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P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER.

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Presentation on theme: "P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER."— Presentation transcript:

1 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER

2 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Making Algebraic Connections Math Science Partnership Grant Funded by the United States Department of Education through the Kentucky Department of Education P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach

3 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Making Algebraic Connections September 28, 2010 Mt. Sterling, KY University of Kentucky Partnership Institute for Math & Science Education Reform Kentucky Department of Education Welcome! Help yourself to some refreshments

4 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER What’s going on here? 1. Write down a three digit number in which no digits are repeated 2. Reverse the digits of your number and subtract the smaller number from the larger number 3. Reverse this new number and add it to the difference obtained in #2. 4. Compare your answer with other people at your table. What do you notice? 5. Try this with a different three digit number 6. What is happening? Why is it happening?

5 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Meeting Norms 5 o Please Put Your Cell Phone on Vibrate… o Use The Rule of Two Feet… o Side-bar talking Please limit talking with other participants unless group work is under way. o Participate Actively Respect and solicit opinions

6 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER September Agenda September 28, 2010 Opening Activity Kentucky Core Academic Standards –Reflections on Processes, Proficiencies, and Practices –Mathematical Practices Carousel –Mathematical Practices and Planning for Classroom Lessons Words to Symbols: Different Perspectives –Context –Models –Estimation and Invented Strategies –Practice

7 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER September Agenda Breakouts: –TI-73 and SmartView –Make and Take Reflections Sounding Boards

8 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER

9 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER

10 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER

11 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER

12 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER -launched by Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center).

13 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER The standards for mathematical Practice are important “processes and proficiencies” and describe varieties of expertise that mathematics educators at all levels should seek to develop in their students. See page 6. They are based on ideas important to mathematics education from – the NCTM process standards of:  problem solving,  reasoning and proof,  communication,  representation, and  connections. the strands of mathematical proficiency specified in the National Research Council’s report Adding It Up:  adaptive reasoning,  strategic competence,  conceptual understanding, (comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations and relations),  procedural fluency, and (skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently and appropriately),  productive disposition. (habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile, coupled with a belief in diligence and one’s own efficacy).

14 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER #1 Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. #2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. #4 Model with mathematics. #5 Use appropriate tools strategically. #6 Attend to precision. #7 Look for and make use of structure. #8 Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Posted on the overview page for every grade level!

15 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER How are the lists of mathematical practices and the the core standards related to one other?

16 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Mathematical Practice During this activity you will work in 2 groups. Home Group – A group of 8 people. Each person has a different mathematical practice. (color coded) Expert Group – A group of 6 or 7 people. Everyone has the same mathematical practice.

17 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Mathematical Practices Individually, in your home group: Read the front and back pages of the mathematical practice. On the recording sheet, answer the question in the first column, “What is it?”

18 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Mathematical Practice Move to your expert group when signaled. As a group, agree on the ‘Key Ideas’ (Column 2) about the practice that you will share with your home group. List essential vocabulary, give specific examples, write a summary in your own words, and/or illustrate the practice with a graph, icon, or drawing that describes it.

19 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Mathematical Practices In your expert group What does the mathematical practice ‘Look /Sound Like’? (Column 3) Connect ideas to last month’s “Crossing the River” problem

20 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Everyone Needs a Break

21 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Mathematical Practices in Lessons

22 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER -launched by Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center). Connections???

23 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Reflecting on the Mathematical Practices

24 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER

25 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Words to Symbols I’m Thinking of a Number

26 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Words to Symbols: Four Different Perspectives Context Models Estimation and Invented Strategies Practice

27 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Breakouts TI-73 and SmartView or Make and Take

28 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Reflection Time What did we do? What did we learn?

29 P-12 Mathematics and Science Outreach MAC ’10-’11 PIMSER Wrap Up Reflections Sounding Boards Return name tags to the meeting box

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