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The Wildlife Estates Initiative Public Policy. The Message Appropriate land-management & Sustainable hunting: – Regulates and enhances natural resources;

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Presentation on theme: "The Wildlife Estates Initiative Public Policy. The Message Appropriate land-management & Sustainable hunting: – Regulates and enhances natural resources;"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wildlife Estates Initiative Public Policy

2 The Message Appropriate land-management & Sustainable hunting: – Regulates and enhances natural resources; – Has a positive influence on fauna, flora and their ecosystems; – Is an important economic support for all surrounding rural economies; – Creating an added value for natural and cultural heritage. Rural Managers and landowners are « producers » of wild fauna, flora and landscapes, And should be considered as « solutions providers » for the protection of biodiversity. =Vital Functions of these activities

3 The Objective: The aims of Wildlife Estates are: To establish a network of exemplary estates; and To create a new « LABEL according to principles and indicators Taking into account the three pillars of sustainable development: 1.The Environmental; 2.The Economical; and 3.Socio-cultural aspects.

4 The Goals: Wildlife Estate goals are based on the creation of: A communication Tool between land-managers and rural actors An effective tool compatible with Natura 2000 A new network promoting innovative activities A new management and conservation techniques

5 The « WE-LABEL »: The Wildlife Estate initiative has created a Label to recognise good and exemplary management of territories. -The Label is not a binding certification- The label is: flexible and Reproducible. ______________ - __________________ To receive the ‘WE Label’ : the territory must complete the two following levels of assessment: Level I: ‘The Charter’ Level II: ‘The WE Questionnaire’

6 The « WE-LABEL »: Level Two is optional but compulsory for the candidate wishing to receive the « WE-Label » 1- Fulfil the 10 commitments of the « WE Charter »; 2- Completion of the « WE Questionnaire »; 3- Obtain a minimum of 210 points out of 300; 4- On site visit of designated experts.

7 WE Benefits: The WE initiative takes into account different actions made by the European Union; Biodiversity enhancement Has a positive impact in economical and cultural aspects Has a positive impact in the implication of local communities

8 Conclusions: We believe that DG Environment will head towards an land based management approach. The idea is to avoid new EU legislations and to work towards new directives bringing solutions to existing problems. Wildlife Estates facilitates communication of land managers who are coming under pressure. Our goal is to find a global agreement between them and to identify good practices to be respected all.

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