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INFORMATION X INFO425: Systems Design Systems Design Project Deliverable 1.

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1 INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X INFO425: Systems Design Systems Design Project Deliverable 1

2 INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Deliverable 1 Context  You have defined your problem and built a set of activity diagrams that outline what the new/modified information system needs to do.  You have defined key functional and non-functional requirements  You have modeled the requirements from an event and object perspective.  Now it is time to define the technical solution that you recommend in order to meet requirements

3 INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Objectives  Your team’s objectives are to:  Expand your event table to a minimum of 10 events  Prioritize your events and justify the priority  Define the levels of automation for each event  Define alternatives for implementation  Create evaluation criteria and weights and score each alternative  Make an implementation recommendation and justify.  Define and justify your deployment environment

4 INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Deliverable  A Word document  11 point Arial font  Double spaced – 1.25 inch margin top and bottom. 1 inch left and right.  Good document format

5 INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Document Contents  Introduction (couple of paragraphs)  What’s in this document  Background (1/2 page – 1 page)  No more than a page – tell reader what has happened to get to this point in the project Remember to Introduce each section of your document – tell the reader what to expect!!

6 INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Document Contents  Event Table.  Expand to 10 events  Define priority for each event as High, Medium or Low. >At the end of the event table, justify your ranking in a few paragraphs – why are some events ranked higher (or lower) than others?  Define low medium and high levels of automation for each event. Provide as much detail as possible

7 INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Information about Each Event in an Event Table Systems Analysis and Design in a Changing World, 5th Edition7

8 INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Document Contents  Implementation Alternatives  Create a list of possible implementation alternatives. For each alternative, provide a brief overview (but not an evaluation)  Create a set of criteria for evaluation. They should fall into 3 categories: >Functional >Technical >General (Vendor/Other)  Weight your criteria >Total weight for ALL criteria MUST add up to 100 points  Score each implementation option >Raw (e.g., 1-5) >Adjusted (Raw * Weight)

9 INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Document Contents

10 INFO425: Systems Design INFORMATION SYSTEMS @ X Document Contents  Recommendations  Present and justify (explain) your recommendation  Deployment environment  Define your recommended deployment environment >Network >Hardware >System Software (OS) >Database >Development tools  Go back to technical requirements (deliverable 2 from 415) for inputs to this process  Justify your selections

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