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Knights Charge 3/11 What were the MAIN causes of World War I

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1 Knights Charge 3/11 What were the MAIN causes of World War I
How did the US respond after the initial start of World War I What two events pulled the US into World War I?

2 The End of World War I, the United States, and the World

3 Focusing Points What happened in the US during WWI?
Why did Russia back out of WWI? How did Europe treat Germany in the Treaty of Versailles? What were the 14 Points and how did the US respond to Wilson’s idea of the “League of Nations”

4 Selective Service Act, May 1917
–Draft for US men during WWI –21 to 30 had to join –10 million in one month –many black Americans joined

5 Schenck v. US, 1919 •Sets limits on free speech during war
–Richard Schenck encouraged people to resist the draft •Chief Justice, Oliver Wendel Holmes called Scheck’s actions a clear and present danger to America

6 Russian Revolution: March 1917
•Overthrow of the Czar of Russia and establishment of a republic This leads to the Bolshevik Revolution

7 Bolshevik Revolution, Oct. 1917
•Communist takeover of Russia •Causes Russia to back out of WWI For Wilson, it made joining war about fighting for democracy •Followed by a Russian civil war •In 1922 the Soviet Union was created

8 The End Is Near •In Nov. 1918, a mutiny occurred in Germany and the Kaiser had to leave the country and went to the Netherlands •An armistice was signed on the 11th month, on the 11th day, at the 11th hour…..the guns fell silent (truce….not peace treaty) •War of attrition

9 Treaty of Versailles, June 1919
•Peace treaty to end WWI Germany was humiliated by Europe in the Treaty of Versailles Forced to pay many war reparations


11 Result of the War Fall of the Ottoman, German, Russian, and Austria-Hungarian empires Greatly effected the geography of Europe US emerged as a major world power through military might Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points

12 Wilson’s 14 Points and League of Nations
Woodrow Wilson proposed the 14 points which was a list of terms for resolving WWI Wanted US to play an active role internationally Introduced the League of Nations

13 US’s response to the League of Nations
Believed the US should focus on domestic issues US did not sign the Treaty of Versailles and thus did not join the League of Nations


15 Europe The Great War was extremely damaging to all nations involved
Germany and Russia lost much territory and Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman empire were completely dismantled Sykes-Picot Agreement- agreement between and France and Great Britain pertaining to the lands in the Middle East British Balfour Declaration- supported the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine

16 WWI technology and firsts
First uses of: The submarine Depth charges Flamethrower Military airplanes (the Red Baron) Chemical weapons Tanks Automatic weapons




20 Europe and WWI Germany was humiliated by the Treaty of Versailles
Despite the creation of the League of Nations Nationalism still echoed throughout Europe German economy was in shambles- massive inflation- their currency was worthless Opposed to the United States who experienced a great economic boom after the war which gave way to the roaring 20’s



23 Political change during and after WWI
Bolshevik Revolution- series of revolutions that took place that overthrew Czar Nicholas II Vladimir Lenin emerged into power behind the Bolshevik (red) party This paved the way for the creation of the United Soviet Socialist Republic (USSR)

24 Political change after WWI
Due to how harsh the rest of Europe was toward Germany, German nationalism emerged After a few years, the Nazi party came to lead Germany back to prosperity led by this man…


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