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1 Improving Accountability by Using Internal Quality Assurance and Peer Review Presentation to the Canadian Evaluation Society/Société Canadienne D’ Évaluation.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Improving Accountability by Using Internal Quality Assurance and Peer Review Presentation to the Canadian Evaluation Society/Société Canadienne D’ Évaluation."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Improving Accountability by Using Internal Quality Assurance and Peer Review Presentation to the Canadian Evaluation Society/Société Canadienne D’ Évaluation Vancouver, B.C., June 4, 2003 Session 302 Presentation by Phyllis M.Thomas Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning (McREL)

2 2 Phyllis M. Thomas McREL 2550 South Parker Road, Suite 500 Aurora, CO, USA, 80014 (303) 632-5564

3 3 What is the Strategy? Internal Quality Assurance and External Peer Review

4 4 Primary Purpose and Use of these Strategies ( in general ): Formative review processes for assuring the quality of a product before it is finalized. QA holds the org. and staff accountable for quality. Applies guidelines & commonly accepted professional standards to a draft product. Identifies strengths & weaknesses for improvement. Enhances integrity of an organization & public image. Adds credibility with use of external/peer reviewers.

5 5 How Was This Strategy Used in REL Performance Indicators Work? A combination of formative review strategies within and across organizations: Internal QA review using common guidelines & forms. External subgroup/peer review. Overall responsibility/accountability for data and QA resides within each lab/with each evaluator … and with peers for aggregation of data.

6 6 How Was This Strategy Used in REL Performance Indicators Work? (cont’d) Internal formative QA review conducted to assure data quality and document problems. Each lab collected & reviewed its own regional data. Applied guidelines & common standards to data/ processes. Work plan & “Algebra problems” (example). QA form based on govt. standards for quality (example). Identified problems and areas for improvement. Submitted regional data and QA form to cross-lab peer subgroup for review & aggregation across the system.

7 7 How Was This Strategy Used in REL Performance Indicators Work? (cont’d) External/cross-lab peer subgroup review to assure data quality and document problems before aggregation. Identified problems and areas for improvement (example). Provided feedback/asked questions (example). Opportunity for evaluator to revise data/resubmit (example). Subgroup resolved issues/negotiated changes/made aggregation decisions (example). (Full indicators group reviewed aggregated data.)

8 8 Benefits, Limitations, and Lessons Learned Benefits Increased scrutiny of data & processes. Review at multiple levels. Shared responsibility & accountability. Enhanced quality, accuracy, & consistency. Enhanced credibility with external peers. Helped create a culture of accountability. Good preparation for the external audit.

9 9 Benefits, Limitations, and Lessons Learned (Cont’d) Limitations Additional resources required/increases costs. Additional time required/accelerates the schedule. Potential for omission & error. External peer reviewers may miss the boat. Potential for conflict with peers. Benefits of review are limited by the inherent quality of the data. Credibility still somewhat limited without external audit/review.

10 10 Benefits, Limitations, and Lessons Learned (Cont’d) Lessons Learned Costs vs. benefits of QA & external peer review. Clear role definition & good working relationships. Balancing need for accountability & collaboration.

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