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G544 – Practical project SELF REPORT. Revision  Socrative quiz  In pairs – answer each question.  We will then discuss each answer given.

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Presentation on theme: "G544 – Practical project SELF REPORT. Revision  Socrative quiz  In pairs – answer each question.  We will then discuss each answer given."— Presentation transcript:

1 G544 – Practical project SELF REPORT

2 Revision  Socrative quiz  In pairs – answer each question.  We will then discuss each answer given

3 Section A  You will be given sample material  You then design a suitable project that fulfils the requirements  Sufficiently detailed  Valid (to enable someone to go ahead and run the project)  Putting your knowledge into practice  Range of techniques (Self report, experiment, correlation or observation)  Today we will focus on self report

4  If the material provided requires a self report technique then you do not need to operationalise a hypothesis  You would need to provide details on of the questionnaire you would construct  Qualitative data  Quantitative data  Open/close questions  Use of rating scales

5  Selection of research question  Description and justification of the design  Independent samples, repeated measures, matched pairs  Populations  Using tests that generate nominal or ordinal data  Materials  Procedure (keeping in mind the research question) (next lesson)  Advantages/limitations of using self report in your practical project  Validity and reliability of measurements  Strength/weaknesses – using open and closed questions  How can leading questions influence results  Ethics of the procedure (i.e. How would you ensure that it does not cause distress?)  (improvement) Alternative designs/sample methods (i.e. suggest a more appropriate sampling method)  Possible future research

6  TIPS  Do not give general answers  Always provide context – relate it to the project  All questions require explanations/justification  Group work (word document – practice question)  Peer mark – swap answers

7  Homework  Practice questions (Section A) – scenario (not procedure)

8 Procedure Writing  Recap Section A (Q&A)  After you have constructed a research question – we move on to:  Procedure writing  13 marks – Replicable and appropriate (including all relevant details)  6 marks –Quality of design and feasibility (fit for purpose?)  Back to AS – how to write out a procedure. Pairs/groups discuss:  What are the steps?  What do you have to keep in mind throughout?

9  Standardised procedure  Standardised instructions  Extraneous variables: demand characteristics, social desirability, researcher bias, environmental  Easy to repeat, replicate

10  Decide sampling method (who, where, why)  Anonymous?  Explain process (how will you recruit)  Explain construction of questionnaire  Demand characteristics (I.e. ask lots of different questions)  Provide examples of questions  Open/closed and why?  Scale – 1-5? Where 1 is…..  How would they respond? Circle? Write out answers to open questions?  Distribution of questionnaire (+ informed consent)  How? Paper? Email?  Participants respond (data collection)  Deadline  Once they respond – collate data  Data from closed statements – how would you analyse?  Data from open statements – how would you analyse?  Debrief

11 Practice!  From last lesson – in pairs.  A researcher wants to investigate stress levels. There are a number of possible of possible sources of stress in people’s lives. One way to find out more about one of these sources of stress and its effects is to ask people to fill out a questionnaire. In this way they can respond in some detail about this aspect of their lives as a potential stressor.  In the exam you will have different options to choose from. For the purpose of this exercise we are going to use Job-related stress.  Describe the method you would use to conduct your practical project (13+6 marks)

12  Swap answers  Provide feedback (ideas and advice)  Use the help sheet to ensure everything has been included

13  Homework  Exam practice – Complete a whole section A question

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