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Slide 1 Classes and Objects. Slide 2 Messages and Methods.

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1 Classes and Objects. Slide 2 Messages and Methods."— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1 Classes and Objects

2 Slide 2 Messages and Methods

3 Slide 3 Class Hierarchy

4 Slide 4 Inheritance

5 Slide 5 Polymorphish & Encapsulation

6 Slide 6 UML 2.0 Diagram Summary

7 Slide 7 Engineering Workflows

8 Slide 8 Supporting Workflows

9 Slide 9 Benefits of the Object Approach

10 Slide 10 MOOSAD Approach

11 Slide 11 Elements of a Use-Case Description Use Case Name:ID:Importance Level: Primary Actor:Use Case Type: Stakeholders and Interests: Brief Description: Trigger: Relationships: (Association, Include, Extend, Generalization) Normal Flow of Events: Subflows: Alternate/Exceptional Flows:


13 Slide 13 Syntax for Use-Case Diagram

14 Slide 14 The Use-Case Diagram for Appointment System

15 Slide 15 Use-Case Diagram with Specialized Actor

16 Slide 16 Extend and Include Relationships

17 Slide 17 A CRC Card

18 Slide 18 Back of CRC Card


20 Slide 20 Example Class Diagram

21 Slide 21 Class Diagram Syntax A CLASS AN ATTRIBUTE AN OPERATION AN ASSOCIATION Class 1 -attribute +operation () Attribute name/ derived attribute name operation name () 1..*0..1 ______verb phrase____

22 Slide 22 Object Diagrams

23 Slide 23

24 Slide 24

25 Slide 25 Sequence Diagram Syntax AN ACTOR AN OBJECT A LIFELINE A FOCUS OF CONTROL A MESSAGE OBJECT DESTRUCTION anObject:aClass aMessage() x

26 Slide 26 Normal Flow of Events: 1. Customer submits a search request to the system. 2. The system provides the customer a list of recommended CDs. 3. The customer chooses one of the CDs to find additional information. 4. The system provides the customer with basic information & CD Reviews 5. The customer calls the maintain order use case. 6. The customer iterates over 3 through 5 until finished shopping. 7. The customer executes the checkout use case. 8. The customer leaves the website.

27 Slide 27

28 Slide 28 Example Collaboration Diagram

29 Slide 29 Example Sequence Diagram Actor Object Association Message Frame

30 Slide 30

31 Slide 31 Example Behavioral State Machine Diagram

32 Slide 32 Behavioral State Machine Diagram Syntax A STATE AN INITIAL STATE A FINAL STATE AN EVENT A TRANSITION A Frame

33 Slide 33

34 Slide 34 Syntax for Package Diagram A PACKAGEPackage A DEPENDENCY RELATIONSHIP

35 Slide 35 Package Diagram of Dependency Relationships Among Layers

36 Slide 36 Package Diagram of Appointment System

37 Slide 37 Package Diagram of the PD Layer for the Appointment System

38 Slide 38

39 Slide 39 Levels of Abstraction

40 Slide 40 Inheritance Conflicts with Multiple Inheritance

41 Slide 41 Interaction Coupling

42 Slide 42 Types of Method Cohesion

43 Slide 43 Types of Class Cohesion

44 Slide 44 Sample Design Pattern

45 Slide 45 Revised CD Selections Class Diagram

46 Slide 46 Back of CD CRC Card

47 Slide 47 Get Review Method Contract

48 Slide 48 Revised Package Diagram

49 Slide 49 Revised CD Selections Class Diagram

50 Slide 50 Back of CD CRC Card

51 Slide 51 Get Review Method Contract

52 Slide 52 Revised Package Diagram

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