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County of Santa Barbara General Services Department Facility Condition Assessment Lessons Learned Greg Chanis, Assistant Director August 13, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "County of Santa Barbara General Services Department Facility Condition Assessment Lessons Learned Greg Chanis, Assistant Director August 13, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 County of Santa Barbara General Services Department Facility Condition Assessment Lessons Learned Greg Chanis, Assistant Director August 13, 2015

2 Before The FCA Office of the County Architect maintained Space Utilization Database Forecast of future space needs by department Contains information on facility condition, including FCI score


4 Lesson learned #1 Do a better job informing CEO’s Office, BOS, other departments and the public of what we are already doing

5 Consultant RFP Process RFP/Contract developed and managed by CEO’s Office. Preparation for potential ballot measure related to condition of County facilities (Measure M) 4 proposals received Price range= $280,000- $1,600,000

6 Lesson learned #2 General Services and Parks staff should have been more involved in planning….because this is a lot of work and will ultimately consume lots of staff time

7 Phase I Scope Facility Condition Assessment –Review of existing plans/info –Field work Initial economic modeling

8 Phase I Summary Findings Estimated Current Replacement Value (CRV) of County facility portfolio = $1.1 Billion ($965 Million observed) Estimated observed accumulated deferred maintenance = $83.6 Million Combined Facility Condition Index= 8.7% –Parks FCI= 17.5% (Poor) –General Services FCI = 5.5% (Good)

9 Phase I Summary Findings Total annual amount needed to ‘Renew’ the portfolio is $22-44 Million (2-4% of estimated CRV) $10.9 Million of priority projects identified –GS= $7.3 Million –CSD (Parks)= $3.6 Million

10 Phase I Summary Findings

11 Lesson learned # 3 Numbers reported by consultants, especially ones with $$ signs in front of them, have a way of becoming the gospel

12 Phase II Scope Development of Maintenance Management Plan based on Phase I data/observations  Estimates of long and short term maintenance needs based on 5,10,15 and 20 year horizons  Prioritization of identified maintenance projects  Analysis of current Maintenance Management Practices at GS and Parks

13 Phase II Summary Findings Comprehensive asset inventory need Better utilize Computerized Maintenance Management Systems (CMMS) Expanded econometric model Staffing level deficiencies

14 After The FCA Measure M failed in 2014 At least for now, maintenance funding is a regular topic at BOS hearings Board adopted new maintenance funding strategy (implemented in FY15-16)

15 15

16 Lesson learned # 4 Crazy things sometimes happen

17 Lesson learned # 5 The FCI is only one component of assessing facility conditions. It is useful, but if this is all you look at, you are not seeing the big picture

18 Discussion

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