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Primary Sources For New Testament Studies. Apocrypha - “hidden things” 1 and 2 Maccabees1 EsdrasTobit Judith 3 Maccabees Expanded EstherExpanded DanielWisdom.

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Presentation on theme: "Primary Sources For New Testament Studies. Apocrypha - “hidden things” 1 and 2 Maccabees1 EsdrasTobit Judith 3 Maccabees Expanded EstherExpanded DanielWisdom."— Presentation transcript:

1 Primary Sources For New Testament Studies

2 Apocrypha - “hidden things” 1 and 2 Maccabees1 EsdrasTobit Judith 3 Maccabees Expanded EstherExpanded DanielWisdom of SolomonWisdom of Ben Sira (Sirach)BaruchLetter of JeremiahPrayer of ManassahPs 151Prayer of AzariahSong of the Three Young Men4 Maccabees

3 Pseudepigrapha - “pretend writing” A larger connection including the Apocrypha and many other texts (63 total) written from 200 BC to 200 AD written by Christians or Jews claim to contain God’s word or message often built on narratives from the Old Testament Contents Rewritten Bible - Jubilees Wisdom Literature - Ben Sira Psalms - 151, Psalm of Solomon Testaments - Testament of Abraham Apocalyptic Literature - Enoch

4 Dead Sea Scrolls Qumran 152 - Priesthood of Jonathan Contents: 1. Biblical scrolls (225) - every OT book except Esther 2. Damascus Rule- Covenant Document- story of the community 3. 1QS Community rule –regulations for their way of life. 4. War Scroll - preparing for battle 5. Hymns - hodayot - praise/liturgical texts

5 Philo of Alexandria 20bc to 50ad Alexandrian Wealthy Educated

6 Josephus Born Joseph son of Mattathias, later took the name Flavius Josephus Lived from 37-100 Essene and Pharisee Visited Rome – impressed with the city Lead Galilee (only 29 years old) during Jewish revolt (later said he was trying to pacify the region) fought in Jewish war in Galilee – holed up at Jotapata where all committed suicide except for him. Captured then released. Lived in Rome in the house of the Emperor and there wrote all of his works Works: Jewish War – Maccabean revolt to fall of Masada Antiquities of the Jews – 20 books – From creation to his time Life – in response to his conduct during the war Against Apion – A defense of the Jews

7 Rabbinic Literature Targums – Aramaic translations and interpretations of the OT Midrash – commentary on scriptures' Halakic – legal – how to live Haggadic – fill gaps, explain problems, much more imaginative Mishnah – (published 200-220 ce) comments of the Rabbis (oral tradition) during 50 bce to 200 ce Tosefta - published 220-300 ce comments of tannaitic rabbis and those from later times comments upon the mishnah Gemara more commentary on the mishnah Joined together to form the Talmud (400-425 ce)

8 Greco-Roman Sources Historians Thucydides (460-395 BC) Polybius (200-118 BC) Dionysius of Halicarnassus (60-7 BC) Diodorus Siculus (60-30 BC) Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) Tacitus (56-117 AD) Suetonius (69-140 AD) Philosophy - Platonic influence, Stoics - Seneca, epictetus live in accordance with nature, Epicureans - lucretius, pleasure is the greatest good, absence of evil, Cynicism - diogenes ascetic practicies Mystery Religions - Eleusinian (demeter and perspehone and hades), Dionysus (wine, loosening social constraints), Great Mother/Cybele and Attis (castration and renewal), Isis and Osiris (Egyptian dying and rising), Mithras (blood bull military) Gnosticism - nag hammadi

9 Greco-Roman Sources Philosophy - Stoics - Seneca, Epictetus- live in accordance with nature Epicureans - Lucretius - pleasure is the greatest good, absence of evil Cynicism - Diogenes - ascetic practices Mystery Religions - Eleusian (Demeter and Perspehone) Dionysus (wine, loosening social constraints) Great Mother/Cybele and Attis (castration and renewal) Isis and Osiris (Egyptian dying and rising), Mithras (blood bull military)

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