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The Glory That Was Greece

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1 The Glory That Was Greece
Photo: An early Greek vase painting. At the left are shown the nymph or local goddess Nemea, and Jolaus, the brother and companion of Hercules, holding the hero’s club; at the right, the goddess Minerva and the god Mercury, watching the combat.

2 Resources for further research:

3 Time Periods Minoan Mycenaean Dark Ages Archaic Classical Hellenistic

4 The Geography of Greece
Mountains Hindered communication and unification Caused growth of independent city-states Seas and seaports Peninsula with irregular coastline Seaports encouraged development of trade Poor farmland Few crops could be grown Forced to trade Became leading traders of Aegean and eastern Mediterranean Possible anecdote: Location, location, location! That is, a focus on how the ancient Greeks created a thriving economy based on both their area’s negative (could not produce enough food) and positive (coasts allowed trading for food) geographic factors.

5 The Early Greeks Hellenes – Indo-European nomads – Dorian, Aeolian, and Ionian tribes Circa B.C.E. – migration from Black Sea and Danube regions → modern-day Greece and Turkey Conquered Cretans and other natives Circa 1000 B.C.E. – controlled Greece, some of Asia Minor, and Aegean islands Possible anecdote: The Greeks do not call themselves Greeks, but rather Hellenes. They call their country Hellas.

6 Greece’s Colonies Circa 800-600 B.C.E.
Colonized areas around the Mediterranean – Italy’s west coast (Naples), Sicily (Syracuse), southern France (Marseilles), Egypt, Byzantium (Constantinople/Istanbul) Spread Greek culture, language, religion Possible anecdote: The ancient Greeks were not closely genetically related to the ancient Phoenicians, but did “take over” in the Mediterranean as the Phoenician presence declined.

7 Mycenaean and Minoan Civilization

8 Greece and the Greek Colonies
Possible anecdote: The ancient Greeks were not closely genetically related to the ancient Phoenicians, but did “take over” in the Mediterranean as the Phoenician presence declined.

9 Forces Uniting the Greeks
Ancestry Language Literature Religion Olympic Games

10 Forces Uniting the Greeks
Ancestry Believed in a common ancestor – Hellen Language Spoke different Greek dialects but could understand one another Used Phoenician alphabet and added vowels Literature Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey Mythological tales

11 Greek Language and Alphabet
Possible anecdote: The development of the modern Latin alphabet (used in English) from Greek, which developed from Phoenician, which developed from Egyptian. Students might note the use of Greek letters in fraternity, sorority, and other organizations.

12 Forces Uniting the Greeks
Religion Greek pantheon of gods and goddesses living on Mount Olympus Zeus, Athena, Hades, etc. Olympic Games Every four years This four-year period was called the Olympiad Began in 776 BCE Physical games – boxing, broad jumps, chariot racing, dashes, discus throwing, distance running, javelin throwing Intellectual games – art, drama, music, poetry

13 Greek Religion Possible anecdote: Discussion of Greek gods and goddesses.

14 Olympic Games Possible anecdote: Comparison of ancient Greek games with today’s games.

15 Forces Disuniting the Greeks
First Loyalty Was to City-State Often fought one another This disunity eventually allowed the Macedonians to conquer Greece Geography Mountains divided city-states and hindered communication Different Types of Government Athens – democracy Sparta – authoritarian and militaristic nature Also aristocracies, oligarchies, and tyrannies Possible anecdote: Discussion of the various types of government.

16 The Age of Homer Circa 1000 B.C.E.-circa 750 B.C.E.
Greece’s “Dark Ages” – little information known Iliad and Odyssey People – farmers, traders, and warriors Crops and livestock – cattle, grapes, olives, sheep, wheat Possible anecdote: The writings of “Homer” (actually oral traditions of unknown authorship) are our primary source for information on this time period. Heinrich Schliemann discovered the ruins of Troy, but his poor archaeological methods destroyed much of the remains of Homeric Troy. Homer

17 Legends of the Trojan War
Greeks at Ionia preserved many stories about the Mycenaeans. Most famous legend was the Trojan War Legends of the Trojan War were kept alive by Homer, a blind poet who lived in Ionia around 750 B.C. He traveled from town to town, singing ancient stories

18 Trojan War cast of characters
GREEKS Achilles, known as strongest & bravest Odysseus Telemachus (Odysseus’ son) Greater Ajax Lesser Ajax Agamemnon, king of Mycenae, had most powerful kingdom in Greece Menelaus, king of Sparta, husband of Helen, brother of Agamemnon (usually has red hair) TROJANS (FROM TROY) Hector, Troy’s greatest warrior Paris (Hector’s brother) Priam , king of Troy, Hector and Paris’s father

19 Trojan War

20 Trojan War War starts with Aprodite, Hera, and Athena fighting because Eris, the goddess of discord) gave them an apple labeled “for the fairest” A Trojan prince named Paris decides that Aprodite wins Aprodite in turn makes Queen Helen fall in love with him Paris kidnaps Helen from her husband (Menelaus) Agamemnon, Menelaus’s brother, led a 10 year war against Troy

21 Trojan War Greeks Achilles and Ajax die= considered best Greek fighters Trojans Hector (Trojan prince, son of King Priam, honorable warrior) and Paris die Troy falls to concept of the Trojan Horse. The Greeks construct a huge wooden horse and hide their men inside

22 Spartan shield Trojan shield

23 Trojan Horse victory by the Greeks
The Greeks pretended to sail away, and the Trojans pulled the horse into their city as a victory trophy. That night the Greek force crept out of the horse and opened the gates for the rest of the Greek army, which had sailed back under cover of night. The Greeks entered and destroyed the city of Troy, decisively ending the war.


25 Trojan Horse “Trojan Horse" has come to mean any trick that causes a target to invite an enemy into a securely protected bastion or space.

26 King Agamemnon, king of wealthy Mycenae

27 Achilles and Hector

28 Achilles’ heel

29 Trojan Horse

30 Persian Empire Founder= Cyrus the Great, very tolerant
Persians were Ayrans, like the people who migrated to India Now this region is called Iran, which comes from word Ayran Cyrus’ last conquest was Babylonians, treated the conquered well, allowed Jews to returned to homeland and gave Jews money to rebuild temple, which Babylonians had destroyed Much info. comes from writing of 1st Greek historian Herodotus

31 Cyrus the Great Cyrus and clemency (merciful)
More a liberator than conquerer; Mentioned in the Old Testament 22 times; Freed Jews from Bablylon and allowed them to return to homeland; helped pay for rebuilding of Temple of Jerusalem when destroyed (1st time)

32 1st Greco-Persian Battle
Starts with Cyrus conquering Ionia Ionians used to being ruled by tyrants, not a merciful Cyrus Set up tyrants in area but wasn’t working Ionian Revolt Hoplite warfare Battle of Marathon

33 First Persian War Cyrus the Great had conquered Greek city-states of Ionia Ionians hated Persian rule and Persian taxes 499 B.C. they asked Athens for help Athens burned Persian city of Sardis Persian troops recaptured Ionian leaders and Darius was angry Revenge was to conquer all of Greece

34 Battle of Marathon 490 B.C. 20,000 Persian soldiers set sail for Greece Land near Marathon, 26 miles from Athens Small force of 10,000 Athenian infantry- no archers, no cavalry, outnumbered 2 to 1. Athenians vote to attack, & next day at dawn, Greek phalanxes attack on all sides- Persians retreat As Greeks closed in, Persians fled to their ships Fastest runner, Pheidippides, had just returned from carrying a message to distant Sparta. Although exhausted, he set out for Athens On reaching the city, he gasped, “Rejoice! We have won.” and then he collapsed and died To honor battle and Pheidippides marathon runners cover the same distance of about 26 miles Pheidippides ran nearly 2,600 years ago


36 Results of 1st Persian War
was a watershed in the Greco-Persian wars, showing the Greeks that the Persians could be beaten highlighted superiority of Greek hoplites famous for the inspiration of the Marathon race


38 Darius the Great tribute, roads, common currency, Persepolis, local govt.
Royal Road Daric satrap

39 Darius Conquered people had local self govt. but had to send tribute to the Persian emperor Each province would pay only what produced- much more fair tax code With the money, Darius built Persepolis Darius created a common currency so gold coins could be accepted across empire from Ionia (Greece) to India and Babylonia Used wealth to build roads- the Royal Road stretched from Sardis in Lydia to Susa in Babylonia According to Herodotus, it took 3 months to carry a message from one city to the other. Postal stations were located a day’s ride apart along the way to get new messengers and fresh horses.

40 Persian Empire Darius the Great- under his rule, Persia became a HUGE multicultural empire One approach, could follow example of China’s first emperor Shi Huangdi, by imposing uniform laws and standards Persians created politics where there was local self-government Darius divided empire into satrapies, with laws made by locals Darius also sent each satrap (local official) a secretary who was the king’s spy and reported directly to Darius

41 Persian defeat- Darius more determined
But before he could launch another attack, he dies Son Xerxes wants to now punish Greeks Herodotus describes the huge invasion forces Xerxes assembles, and decides to not take huge army in ships by land Creates a floating bridge and leads about 100,000 men into Greece to start Second Persian War

42 2nd Greco-Persian Battle
Xerxes (Darius’s son) is Persian leader 3 Major Battles: Thermopylae (300, Leonidas, enduring strength of Spartans) Salamis (naval battle) Plataea and Mycale (terrestrial battle, showed military prowess of hoplite soldiers)

43 Xerxes versus Spartans in Thermopylae- 300
Many Greeks thought Persians were unstoppable King Leonidas, ledge a small Spartan force to stop Persians at a narrow mountain pass called Thermopylae Spartans held off the invaders, then a traitor showed the Persians another path through mts. 300 Spartans chose death defeat Herodotus wrote that when their weapons were gone, they fought on “with their hands and teeth” until every man was killed (like Masada by Israelites instead of being defeated by Romans)


45 Wooden Walls of Athens- Battle of Salamis about to occur
Terrified Athenians consulted the Oracle at Delphi It said that “wooden walls” could save the Athenians Many Athenians thought that meant city walls Themistocles believed that the wooden walls meant ships When Persians reached Athens, they found the harbor empty Athenians had fled by ship to nearby islands Persians burn down Athens, including temples on the Acropolis

46 Battle of Salamis- by sea

47 Battle of Salamis Xerxes had throne set on a hill near Athens; Xerxes very confident and ready to watch his fleet destroy the Greek navy He has 1,200 warships, and Greeks 380 ships Themistocles had set a trap Keep his fleet hidden while Persian ships filled narrow strait Then Greeks attacked and rammed the crowded Persian ships Soon strait was crowded with broken ships and impossible for Persians to escape Instead of losing rest of his fleet, Xerxes sails for home

48 “Golden Age” for Athens
Athenians celebrate their victory by introducing a “golden age” of art and learning Pericles leads the way with a program for rebuilding the city Athenians create marvels of art and architecture, including the Parthenon Athens enjoys a golden age of philosophy, science, and literature.

49 Timeline

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