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惠安三中 曾晓明 八 年 级 ( 上 ) Unit 4. Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs. Section A.

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Presentation on theme: "惠安三中 曾晓明 八 年 级 ( 上 ) Unit 4. Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs. Section A."— Presentation transcript:

1 惠安三中 曾晓明 八 年 级 ( 上 ) Unit 4

2 Topic 2 I am sure there are no UFOs. Section A

3 Teaching aims and demands 1. Learn to talk about robot. 2. Learn and master “I’m sure...”and learn about the Object Clause. 3. Learn about passive voice.

4 4. Main words and sentences: invent, take the place of, instead of I’m sure robots can do some work faster and better than humans.

5 Review 1. Name some great inventions in history. paper, cars, computers, TV, telephones, radios, etc. 2. Talk about the most important invention.

6 T: Which is more important,... or...? Why? S: I think... are more important than... because... T: Which of them do you think is the most important? S: I think...

7 Presentation robot I’m sure…

8 Listen to 1a and answer the questions. 1. When was the first robot invented? The first robot was invented in 1921.

9 2. What can robots do for us? They can take the place of humans to do hard or boring work in some situations. They can also do lots of dangerous work instead of humans.

10 3. What does Kangkang think of robots? He’s sure robots can do some work faster and better than humans.

11 Language points 1. invent v. 发明,创造 inventor 发明家 Edison was a great inventor. He invented many invention. 2. appear v. 出现,加否定前缀 dis 变为 disappear 消失。 Maria appeared before me suddenly. The girl disappeared in the forest slowly.

12 3. take the place of … 相当于 take one’s place 代替 …, 动词词组。 take place 发生。 Great changes took place in my hometown last year. 4. instead of 代替,介词词组。 He will go hiking instead of going fishing. instead adv. 代替,交换 We’ve no coffee. Would you like tea instead?

13 5. sure 肯定的,确信的。 be sure of ( 或 that) 主语是人,主语感到有把握,确信。 He is sure of his success. I’m sure that he will come. be sure to do 意为 “ 一定,必然会 ” ,主语可 以是人或物,表示说话人的推测。 6. be in danger 处于为难状态; be in trouble 处于麻烦状态; be in difficulty 处于 困境状态; in danger 在 save people in danger 中是介词短语作后置短语。

14 Work alone What can robots do for us? 1.Robots can take the place of humans to do hard and boring work in some situations. 2. Robots can do lots of dangerous work instead of humans. 3. Robots can do some work faster and better than humans.

15 Read the dialog again and then write down what you think robots can do better than humans. I am sure robots can work faster than humans.

16 I am sure robots can do lots of dangerous work instead of humans. I am sure robots can cook for us. I am sure robots can clean our house. …

17 Think about the following questions: 1. Where can we see robots? 2. What other things can robots do? 3. Do you think robots will become popular in every family? Why or why not?

18 4. Do you think robots will take the place of humans in workplace?

19 Group work Can robots only do good things for us? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of robots.

20 1. Robots will make humans lose their jobs. 2. Robots can do some work faster and better than humans. 3. Robots can do many kinds of jobs.

21 4. Robots can do more difficult work than humans. 5. Robots will make humans lazy. 6. Robots can work without pay. 7. Robots can do dangerous work.

22 Language notes 1. Job 和 work 都指 “ 工作 ” ,但 job 是可数名 词,强调长期从事的工作。 work 是不可 数名词,还可以用作动词。 2. pay 报酬,这里是名词,还可以用作动 词,常与介词 for 搭配。 pay money for sth… 为 … 付款, pay for… 为 … 赔偿

23 Sum up robot I’m sure... take the place of, instead of situation appear lazy

24 Consolidation 1. Listen to the tape and read after it. 2. Read together with the tape, too.

25 Robots can do a lot of things: save people in danger repair machines mend roads carry heavy things lift trucks catch fish

26 6 14 32 5 2 work alone

27 Tapescript As we know, robots are becoming more and more popular in our life. They can do lots of dangerous and hard work instead of humans. We can use robots for repairing machines and they can help us mend roads. When we can’t carry heavy things, robots can help us. They can even lift one truck onto another.

28 Robots can jump into the sea to catch fish. Sometimes they can even take the place of humans to save people in danger.

29 Project 1. Sum up the main points in this lesson. 2. Assign homework. Write a passage about “A great invention: Robot”.

30 Exercise A. 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。 1.Edison was a great s________, and he invented more than one thousand things. 2. R_____ will do most work people can do in the future. 3. Miss Wang is ill, so I will take the p_______ of her to give a lesson today. cientist obot lace

31 4. My bike is broken. Could you help me m_____ it? 5. Two faces a______ in front of our window last night. end ppear

32 B. 单项选择 1. Robots can ______ humans to do hard and boring work in some situations. A. instead B. instead of C. take the place of D. take place of 2. The robots can save people ______. A. in trouble B. at danger C. in danger D. dangerous 3. We are sure ______ the game next time. A. will win B. winning C. win D. to win

33 4. We should do something _____ just talking about it. A. instead B. instead of C. take place D. take the place of 5. – Are you sure they will wait for us? – ______. There is little time left. A. Yes, I’m sure. B. No, I’m not sure C. Yes, quite sure D. Both A and C

34 6. I don’t like milk. Give me some apple juice ______. A. instead B. back C. away D. take place of 7. The weather is getting worse and worse. I’m afraid people will be _____ difficult situation. A. to B. in C. at D. from

35 8. Robots will make humans ______ their jobs and make people _____. A. lose; lazy B. to lose; C. losing; clever D. lost; cleverly

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