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© 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center Living System Ministry The Process of the Gospel A Tool to Help Us Enter into Effective Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center Living System Ministry The Process of the Gospel A Tool to Help Us Enter into Effective Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center Living System Ministry The Process of the Gospel A Tool to Help Us Enter into Effective Ministry

2 A relational tool  Relationships are one of the primary ways God goes about his work.  Fruitful ministry can flow through genuine relationships, it is rarely accomplished through programs.  The Process of the Gospel creates a relational foundation for effective ministry. © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center

3 How does God do it? God’s work of redemption requires that his message be planted among us, and that it grows to bear fruit. This flows out of a relationship he establishes with us.  How does God do that?  What actions does he use? What is the PROCESS God used to bring us the GOSPEL? © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center

4 What God did  God observed his fallen creation.  Our sin condemned us to death. Because he loves us (positive appreciation), he sent his Son.  Jesus communicated relevantly through his parables and teaching.  He met our perceived needs with miracles, as he meets our needs today.  He met our basic need through the atoning work of his death and resurrection.  Finally, he prepared his disciples for his leaving, laying the groundwork for the multiplication of his Kingdom through his Church. © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center

5 Six stages © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center

6 An archetype  Definition: A process that follows an enduring, stable pattern that transcends time and space  The Process of the Gospel is an archetype. It can be used with: Individuals and families Groups and communities Entire cities The poor and the rich Teenagers and grandmothers People in China and people in Uganda © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center

7 Warning  This is a process, not a 6-step program!  If you approach this mechanistically, you will be missing the point entirely.  Rather, allow this process to become an integral part of who you are! © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center

8 Procedure vs. process © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center Procedure:  People-driven  Isolated, systematic steps we need to do in order to complete a task  The goal is to complete a task! Process:  Driven by large, complex systems  A series of interdependent actions directed to some end  The goal is to see transformation!

9 For example  In order to grow tomatoes, we work within the rules and powerful forces that already exist in the environment (weather, pests, nutrients in the soil, etc.).  We might follow certain procedures for growing tomatoes, but the actual process is complex. The result is really up to God. © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center

10 1 Corinthians 3:6 “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God made it grow.”  It’s not about how well we follow the steps.  It’s about how well we work within the complex and interrelated design of living systems.  In the end, God will get the glory for all he has done! © 2012 Emmanuel Gospel Center

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