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20 TH ANEC GA THURSDAY 11 JUNE 2009 ‘STAKEHOLDER EXPECTATIONS OF ANEC’ by Adrian Harris Secretary General, Orgalime.

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Presentation on theme: "20 TH ANEC GA THURSDAY 11 JUNE 2009 ‘STAKEHOLDER EXPECTATIONS OF ANEC’ by Adrian Harris Secretary General, Orgalime."— Presentation transcript:

1 20 TH ANEC GA THURSDAY 11 JUNE 2009 ‘STAKEHOLDER EXPECTATIONS OF ANEC’ by Adrian Harris Secretary General, Orgalime

2 35 Member Associations In 23 European Countries 130 000 Companies,>90% SMEs €1885 Bn Output 2008 (EU-27 estimates) 11.1 Million Employed Orgalime ES UK IE BE LU NL CH FR PT ITITITIT DE DK NO PL SL CZ SE FI LV LT BG AT HR Most engineering products covered by New Approach directives: Most engineering products covered by New Approach directives: – LVD => electrical safety – EMCD => electromagnetic – MD => machinery safety – MID => measuring instr. – PED => pressure equipmt – ATEX => safety in explosive atmospheres – and some 12 others... 20 % consumer goods 80% professional goods

3 Orgalime, what we are…  Orgalime: represents our industry’s interests in Brussels for more than half a century  Orgalime not involved in standards setting but in standardisation policy  Co-operating partner of Cenelec, just as is ANEC  Committed to the New Approach and to turn the New Legislative Framework (NLF) into a success => make it work in practice The European Engineering Industries Association

4 Our main goals: competitiveness and level-playing field => make market surveillance work Is this against consumer interests? NO! The European Engineering Industries Association

5 DE IT Source: DG SANCO RAPEX Report 2009 processed by Orgalime RAPEX 2008 52 weeks: Variable levels of RAPEX use from one Member State to the other RAPEX 2008 52 weeks: Variable levels of RAPEX use from one Member State to the other Nb of notifications over 10 months: ≥ 160 < 160 < 80 < 40 < 20 Market surveillance must work: more consistency across the EU Example of RAPEX (1)

6 Market surveillance must work: more co-ordination across the EU Example of RAPEX (2) Source: DG Sanco – Figures processed by Orgalime%NB Notifications of electrical products - trends The European Engineering Industries Association

7 What do we expect of ANEC?  Collaborate pragmatically on issues of common interest  As a first step, make the NLF work as it is designed to do: all products on the EU market should respect our laws  Through this, help to rid the market of rogue traders: bad for consumer safety, bad for the environment, bad for confidence in products of lawful manufacturers And this is what we have started to do… The European Engineering Industries Association

8 Why together? Because... All consumers expect safe products All companies expect fair competition The European Voice of Consumers in Standardisation Consumers and Orgalime industry call for an effective pan-European market surveillance system 22 April 2009 The European Engineering Industries Association

9 Applicable product legislation is becoming ever more complex  For manufacturers to comply with  For trade to demonstrate compliance  For authorities to enforce  For consumers to make an informed choice The European Engineering Industries AssociationThe European Voice of Consumers in Standardisation

10 The European Engineering Industries Association NLF is about streamlining laws applying to the same product

11 NLF is also about market surveillance The European Engineering Industries Association

12 NLF is also about setting a level playing field The European Engineering Industries Association Therefore we called Member States to give market surveillance more means (funding + staffing)

13 The European Voice of Consumers in Standardisation Orgalime-ANEC position on market surveillance  So we call for immediate measures to the European Commission to set in place a common approach to market surveillance  For both product and user oriented legislation  Politically supported at Commission level  Well co-ordinated across services (SANCO, ENTR, TAXUD, etc…  Supported by harmonised standards for a common approach to risk assessment The European Engineering Industries Association

14  Certification industry is as globalised as the manufacturing industry: e.g. recourse to local (e.g. Chinese) test houses too...  Member states (accreditation) have no means to control quality of such test houses  Testing and certification is also a business service  So to be consistent and effective there is only one answer: a market surveillance which works A final thought to take-away… Certification: a panacea? The European Engineering Industries Association

15 So Orgalime expects ANEC’s help to make the law match reality …as a shared responsibility The European Engineering Industries Association

16 20 TH ANEC GENERAL ASSEMBLY THURSDAY 11 JUNE 2009 ‘STAKEHOLDER EXPECTATIONS OF ANEC’  Follow-up contact:  Philippe Portalier Senior Adviser +32-2-706 82 43 Thank you for your attention! The European Engineering Industries Association

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