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CS543: WEB APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Lab 1: HTML tags & SW installation Computer Science Department.

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Presentation on theme: "CS543: WEB APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Lab 1: HTML tags & SW installation Computer Science Department."— Presentation transcript:

1 CS543: WEB APPLICATION PROGRAMMING Lab 1: HTML tags & SW installation Computer Science Department

2 LAB INSTRUCTOR 2  Nourah AlSuqayh  Email:  Office: 2.501.7  Office Hours:  Sun(9-12)  Mon(10-11 & 1:30-2:30)  Wed(8-9)

3 What is HTML? 3 HTML:  HTML is an acronym that stands for HyperText Markup Language.  It is the set of markup symbols or codes placed in a file intended for display on a Web browser page.

4 Main HTML tags 4 an HTML document has an hierarchical structure - is the root of the html document - contains metadata about the document, action-scripting (see javascript), styles (see CSS) and general information referenced in the whole document - contains the actual text of the docuan HTML document has an hierarchical structure

5 HTML Elements 5

6 HTML Color Names 6 Color Names Supported by All Browsers: 147 color names (or a hex values) are defined in the HTML and CSS color specification (17 standard colors plus 130 more). The table below lists them all, along with their hexadecimal values. Tip: The 17 standard colors are: aqua, black, blue, fuchsia, gray, grey, green, lime, maroon, navy, olive, purple, red, silver, teal, white, and yellow.

7 Creating an Ordered List 7

8 Creating an Unordered List 8

9 Working with Inline Elements 9


11 DOWNLOAD NOTEPAD ++ 11 Go to: http://notepad-plus-

12 DOWNLOAD NOTEPAD ++ 12 Click on Notepad++ Installer

13 DOWNLOAD NOTEPAD ++ 13 Save the setup file Click Run Button then click Next

14 How to make HTML File Using Notepad++ ? 14 1- Open Notepad ++. Start > All programs >Notepad ++>Notepad++. OR > Notepad ++ shortcut. 2- Save the file File >Save as Change the extension to html. OR

15 How to make HTML File Using Notepad++ ? 15 3- View the webpage. Double click on the “Finle1” file The webpage will display in the default web browser. OR Click Run >Launch in IE

16 How to make HTML File Using Notepad++ ? 16 4- Edit the file Click right on the file > Edit With Notepad++

17 Example 17

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