and when the various steps will be made, depends on how we will address the challenges ahead. The above considerations will certainly shape the planning currently ongoing for the sixth FP. System organization Mainframe Client-server N-tier distributed Self-organizing 1970 1990 2000 2005 Page 8, 25 April 2017
Answer: Component-based Development
Idea: Build software systems from pre-existing components (like building cars from existing components) Building components that can be reused in different applications Separate development of components from development of systems Page 9, 25 April 2017
Component-Based Software Engineering (CBSE)
Provides methods and tools for Building systems from components Building components as reusable units Performing maintenance by replacement of components and introducing new components into the system Page 10, 25 April 2017
Component-based software construction (1)
components Component #1 construction application Component Component Component #1 #2 #4 Component #2 Component Component Component #3 #3 #4 Page 11, 25 April 2017
Concentration on the business parts
“30 % of SW development effort is spent on infrastructure that adds no value” Application specific Business issues GUI GUI Standard Reusable parts Communication Data model Deployment INFRASTRUCTURE Page 12, 25 April 2017
Is CBD the same as OOP? Object Object Attributes Attributes Methods
Object-oriented programming Object Attributes Methods Object Attributes Methods Message Are objects the same as components? Page 13, 25 April 2017
Side remark: OO and reuse
Object orientation is not primarily concerned with reuse, but with appropriate domain/problem representation using the technological enablers Objects, classes, inheritance, polymorphism Experience has shown that the use of OO does not necessarily produce reusable SW CBD scale reusable entities: Component = many objects in collaboration reusable parts on the execution level (plug-in) Additional services provided by component models Page 14, 25 April 2017
Part 2 What is a software component?
Page 15, 25 April 2017
Architectural point of view
The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software components [and connectors], the externally visible properties of those components [and connectors] and the relationships among them.” Bass L., Clements P., and Kazman R., Software Architecture in Practice, C1 C4 C2 C3 C5 Page 16, 25 April 2017
Another example Object Management Architecture Overview
CORBAapps CORBAdomains CORBAfacilities CORBA (Common Object Request Broker Architecture) This is the Object Management Architecture. It is not read top-down or bottom-up, but rather inside-out: The most important component is the Object Request Broker (ORB). This is responsible for providing access to clients and servers to discover objects (applications), discover their interfaces, make requests and receive responses. Everything else in the architecture is an object, communicating with other objects via the ORB. We categorize objects into three groups based on one criterion: when the standardization process will get to them: Object Services are the low-level services that must be available on all platforms in a distributed system (e.g., lifecycle); Common Facilities are the commonly-found services in particular distributed systems (e.g., , print queueing); Application Objects are the high-level applications themselves (e.g., spreadsheets, word processors, programmable controllers). Transactions Event Security Naming CORBAservices 4/25/2017
Corba component model Page 18, 25 April 2017
Some successful components: In the past...
Mathematical libraries NAGLIB - Fortran Library Mathematical and physical functions Characteristics Well defined theory behind the functions - very well standardized Simple Interface - procedural type of communication between client (application) and server (component) Well defined input and output Relative good error handling Difficult for adaptation (not flexible) Page 19, 25 April 2017
Some successful components: The big ones…
Client - server type Database Relational databases, (Object-oriented databases, hierarchical databases) Standard API - SQL Different dialects of the standard X-windows Standard API, callback type of communication High level of adaptation Too general - difficult to use it Page 20, 25 April 2017
Even bigger components: Operating systems
Example - Unix A general purpose OS, used as a platform for dedicated purposes Standard API - POSIX Commands uses as components in a shell-process Example: sort out words from text files: $ cat file1 file2 file | sed ’s/ /\ /g’ | sort -u >words.txt Different variants, POSIX is not sufficient Not a real component behavior (difficult to replace or update) MS Windows ... Page 21, 25 April 2017
Frameworks - building “the real components”
Component Object Management - COM, Active X Enterprise JavaBeans CORBA components .NET Late binding - easy replacement Word document Excel document My_application Excel document component Page 22, 25 April 2017
Example: The architecture of a car control system
Infotaiment gateway (CAN) BUS ECU Sensor Actuator ECU Sensor Actuator brake injection ECU Sensor Sensor Actuator Vehicle mechanics ECU – Electronic Control Unit Page 23, 25 April 2017
The architectural design challenge
Vehicle stability Suspension Drive by wire …… Complex functions Local Control Functions Local Control Functions Basic functions Sensor Sensor Sensor Actuator Sensor Actuator How to implement complex functions based on local control functions? Page 24, 25 April 2017
Problem: resource sharing
Network resources Execution resources Sensor 1 Node 1 Actuator 1 Sensor 2 Node 2 Actuator 2 Sensor 3 Node 3 Actuator 3 Sensor .. Node … Actuator … Sensor .. Node … Actuator … Can functions of different criticality be allowed to share resources? Page 25, 25 April 2017
Challenge – open and dependable platform
Collision detection Antispin Global (complex) functions Cruise control Vehicle stability local Engine Control Local brake Control Transmission ……… sensors actuators Vehicle Applications ECU SOFTWARE COMPONENTS Middleware Input/output drivers Hardware Page 26, 25 April 2017
Challenge – open and dependable platform
Applications Middleware Input/output drivers Hardware ECU ECU ECU Requirements Separation of hw from SW development Separation of SW component development Page 27, 25 April 2017
Szyperski: Software Component Definition
Szyperski (Component Software beyond OO programming) A software component is a unit of composition with contractually specified interfaces and explicit context dependencies only. A software component can be deployed independently it is subject to composition by third party. Will you meet him? Page 28, 25 April 2017
Composition unit How much costs the glue code?
A software component is a unit of composition with contractually specified interfaces and explicit context dependencies only. A software component can be deployed independently and is subject to composition by third party. –Clemens Szyperski How much components fit together? How much costs the glue code? System Glue code Components Page 29, 25 April 2017
What is a contract? A software component is a unit of composition with contractually specified interfaces and explicit context dependencies only. A software component can be deployed independently and is subject to composition by third party. Interface – component specification Contract - A specification attached to an interface that mutually binds the clients and providers of the components. Functional Aspects (API) Pre- and post-conditions for the operations specified by API. Non functional aspects (different constrains, environment requirements, etc.) Page 30, 25 April 2017
What is an explicit context dependency?
A software component is a unit of composition with contractually specified interfaces and explicit context dependencies only. A software component can be deployed independently and is subject to composition by third party. Provided and Required Interface Context dependencies - Specification of the deployment environment and run-time environment Example: Which tools, platforms, resources or other components are required? Do Page 31, 25 April 2017
What does it mean deployed independently?
A software component is a unit of composition with contractually specified interfaces and explicit context dependencies only. A software component can be deployed independently and is subject to composition by third party. Late binding - dependencies are resolved at load or run-time. Platform (framework) connector Page 32, 25 April 2017
Example: Interface description: (M)IDL
(Microsoft) Interface Definition Language [ uuid( ABBA-ABBA-ABBA-BADBADBADBAD), object ] interface IAddressList { HRESULT addAddress ([in] name, [in] address); HRESULT deleteAddress ([in] name, [in] address); } language independent interface specification can be compiled into language dependent code skeletons - IDL language independent - or strongly typed languages (e.g. also C header files) - based on ADTs - particularly interesting in the face of distribution (how does type info flow to server or client side) Page 33, 25 April 2017
Components and Interfaces - UML definition
Component – a set of interfaces required (in-interfaces) provided (out-interfaces) Interface – set of operations Operations – input and output parameters of certain type UML metamodel of the concepts used in syntactic specification of software components Page 34, 25 April 2017
Contractually specified interfaces in a UML metamodel
Page 35, 25 April 2017
Is Szyperski definition enough?
Page 36, 25 April 2017
Component specification
Components are described by their interfaces (A black box character) white box black box grey box glass box Page 37, 25 April 2017
Nice components that can be composed (put together)
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Another definition A software component is a software element that
confirms a component model can be independently deployed composed without modification according to a composition standard. A component model defines specific interaction and composition standards. G. Heineman, W. Councel, Component-based software engineering, putting the peaces together, Addoson Wesley, 2001 Page 41, 25 April 2017
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Summary CBSE – basic definitions
The basis is the Component Components can be assembled according to the rules specified by the component model Components are assembled through their interfaces A Component Composition is the process of assembling components to form an assembly, a larger component or an application Component are performing in the context of a component framework All parts conform to the component model A component technology is a concrete implementation of a component model c 1 c 2 Middleware Run-time system framework Component Model Page 47, 25 April 2017
Component Technology Supporting Tool Components Platform
Component Framework Repository Page 48, 25 April 2017
Part 3 Software Architecture and Software Components
Page 49, 25 April 2017
Software Architecture
L. Bass, P. Clements, R. Kazman, Software Architecture In Practice The software architecture of a program or computing system is the structure or structures of the system, which comprise software components [and connectors], the externally visible properties of those components [and connectors] and the relationships among them.” Page 50, 25 April 2017
Aspects of Software Architecture
Elements and Form (UniCon notation) Attachment Architectural Component Connector Representation Port Role (sub)System Page 51, 25 April 2017
Presentation / Business Layer
Two Tier Architecture Presentation Business Logic Presentation Business Logic Database Driver Presentation / Business Layer Tier Boundary Data Layer Database Page 52, 25 April 2017
N-Tier Architecture Presentation Logic Presentation Layer
Tier Boundary Business Logic Business Logic Business Logic Database Driver Business Layer Tier Boundary Data Layer Database Page 53, 25 April 2017
N-Tier Architecture - and Components
Componet componet Presentation Logic Presentation Layer Tier Boundary componet Business Logic Business Logic Business Logic componet Database Driver Business Layer Tier Boundary Data Layer Database Page 54, 25 April 2017
Different architecture view in different phases
Phase I System architecture - Decomposition of the system <<subsystem>> ComA IComA <<subsystem>> ComB IComB <<subsystem>> ComC IComC Conceptual Architecture Page 55, 25 April 2017
System Design – Phase 2 Implementation Architecture - Component Identification Implementation Architecture <<imp>> ComA <<imp>> ComB IComA IComB <<imp>> ComC IComC <<imp>> ComY IComY <<imp>> SysX ISysX Page 56, 25 April 2017
System Design – Phase 3 Deployment architecture Server Deployment
:ComA :ComB DataServer :SysX :ComC :ComD Page 57, 25 April 2017
Basic principles of Component-based approach
Page 58, 25 April 2017
Main principles: (1) Reusability
Reusing components in different systems The desire to reuse a component poses few technical constraints. Good documentation (component specification…) a well-organized reuse process Similar architecture …. C1 C1 C2 C1 C5 C3 C4 C6 C7 Application A1 Application A2 Page 59, 25 April 2017
Main principles: (2) Substitutability
Alternative implementations of a component may be used. The system should meet its requirements irrespective of which component is used. Substitution principles Function level Non-functional level Added technical challenges Design-time: precise definition of interfaces & specification Run-time: replacement mechanism C1 C2 C3 C4 Application A1 C1´ C2 C3 C4 Application A1 Page 60, 25 April 2017
Substitution principle
Substituting a component Y for a component X is said to be safe if: All systems that work with X will also work with Y From a syntax viewpoint, a component can safely be replaced if: The new component implements at least the same interfaces as the older components From semantic point of view? Contractual interface holds (pre-, postconditions and invariants) Page 61, 25 April 2017
Substitution principle
A component can be replaced if the new component Provide a sub-range of the output Can accept larger range of input C - C´ Input(c) <_ Input(c’) Output(C) _> Output(C’) CONDITION. Everything which comes from the first Tube fits to the second Page 62, 25 April 2017
Main principles: (3) Extensibility
Comes in two flavors: extending components that are part of a system Increase the functionality of individual components Added technical challenges: Design-time: extensible architecture Run-time: mechanism for discovering new functionality C1 C2 C3 C1 C2+ C3 C1 C2 C3 C1 C2 C4 C3 Page 63, 25 April 2017
Main principles: (4) Composability
Composition of components P(c1 o c2) =P(c1) o P(c2) ?? Composition of functions Composition of extra-functional properties Many challenges How to reason about a system composed from components? Different type of properties Different principles of compositions C C1 C2 assembly Page 64, 25 April 2017
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Part 5 Component-based software development process
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Time to Market – “Classical” Development Process?
Product Lifecycle Problems: Time To Market High Costs Meeting deadlines Visibility Requirements Specification Design Implementation Test Operation & Maintenance TIME Page 70, 25 April 2017
Development process COTS and outsourcing require different development processes Requirements Specification Design Implementation Test Find & Select Adapt Deploy Page 71, 25 April 2017
Development process – emphasize reuse
Managing COTS in the early stage of the development process Requirements Specification Design Implementation Test Find & Select Test Adapt Deploy Page 72, 25 April 2017
CBD – separation of development processes
Requirements Application development Specification Find & Select Design Test Implementation Adapt Test Deploy Operation & Maintenance Component development Page 73, 25 April 2017
Types of component-based development
Internal components as structural entities Reusable components developed in-house COTS (commercial off the shelf) components Page 74, 25 April 2017
Product Line Architecture
Core components building a core functionality (Basic platform) A set of configurable components combined building different products Page 75, 25 April 2017
Platform-based products
Application layer Middleware / infrastructure Basic services Platform layer Page 76, 25 April 2017
Advantages of Software Product Lines
Using existing infrastructure Savings 30%-40% of efforts per product Time to Market - improved Larger variety of products Uniform and recognizable functionality/interface Better scalability (not obvious!) Better maintainability (not obvious!) Better possibility of component replacement Page 77, 25 April 2017
Building platforms The Cathedral and the Bazaar?
La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Building Started: On March 19, 1882 Still not completed Is it worth to build it in that way? Similar with platform-based And component-based development Is it worth? Page 78, 25 April 2017
Part 6 Problems and research issues
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CBSE research and the SW life-cycle
- SW development process - configuration management - certification - team structure Project Management Quality Management Analysis Design Implementation Testing Deployment Application Components Analysis Design Implementation Testing Deployment - assembly - finding - trusting - distribution - glue code Analysis Design Implementation Testing Deployment - development methods - frameworks - run-time infrastructures - design for customization/ variability - wrapping - specification/contracts - storage - documentation Design for Customization/Variability, Wrapping, Specification: Software product lines, Variability patterns Wrapping of legacy code, componentification of OO code e.g. based on inheritance trees(FZI work with CAP580) Storage, Documentation component repositories (see later) docu as part of code?, separate document, how formal, etc. Development Methods, Notations, Frameworks Methods: RUP, Catalysis, KobrA, Select Identification of components, design of component frameworks Notation languages: UML/OCL, Alloy (new from MIT), Z Finding and trusting of components, Assembly Application Distribution Composition models Glue code, automatic bridges Certification classification, test procedures per class of components legal issues Page 80, 25 April 2017
Specification Are more than interface method definitions
How to specify? Interfaces, behavior (pre-/post conditions, invariants) dependencies (required interfaces) quality of service How to test/verify component specifications? How to document component specifications? How to automatically connect components in builder tools using their specification? How to verify the correctness of a composite system? ... Page 81, 25 April 2017
Design for reuse Design for reuse requires additional effort
What is the best level of reuse (component granularity)? How can the benefit of reuse be measured? Development and documentation of component usage patterns Page 82, 25 April 2017
Repositories How to store components?
How to classify and describe components? How to find components? fast different aspects interfaces functionality component model certification level previous usage, trust negotiable requirements Page 83, 25 April 2017
Software development process
Current approach requirements - analyses - design - implementation - test CBSE approach must include reuse component selection component test requirements reconciliation CBSE must be supported by modeling formalisms and tools development tools Page 84, 25 April 2017
Developing a component market
Imperative feature for component success Have to establish framework for …? legal aspects (licensing and warranties) technical abilities economic forces Proven business case Repositories, precise descriptions and search engines Documentations and application support Page 85, 25 April 2017
Versioning and configuration management
Is more complex than usually (DLL hell) especially in dynamic environments Dependencies and composition constraints have to be resolved almost automatically consider systems comprising thousands of components How to do safe exchange of components e.g. upgrade, without contractual specification and proof? All of the issues above are prerequisite for uploading and downloading of components Page 86, 25 April 2017
Security Requires trust and certification
complicated by large group of (small) vendors ‘mobile code security’ important not user access control but code access control current mechanisms sandboxing: restricted functionality, restricted availability codesigning: not necessarily suitable to establish trust prove of problem origin difficulty of persecution Page 87, 25 April 2017
Problems and research issues - Summary
Contracts and documentation Design for reuse Repositories Software development process Organizational changes Developing a component market Versioning and configuration management Security Component models for embedded systems Page 88, 25 April 2017
Part 7 Information sources
Page 89, 25 April 2017
This presentations is based on:
Ivica Crnkovic, Magnus Larsson: Building reliable component-based systems Chapters: PART 1 The Definition and Specification of Components Chapter 1 Basic Concepts in Component-Based Software Engineering Chapter 2 On the Specification of Components PART 2 SOFTWARE ARCHITECTURE AND COMPONENTS Chapter 3 Architecting Component-based Systems Chapter 4 Component Models and Technology PART 3 DEVELOPING SOFTWARE COMPONENTS Chapter 6 Semantic Integrity in Component Based Development Ivica Crnkovic: CBSE - New Challenges in Software Development Ivica Crnkovic et al: Specification, Implementation and Deployment of Components Page 90, 25 April 2017
Books Clemens Szyperski: Component Software : Beyond Object-Oriented Programming: (1998), 2003 – second edition Alan W. Brown: Large-Scale Component-Based Development Betrand Meyer: Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd G.T. Heineman, W. Councill: CBSE Putting the Pieces Together J. Cheesmam, J. Daniels: UML Components K. Wallnau: Building Systems form Commercial Components Ivica Crnkovic & Magnus Larsson: CBSE - Building reliable component--based systems Page 91, 25 April 2017
Journals IEEE Computer IEEE Software IEEE Internet Computing
IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering IEEE Transactions on Computers ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems languages and programming systems. ACM Transactions on Software Engineering and Methodology ACM Transactions on Computer Systems Software Development ( … all major SW development magazines Page 92, 25 April 2017
Conferences International Workshop on Component-Based Software Engineering, ICSE, CBSE Euromicro CBSE track Page 93, 25 April 2017
Conferences International Conference on Software engineering (ICSE)
ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA) ( International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming (WCOP) Symposium on Generative and Component-Based Software Engineering Technology of Object-Oriented Languages and Systems (TOOLS) ( International Conference on Software Reuse (ICSR) ESEC/FSE Page 94, 25 April 2017
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