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Are Your Students Learning? Conducting Scholarly Research at a Teaching Institution 10 April 2012 Title III Faculty Development Grant.

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Presentation on theme: "Are Your Students Learning? Conducting Scholarly Research at a Teaching Institution 10 April 2012 Title III Faculty Development Grant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are Your Students Learning? Conducting Scholarly Research at a Teaching Institution 10 April 2012 Title III Faculty Development Grant

2 Lessons from the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Commons Conference, held March 7-9, 2012, at Georgia Southern University {Attendance funded by a Title III Faculty Development Grant} A presentation by Audrey Hurley Technical Services Librarian Methodist University 10 April 2012

3 Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Scholarly, scientific study of teaching methods & learning experiences What works & what doesn't Quantitative & qualitative Challenges assumptions Assesses student retention Engages students Let's do it! Let's publish & present our research. Bring prestige to MU! 10 April 2012

4 Sessions that I Attended at the SoTL Conference: Keynote Speakers The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning : An Integrative Vision – Dr. Pat Hutchings Students as Producers and as Change Agents – Dr. Mick Healy Concurrent Sessions Poster Session 10 April 2012

5 Online & Hybrid Courses The most important piece to student learning: the instructor’s knowledge & enthusiasm. –Wallace Lockhart (U. of Regina) Ex.: Faculty Development Considerations in Video-based Lectures – Joyce Nutta, Timothy Brown & Melanie Gonzalez (University of Central Florida) Ex.: Using High Touch Pedagogy, Authentic Assessment & Student Generated Content to Increase Student Engagement in Online Education – Kristen Betts & Annette Wilson (Armstrong Atlantic State University) 10 April 2012

6 Getting a Job with a Liberal Arts Degree Liberal arts majors have the skills highly valued by employers—they just use different language to describe those skills; translation helps create marketability. Ex.: Learning Assessment & Career Marketability: a Strategy for the Liberal Arts – Samantha Earleym (Indiana University Southeast) & Wolfgang Natter (St. Bonaventure University) 10 April 2012

7 Global Competencies Perceiving outside of our own culture Ex.: Enhancing Cross-cultural Competencies through Online Social Networking – Mary Moeller ( South Dakota State University) Ex.: Learning Environments that Enhance Global Competencies Abroad and On Campus – Lisa Larson & Hillary Fezzey (University of Wisconsin-Superior) 10 April 2012

8 FYS, FYE, or Freshman Interest Group Examines student skills in: Research methodology, critical thinking, & information literacy FI GS: [Re]Defining the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning – Gerald Lee Ratliff (SUNY Potsdam) Seminar/First Year Experience (poster)—Jack Ryan, Gettysburg College 10 April 2012

9 Con Hierarchical Concept Mapping Concept Mapping: Encouraging Holistic Learning in the College Classroom – Joseph Mayo (Gordon College, GA) 10 April 2012

10 Conclusion: The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning can give each MU student and professor the opportunity to participate in Leadership, Globalization, & Undergraduate Research and Creative Activity. Join me on the Golden Journey! Questions? 10 April 2012

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