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Welcome to Solihull! & Values and SMSC
Bev Petch Education Improvement Adviser ~ Health and Wellbeing, Solihull
Which values might these characters exemplify?
Activity: Which values might these characters exemplify? NC
Beauty Self Power Patience Materialism Individuality Strength Truth Justice The American way Inquisitiveness Curiosity Knowledge Compassion Dignity Faith Piety
Ostensibly… Respect Freedom Responsibility
Key questions What are values?
How can we determine our core school values (explicitly articulating them and living them in everything that we do)? What are the links with SMSC? What difference could a focus upon values make in your school?
What are values? Brainstorm in groups- Arrive at a group definition
Where do they come from? What is their purpose? Arrive at a group definition BP- share group definitions
Some thoughts towards definitions: Values…….
‘Provide us with meaning and motivation’ Are ‘internal, very personal constructs that we all use every day, often on a subconscious level, to inform our decision making’ Are ‘the sum of our preferences and priorities’ ‘Function as a window through which the person sees the world and the world gains some insight into them.’ BP- do any of these strike a chord? How far do they enable you to refine your thinking?
Daniel Goleman’s ‘inner rudder’….
‘Personal values are not lofty abstractions, but intimate credos that we may never quite articulate in words so much as feel. Our values translate into what has emotional power or resonance for us, whether negative or positive.’
Human Values Foundation
Values are central to our thinking, decision making and ultimately our actions and behaviour – and lie at the heart of everything that takes place in schools. They are the principles, fundamental convictions and standards that, over time, shape and form the reference points for how we live our lives
Task: Present your group’s refined definition, centred around your chosen object BP- share thoughts from each group
Quiz time-True or false?
Some values are better than others Not all organisations are values based It is best if everyone in a team or organisation shares the same values Knowing your values helps to beat stress Values are the same thing as morals and ethics PAIRS 1.Some values are better than others False - all values are neutral it is how we act upon them that is judged as good or bad 2.Not all organisations are values based False - all organisations are values based but not all are conscious of the values at work in the culture, policies and practice. 3.It is best if everyone in a team or organisation shares the same values False - diversity of individual values is great in teams and organisations as it brings together different perspectives to solve problems and develop opportunities what is worth creating is values alignment between individual and organisational values 4.Knowing your values helps to beat stress True - clinical research has shown that being connected with your personal values reduces the amount of cortisol (a stress hormone) produced by the body during trying times 5.Values are the same thing as morals and ethics False - values are inclusive and neutral, morals and ethics involve judgement of right and wrong, good and bad and thus are exclusive ruling some things out as immoral or unethical
Quiz- continued Problems always occur when people have different values Everyone has values Personal values cannot change 6.Problems always occur when people have different values False - people can work together very productively while having different personal values but a shared belief in a common purpose or towards a shared goal 7.Everyone has values True - across every culture, gender, faith, age, ability, sexuality and class there are things that every individual will prefer and prioritise above others, these preferences multiplied by the priority placed upon them are values 8.Personal values can not change False - our values spring from the things we believe, as we gather information and experience new things about the world in which we live our beliefs develop and evolve, through this process our values may or may not change depending on the priority we place upon the things we prefer to have in our lives at that point in time
Identifying our core values
NC – this next session is about our own core values and how these potentially impact on our behaviours and upon our lives There are 128 distinct values held dear by people all over the world. Each person has their own unique overall values profile but everyone has a key set of central values that are the principle invisible drivers of their attitudes and behaviours.
Why are values important?
Scientists have shown that when we are consciously connected to our values we suffer less stress. Research has revealed that when our values are in alignment with a task we have do, we try harder and are happier to do so – shown to release up to 17% more performance. When an organisation is clear about its values and explains them to the outside world it is more successful in attracting people that really want to be part of it, will stay longer and work more productively than in a place where the person-values-organisation fit is poorer. sometimes called “discretionary effort” Final bullet point – important for recruiting the right people and for keeping them
Values chain Buying ‘fairtrade’ items Belief in a fairer world
Values- equity, rights, fairness, compassion, responsibility
Alignment… Personal Professional Some alignment can be helpful
BP arm folding exercise
Alignment is more comfortable than total variance! Why work with values? Scientists have shown that when we are consciously connected to our values we suffer less stress. Research has revealed that when our values are in alignment with a task we have do we try harder and are happier to do so – this is sometimes called “discretionary effort” and it has been shown to release up to 17% more performance. When an organisation is clear about its values and explains them to the outside world it is more successful in attracting people that really want to be part of it, will stay longer and work more productively than in a place where the person-values-organisation fit is poorer.
Organisations articulating & living their values…
Ethos Relationships Behaviour Curriculum Teaching & learning Displays Assemblies In the lunch queue Etc… Consciously live values ensure you know what they mean explain it to everyone upon whom it may impact. If an organisation is to consciously live its values, it needs to ensure you know what they mean and you explain it to everyone upon whom it may impact.
Key words / phrases on your table re SMSC
The links with SMSC Key words / phrases on your table re SMSC Have ofsted definitions – add to those How would working with values enhance your SMSC development in your school?
Values and Ofsted SMSC Spiritual – Beliefs, perspective on life, respect for different people's feelings & values Moral - Recognise difference between right & wrong (apply in own lives), moral and ethical issues
Values and Ofsted SMSC Social - Co-operating, resolving conflicts effectively (respect, peace) Cultural - Cultural influences, respect for cultural diversity, accept, respect & celebrate diversity
SMSC in Overall Effectiveness Judgement
Outstanding: the school’s thoughtful and wide-ranging promotion of pupils’ SMSC development enables them to thrive in a supportive, highly cohesive learning community Good: deliberate and effective action is taken to create a cohesive learning community through the promotion of pupils’ SMSC development. There is a positive climate for learning. When considering how well sch promotes SMSC – take account of impact of the range of opps provided for them to develop their self-esteem and confidence
SMSC in Overall Effectiveness Judgement
Requires improvement: the school requires improvement because one of more of the 4 key judgements requires improvement (grade 3) and/or there are weaknesses in the overall provision for pupils’ SMSC development Inadequate: the school is likely to be inadequate if inspectors judge any of the following to be inadequate: And/or - There are serious weaknesses in the overall promotion of pupils’ SMSC development Achievement Pupils progress in literacy Quality of teaching Behav and safety of pupils Quality of Leadership in & Managemt of AND/OR
Values adding meaning and purpose…
“Effectiveness without values is a tool without a purpose." Edward de Bono Overall effectiveness of an organisation without values…? Motivated by Ofsted!
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