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Releasing “all by itself” Growth Growth Forces/Organic Principles © 2008 ChurchSmart Resources and CoachNet, Inc. For use by authorized trainers only.

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Presentation on theme: "Releasing “all by itself” Growth Growth Forces/Organic Principles © 2008 ChurchSmart Resources and CoachNet, Inc. For use by authorized trainers only."— Presentation transcript:

1 Releasing “all by itself” Growth Growth Forces/Organic Principles © 2008 ChurchSmart Resources and CoachNet, Inc. For use by authorized trainers only

2 Our Thanks To: Christian Schwarz and Christoph Schalk for their research and development of Natural Church Development (NCD)

3 Session Content Review the six organic principles Examine how we have applied them in our ministry setting. Provide feedback on how we can more effective assist you in utilizing the organic principles in your ministry.

4 Organic Principles Organic principles are simply the life principles upon which God’s creation operates. Frederic Vester – Identified six biotic principles to achieve optimum biological life. ”the maximum capacity of organisms to grow and reproduce under ideal conditions.”

5 These principles operate under “ideal” conditions. How many of you have “ideal conditions” in your ministry? Understanding the growth forces helps you to be a better “farmer” of your ministry “field”.

6 Growth Forces: As Easy As ABC ! You have seen them in ministry. You have used them, even as a child. A human being would find it virtually impossible not to use them.

7 Insight The secret to understanding organic principles is recognizing where they are already operating!

8 The Six Growth Forces Interdependence Multiplication Energy transformation Sustainability Symbiosis Fruitfulness

9 Interdependence Individual units are connected to each other in a larger system. Changes in one will affect others in the church and community.

10 Interdependence What are the short and long-term effects of this action? “connecting”

11 INTERDEPENDENCE In your ministry group, describe how you have seen interdependence at work in your mission development. Be prepared to provide an example on how your work on this principle could be reported online.

12 Multiplication Healthy organisms do not grow endlessly but reproduce themselves.

13 Multiplication How does this contribute to multiplication, not just addition? “reproducing”

14 MULTIPLICATION How you have seen multiplication at work in your mission development? How have you been intentional about multiplication? Be prepared to provide an example on how your work on this principle could be reported online.

15 Energy Transformation Momentum or energy already flowing, whether positive, potential or negative, can be redirected to accomplish God's purposes.

16 Energy Transformation How can we utilize positive and negative resources to fulfill God's purpose? “leveraging”

17 ENERGY TRANSFORMATION How do you focus the energy in your mission development? How have you been intentional about energy transformation? Be prepared to provide an example on how your work on this principle could be reported online.

18 Sustainability Resources used should increase the capacity for on-going growth and development, as well as serve multiple purposes.

19 Sustainability How do these actions contribute to future ministry cycles? “recycling”

20 SUSTAINABILITY How do you build sustaninability into your ministry? How have you been intentional about sustainability? Be prepared to provide an example on how your work on this principle could be reported online.

21 Symbiosis Different ministries can cultivate cooperative relationships so the mutual benefit is greater than operating separately.

22 Symbiosis How can we work together to enhance ministry effectiveness? “cooperating/teamwork”

23 SYMBIOSIS How do we demonstrate cooperation and teamwork in our ministry? How have you been intentional about symbiosis? Be prepared to provide an example on how your work on this principle could be reported online.

24 Fruitfulness Each ministry needs to produce discernible results in line with its intended purpose.

25 Fruitfulness How can we maximize the fruitfulness of this ministry? “evaluating”

26 FRUITFULNESS How do we practice this principle? How have you been intentional about evalutation? Be prepared to provide an example on how your work on this principle could be reported online.

27 Growth Forces 1.Interdependence = connecting 2.Multiplication = reproducing 3.Energy transformation = harnessing 4.Sustainability = recycling 5.Symbiosis = cooperating 6.Fruitfulness = evaluating

28 FEEDBACK TIME MLTC Presentations Follow-up E-mails Monthly Reports

29 Think Naturally Where do you see Growth Forces operating in your life and ministry?

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