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How to write a news story. Essentials  Who?  What?  Why?  Where?  When?  How.

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Presentation on theme: "How to write a news story. Essentials  Who?  What?  Why?  Where?  When?  How."— Presentation transcript:

1 How to write a news story

2 Essentials  Who?  What?  Why?  Where?  When?  How

3 Inverted Pyramid Lede Most important information Important information Less important information Cutoff

4 News Elements  Proximity  Prominence  Consequence  Impact  Human Interest

5 Attribution Attribution means you identify the source of important information in your story. E.g., According to the National Football League, the Oakland Raiders average more penalties a game than any other team.

6 Style  At first reference, Identify a person by their complete name and title, age (optional) –Example: Mr. John W. Smith, Assistant Principal  At second reference, identify a person by last name or pronoun –Smith said,... He said  Never begin with time –Example, Today … or On Wednesday  Write numbers one to nine out, use numerals for 9 and above

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