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Visual arguments shape your message Images can appeal to ethos, pathos, or logos on their own, but are best used in conjunction with strong supporting.

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Presentation on theme: "Visual arguments shape your message Images can appeal to ethos, pathos, or logos on their own, but are best used in conjunction with strong supporting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Visual arguments shape your message Images can appeal to ethos, pathos, or logos on their own, but are best used in conjunction with strong supporting evidence

2 Common images or images around a common theme




6 Appreciate the power of color Consider your background Use color to emphasize the most important part of the image



9 How do these images enforce/establish credibility? What do they say about the creator? Are they congruent with the organization’s mission?






15 Using visuals rather than words allows: Easy organization of information A good way to convey data or complex information Includes: Pie charts Graphs Diagrams or drawings Maps





20 Images should serve a clear purpose Not just for decoration Know the effect you want the visual to have on the reader/audience Spend some time analyzing the image yourself Ask someone who has never seen it to give you their perceptions Focus on details Color Font Background

21 For the three images presented, identify: 1) If the image is primarily an appeal to emotion, character, or is based on facts/evidence (hint: there is one of each) 2) What about the image makes it heaviest in that appeal type? 3) What do you think is the intended effect on the audience? 4) What specific design elements/aspects/details about the visual make it work in the intended way? 5) In 2-4 paragraphs, describe a hypothetical persuasive message in which you could use the visual. Identify the audience, overall goal of the persuasive attempt, and other pieces of supporting evidence for your claim that could coincide with the visual. Then, explain why that visual would work for that audience in that context. What would be the overall impact of the visual, and how would that further your persuasive goal?


23 1) This is an appeal based on emotion. 2) It is mostly based on emotion because it is a young, carefree, vibrant looking girl who is about to hit a mother and child. This gives the impression that her life will no longer be carefree and she is about to make a mistake she can’t take back. 3) It is intended to make the audience realize that texting and driving can not only hurt themselves, but others. 4) It works in the intended way because: -the outside of the car is blurry, and looks far away, while the inside of the car is clear. This gives the accurate impression that the driver is aware is what is going on inside of the car but not outside, as she should be. -the young and happy face is reflected in the mirror, showing that she is happy with herself but we know she won’t be for long

24 5) This visual could be used in a presentation to high school students designed to decrease texting and driving behavior. The overall goal of the presentation would be to show students that texting and driving can not only be harmful to self, but to others. Additionally, accidents that result from texting and driving can have a long term emotional impact, especially if bystanders are injured in the process. Other pieces of evidence that could be used with this visual would be rates of texting and driving overall, and rates of accidents in which texting was the cause but the other party was injured. It would be even more impactful if a number of fatalities caused by teens texting and driving could be provided. This visual would work for a high school audience because they are the same age as the person in the visual, they have likely just started driving, and are also likely to text frequently, possibly while driving. The overall impact would be to somber high school students by making them aware of the dangers of their behavior. This would promote the persuasive goal of raising awareness and decreasing texting and driving behavior because it provides a unique angle to the issue. Teens probably hear messages that discuss the injury they could cause themselves, but it might be rare that they consider the harm they could inflict on others with their decisions. The novelty and effective use of visual would result in overall success of the persuasive message.




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