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Four LEDs are connected to Port 4, bits 0 thru 3. Indicate which LEDs are ON/OFF after each instruction is executed. Quiz 4.1 mov.b#0x0f,&P4DIR 1.and.b#0xf0,&P4OUT.

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Presentation on theme: "Four LEDs are connected to Port 4, bits 0 thru 3. Indicate which LEDs are ON/OFF after each instruction is executed. Quiz 4.1 mov.b#0x0f,&P4DIR 1.and.b#0xf0,&P4OUT."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four LEDs are connected to Port 4, bits 0 thru 3. Indicate which LEDs are ON/OFF after each instruction is executed. Quiz 4.1 mov.b#0x0f,&P4DIR 1.and.b#0xf0,&P4OUT 2.bis.b#0x09,&P4OUT 3.xor.b#0x0f,&P4OUT 4.bic.b#0x06,&P4OUT 5.add.b#0x03,&P4OUT P4.7P4.6P4.5P4.4 P4.3P4.2P4.1P4.0

2 Quiz 4.2 1.ALU 2.Clocks 3.Control 4.I/O 5.Memory 6.Peripherals 7.Registers a.Address space b.Execution speed c.External devices d.Fast memory e.Finite State Machine f.Memory mapped g.Word length Match the following terms: Name___________________ Section_______

3 Quiz 4.3 1.add.w tab(r10),r9 2.and.w &mask,r12 3.bis.b #0x08,r6 cnt,r11 r4,r5 #100,r14 7.sub.w @r4+,r5 8.xor.b @r8,r15 a.Absolute b.Constant c.Immediate d.Indexed register e.Indirect auto-increment f.Indirect register g.Register h.Symbolic Match the following source operand modes:

4 PC Quiz 4.4 Present the destination operand of the following instruction to the ALU: add.w r4,cnt ; M[cnt] += r4 cnt Memory Registers CPU ADDER IR PC ALU 0x5480 R4 0x0218 0x5480

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