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WRITING Write a letter of acceptance or refusal Unit 11: National Parks.

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1 WRITING Write a letter of acceptance or refusal Unit 11: National Parks

2 I’m afraid i can’t come because… I’d love to, but… I’m sorry i can’t ( come ) because… I’d like to say yes, but… I’m awfully sorry, but you see… Ways of refusing

3 Yes, I’d like / love to Yes, that’s a great idea Yes, I’d be delighted to I’d be glad to Why not? That’s for sure… Ways of accepting:


5 3 Task 2: Rearrange the following sentences to have a complete letter of resusing an invitation. Dear Lan, Thank you for your letter. You know, I really would like to go with you. But I’m awfully sorry that I’m going to have a very important Toeic exam next week, so I have to study very hard. Maybe, let’s go another time I’m very glad to hear that you invite me to visit your hometown next weekend Send my love to your parents. Sincerely yours, Mai 1 2 4 5 6

6 Task 3: Look at the picture and complete the sentence Would you like to have a drink after work ? …, but I have to pick my kids up at their school. I’d love to/I would like to say yes/I’m very sorry that…

7 Would you like to go out for dinner with me on Christmas? Yes, I’d love to/ I’d like to

8 How about going to the seaside on vacation? Yes, That’s a great idea.

9 Task 4: your friend has invited you to go for a picnic to your local park next weekend. Write a reply letter accepting or declining his/her invitation.

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