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Cody, Gina, Ryan, Lisandra. - Our Mission Statement “S.A.L.T. (Simple Accountability/Assessment Leadership Tool) exists to provide churches with a personal.

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Presentation on theme: "Cody, Gina, Ryan, Lisandra. - Our Mission Statement “S.A.L.T. (Simple Accountability/Assessment Leadership Tool) exists to provide churches with a personal."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cody, Gina, Ryan, Lisandra

2 - Our Mission Statement “S.A.L.T. (Simple Accountability/Assessment Leadership Tool) exists to provide churches with a personal assessment and ministry accountability tool to promote unity and sustainability within leadership”

3 – Our Vision “We exist to provide a tool that helps preserve saltiness in the lives of church leaders.”


5 Feedback From Pastors


7 George “Good topic choice but lack of depth of understanding of the many facets and issues of performance & character assessment”

8 Ron “The questions it poses are excellent, reflecting the thoughts and questions a person has in real life as they work within a church context.” “The mentor, coach, etc. analysis, while good, may need to assess whether there are other positions (or descriptions) that would more accurately describe or relate to a work situation and the dynamics of work relationships”

9 Terry Where have I experienced relational tension in my life and ministry in the past month? What lessons has God been teaching me through both the structured and unstructured relationships of my life? What is one thing I have learned about myself because of a relationship challenge in the past month?

10 Chris “Pastors will really have to want to do this, (because) it takes time and thought.”

11 Jason “Good tool. It gets to the point and I think the questions are focused on the right things. Things like a person’s support structure, their emotional health, and their awareness of their unique abilities and calling are very important.” “…you guys really kept to your mission statement and I like the self- assessment/ministry accountability division. I think that is the right model to use.”

12 Jason “I did feel like the questions tended to be too big or too vague.” “The goals portion might be better as a specific question or questions along the way.” “There are some really probing questions here and I think this tool would be especially useful to people who don’t generally assess themselves or to ministers whose boards are not necessarily on the same page as them. Great job and keep it up.”

13 Excerpts from Completed Assessments

14 “It’s hard to find people to serve these roles when you’re an outsider to the community. To everyone, I am Pastor.”

15 “I feel both a sense of growth and that I am being drained…in this ministry I wear many hats and some of them are hard to manage simultaneously.”

16 “My position surrounds my family with lots of spiritual discussion and many chances to serves. This leads to a lot of questions and good debate at home and also lots of time to practice what we preach. That being said I am very busy and that can have negative effect on my family as well.”

17 In the past year, what aspects of your role gave you most satisfaction? What were the areas that gave most frustration? “Working with people and working with people.”

18 Do you feel like your job description matches God’s call on your life right now? “Not so sure. My wife says, ‘Yes.’ I’d kind of like to own my own dog kennel.”

19 Next Phase Refining Webpage Buller Centre Nuts and bolts

20 Questions Which critiques do you think should be taken into consideration? What suggestions do you have as we move forward?

21 Thank you.

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