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Malini Srikrishna Colleen Pezzutti Brandon Kramer Imnet Arega.

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Presentation on theme: "Malini Srikrishna Colleen Pezzutti Brandon Kramer Imnet Arega."— Presentation transcript:

1 Malini Srikrishna Colleen Pezzutti Brandon Kramer Imnet Arega

2 Introduction -Gender Inequality is a global problem. So, what is it? - Some countries are more severe than others. -India has 600 million women, this is the second largest female population in the world. - UN figures state that girls are twice as likely to die before the age of 5. - Culture and Religion are the basis of discrimination in India.

3 Gender Inequality in India - General Repression of Women - Religious Basis - Cultural Basis (Both often correlated)

4 Religious Discrimination Two Prominent Religions: 1. Hindu Women Widows Dowry System Sati 2. Muslim Women Triple Talaq Polygamy Ancient Scriptures

5 Cultural Discrimination- Gender Roles - Marriage - Idea of ‘Marital Rape’ not accepted. - Women in Joint Families - Sexual Exploitation

6 UN Action Objectives: -equal enrollment of boys and girls in primary and secondary school -equal literacy rates of genders -equal representation in national parliaments -promotion of greater support of men for women’s rights -adds from “UN Women”

7 UN Action Cont. Initiatives: -HeforShe campaign -strategy groups -work of specialized UN divisions: UN Girls’ Education Initiative, UN Trust Fund to End Violence against Women, United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization

8 Progress cont. -Percentage of women in vulnerable employment has decreased 13% in past 24 years -Average proportion of women in parliament has almost doubled in past 20 years

9 Progress still in progress -Percentage of women living in poverty is greater than percentage of men -Of working-age women, only half are a part of the labour force

10 Progress Toward Goal -past 15 years: increase in enrollment of girls in school ◦Southern Asia: “only 74 girls were enrolled in primary school for every 100 boys in 1990. Today, 103 girls are enrolled for every 100 boys” -Since 1990 percentage of female paid workers has increased 6% outside of the agricultural sector

11 Progress still in progress cont. -Globally women are receiving 24% less in wages than men -Even women with high education levels, are less likely to be employed compared to their male counterparts -Women representation in parliament averages only 1 out of 5

12 Plans for Further Improvement -focus on data development -increase access to real time data -improve coverage of statistics -utilize new technology for data collection -promote greater data literacy

13 Work Cited: Bibliography: 1 Sarkar, Urvashi. "Poll: Indian Muslim Women Want End to Verbal Divorce." - Al Jazeera English. Web. 6 Oct. 2015. 2 "Gender Inequality in India - Concept, Causes and Types."Indiacelebrating. Web. 6 Oct. 2015. Other Websites Used Pictures: discrimination-at-work/

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