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MARKET MECHANISM IN THE HEALTH CARE SYSTEM. What Is Health? The Mosby Medical Encyclopedia (1992, p. 360) defines health as “a state of physical, mental,

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2 What Is Health? The Mosby Medical Encyclopedia (1992, p. 360) defines health as “a state of physical, mental, and social well-being and the absence of disease or other abnormal condition. The Mosby Medical Encyclopedia (1992, p. 360) defines health as “a state of physical, mental, and social well-being and the absence of disease or other abnormal condition.

3 Economists take a radically different approach They view health as a durable good, or type of capital, that provides services. The flow of services produced from the stock of health “capital” is consumed continuously over an individual’s lifetime (see Grossman, 1972a, 1972b). They view health as a durable good, or type of capital, that provides services. The flow of services produced from the stock of health “capital” is consumed continuously over an individual’s lifetime (see Grossman, 1972a, 1972b). Each person is assumed to be endowed with a given stock of health at the beginning of a period, such as a year. Over the period, the stock of health depreciates with age and may be augmented by investments in medical services. Each person is assumed to be endowed with a given stock of health at the beginning of a period, such as a year. Over the period, the stock of health depreciates with age and may be augmented by investments in medical services. Death occurs when an individual’s stock of health falls below a critical minimum level. Death occurs when an individual’s stock of health falls below a critical minimum level.

4 The total utility curve is upward sloping and depicts the relation between an individual's stock of health and utility.


6 MP curve establishes the relation between the marginal product of medical care and the amount of medical care consumed.

7 Curve illustrates the relation between marginal utility and the stock of health, and it is downward sloping because of the law of diminishing marginal utility.

8 A generalized short-run health production function for an individual takes the following form: Health = H Health = H medical care, medical care, technology, profile, technology, profile, lifestyle, lifestyle, socieconomic status, socieconomic status, environment environment

9 Curve illustrates the relation between marginal utility and the stock of health, and it is downward sloping because of the law of diminishing marginal utility.

10 MP curve establishes the relation between the marginal product of medical care and the amount of medical care consumed.

11 The total product curve shifts upward with the development and application of new medical technology because of an increase in the marginal product of medical care.




15 Main push and pull factors in migration and international recruitment of health workers

16 Typology of migrant health workers

17 Number of international nurse registrants to Norway as recorded by SAFH 1996-2002

18 Doctors: number of new full entrants to GMC (United Kingdom) register from EEA countries, United Kingdom training and other countries, 1993–2003



21 Amount of Medical Care Spending

22 The total product curve shifts upward with the development and application of new medical technology because of an increase in the marginal product of medical care.

23 A framework for analysing future trends in HRH

24 the data in the figure show that great strides have been taken in terms of more people insured in the United States.

25 Trends in the share of the female workforce as a percentage of the total health workforce in selected countries in the 1990s


27 Medical Care Quality

28 A Note on the Relation between System Structure and Performance

29 Percentage of physicians intending to migrate to EU countries, 2002

30 Female practising physicians as a percentage of all practising physicians in selected countries in the 1990s


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