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Unit6 How to Prepare for Earthquakes Unit6 How to Prepare for Earthquakes.

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1 Unit6 How to Prepare for Earthquakes Unit6 How to Prepare for Earthquakes

2 天 灾 —— 地 震

3 Part1 animals and plants for warning signs of earthquakes.(1) Part2 improve building structures. ( 2 ) part3 preparing their houses and earthquake survival supplies.(3~5) Part4 family’s earthquake emergency plans (6) Part5 people still have to do their best to prevent disasters by improving. ( 7 )

4 Para1 In both Japan and China, people have long believed that earthquakes can be forecast. In Japan, scientists have wired the Earth and sea to detect( 发现,查出 ) movements. The Chinese have traditionally watched animals and plants for warning signs of earthquakes.

5 Para1 For example, the Chinese have noted that before an earthquake, hens' behavior changes—they refuse to enter their cages at night. They have also noticed that snakes come out of the ground to freeze to death and that dogs bark a lot, even normally quiet dogs. Before the Hanshin earthquake in Japan, there were reports of large schools of fish swimming near the surface of the water. Certain birds, like pigeons, also seemed to be especially noisy and were reported to be flying in unusual patterns before the earthquake.

6 震前动物有预兆,群测群防很重要。 牛羊骡马不进厩,猪不吃食狗乱咬。 鸭不下水岸上闹,鸡飞上树高声叫。 冰天雪地蛇出洞,大鼠叼着小鼠跑。 兔子竖耳蹦又撞,鱼跃水面惶惶跳。 蜜蜂群迁闹轰轰,鸽子惊飞不回巢。 家家户户都观察,发现异常快报告。 除此之外,有些植物在震前也有异常反应 如不适季节的发芽、开花、结果或大面积枯萎。 Para1 Perhaps most interesting, and most easily measured, is a chemical change in ground water before a quake. Experimental (根据 实验的) data (资料) seem to indicate that the amount of radon (氡) (Rn) in the water under the surface of the Earth waxes (变大) before an earthquake.

7 Para2 most of the people who die in earthquakes are killed by falling buildings. Therefore, building structures that can withstand (承受) the power of earthquakes is a major concern. Steel seems to be the best material, but not if it is welded (焊 接) to form a rigid structure. Many new structures are built with a new type of steel joint, an I-joint, which appears to be the most durable type of joint (接头). These joints of steel can move without breaking.

8 Para2 Also, to prevent property damage, architects (设计师) now design buildings so that the building‘s columns (支柱) and horizontal (水平的) beams (梁) are of equal strength, and vertical (垂直的) support columns are inserted deep into solid soil. In addition, many new houses have relatively light roofs and strong walls. Concrete pillars (柱子) for highway bridges that previously only had steel rods (杆) inside are now enclosed (围住) in steel.

9 扇形独栋建筑筒体和巨型框架结构

10 Para 3 Besides working to improve building structures, people in areas where earthquakes are common need to prepare for the possibility of a great earthquake. They should regularly check and reinforce their homes, place heavy objects in low positions, attach cupboards (橱柜) and cabinets (储藏 柜) to walls, and fasten (锁好) doors so that they will not open accidentally (偶然地) during an earthquake.

11 Para 4 and Para 5:What should people in areas where earthquakes are common do to prepare themselves? ●store several gallons (加仑) of water per person and something that can clean water and kill bacteria (细菌) ●store one week‘s food for each person ●survival supplies include a radio receiver ( 接收器), a torch, extra batteries (电池), first aid (急救) supplies, a spade (锹), a tent, some rope, and warm clothing

12 Suggestions from experts : ● Keep a fire extinguisher (灭火器) handy (手边 的). ● Have the proper tools to turn off gas and water lines if necessary. ● Arrange an auxiliary cooking and heating source that can be used outside. One alternative is a portable (轻便的 )camp stove with small cans of gas. ● Keep a pair of heavy, comfortable shoes or boots (靴子) in your home, at work, and in your vehicle to protect your foot from lots of fragments (碎片) of broken glass

13 Para 6 Every family needs to have earthquake emergency plans. How will family members leave the area during the chaos following an earthquake? Everyone should agree on a meeting point outside of the area—perhaps in a town several miles away. Also important is an arrangement for family members to communicate if there is an earthquake.earthquake emergency plans

14 If an earthquake happens in a large city, many of the telephone lines within the city are likely to be down. The few remaining working lines will be busy with the calls that naturally occur after a disaster and it will be difficult to call from one part of the city to another. It might, however, be possible to call outside the city. A sensible( 合理的 ) arrangement is to have all of the members of the family call to check in with a friend or relative who lives more than a hundred miles away. Para 6

15 Para7 Although scientists still cannot predict earthquakes, they are learning a great deal about how the large plates in the Earth‘s crust ( 地壳 )move, the stresses between plates, how earthquakes work, and the general probability (可能性) that a given place will have an earthquake. Someday soon it may actually become possible to predict earthquakes with accuracy (精确性)

16 Para7 However, even if prediction (预测) becomes possible, people who live in areas where earthquakes are a common occurrence (事情, 事件) will still have to do their best to prevent disasters by building structures that are resistant (对 … 有抵抗力的) to ground movement and by being personally prepared. These precautions (预防措施) can make a great difference in saving lives and preventing the loss of homes. Education concerning how to survive an earthquake should be a major emphasis for all government programs and earthquake-related (有关系的) research projects.

17 地震逃生方法


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