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 Guinea worm disease is a flatworm inside the intestinal tract or deep in the connective tissues.  It’s a parasite found in Cyclops also know as water.

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Presentation on theme: " Guinea worm disease is a flatworm inside the intestinal tract or deep in the connective tissues.  It’s a parasite found in Cyclops also know as water."— Presentation transcript:


2  Guinea worm disease is a flatworm inside the intestinal tract or deep in the connective tissues.  It’s a parasite found in Cyclops also know as water fleas.  It’s a helminth

3  Humans get infected by drinking water that has not been unfiltered.

4  Locate an adult worm in the lesion, or larvae from the adult female worm in ulcer.

5  Pain in joints  Nausea  Fever  Pruritus  Blisters  Ulcers  Eosinophilia  Secondary infections

6  You remove the worm by winding the worm up to 3 feet (1 meter) around a small stick and manually extracting- slow and a very painful process that often takes weeks.  There are no vaccinations or drugs only medicine to relieve pain.

7  Year it accrued: 15 th century BC  Where it accrued: Egypt  Pathological examination of an Egyptian mummy in which a calcified worm was identify as dracunculiasis.

8  Its only in a couple of countries today.


10  Will be the second that will truly end after small pox ending being number one.  There were 3.5 million cases in 1986.  It was only found in 21 countries that are in Africa and Asia.  Mostly in Sudan it’s the highest with 73% of the cases.  2012 there are 542 cases in South Sudan, Mali, Ethiopia, Chad.

11  Affects all ages  Mostly common in farmers

12  Dracunculiasis just make you weak and feel disabled.  No death rate

13  I don’t really have a story I just read about this disease and found it interesting.

14  Its an emerging disease

15  aSites2001/dracunculiasis/DRACUNCULIA SIS.html aSites2001/dracunculiasis/DRACUNCULIA SIS.html  orm/mini_site/facts.html orm/mini_site/facts.html

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