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Bowl What does this mean?????? This is your “schema”--- your background knowledge or experience with this word.

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Presentation on theme: "Bowl What does this mean?????? This is your “schema”--- your background knowledge or experience with this word."— Presentation transcript:

1 bowl What does this mean?????? This is your “schema”--- your background knowledge or experience with this word

2 When Mrs. Baker thinks of the word “bowl” she thinks of…..

3 National Football League??? What is the…………

4 Super Bowl Sunday February 2, 2014 Rutherford, New Jersey Who Cares???? Why are football fans so excited about this coming Sunday?

5 Who is this man? What can you tell by looking at the picture? Write in your what you are thinking in your journal. Date: Topic: ???

6 Duracell commercial Derrick-Coleman-pens-response-to-Seahawk-fans-hand-written- letter/84c85ee5-66af-4c04-bf78-ec9eb44045e6 Interview with Derrick, his mom and his dad seahawks/0ap2000000297828/Derrick-Coleman-The-sound-of-silence- in-the-NFL

7 Talk to the Text Time to do a …….. to find out about this man! Purpose: How and why does this man a role model for the Deaf?



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