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Page 1IETF 63 ENUM WG IETF 63 – ENUM WG IANA Registration for an Enumservice Containing Number Portability and PSTN Signaling Information 5 August 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1IETF 63 ENUM WG IETF 63 – ENUM WG IANA Registration for an Enumservice Containing Number Portability and PSTN Signaling Information 5 August 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1IETF 63 ENUM WG IETF 63 – ENUM WG IANA Registration for an Enumservice Containing Number Portability and PSTN Signaling Information 5 August 2005 Co-Authors: Jason Livingood Richard Shockey

2 Page 2IETF 63 ENUM WG Motivation for the I-D This Enumservice could enable carriers, as well as other service providers and users, to place ported, pooled, and blocks of numbers and their associated PSTN contact information, into ENUM databases, using standardized, non-proprietary methods. This, in turn, could enable such parties to consolidate all telephone number lookups in their networks into a single ENUM lookup, thereby simplifying call routing and network operations, which would then result in either an on-net, or IP-based response, or off-net, or PSTN-based response. It is conceivable that being able to query for this information in ENUM could significantly reduce or eliminate the need for these parties to maintain traditional, SS7/TCAP/SIGTRAN-based query gateways, applications, and protocols in their networks.

3 Page 3IETF 63 ENUM WG Motivation for the I-D Call routing lookup consolidation. –No need for separate database of pooled, ported (LNP), and block number data. –One DNS lookup gives BOTH on-net and off-net results to VoIP network element. Leverages investment in ENUM data management now underway. Uses standardized, DNS interfaces. Enables determines location of the destination as close to point of call origination as possible. Reduces complexity in a VoIP network; reduced need for legacy PSTN signaling and databases. No per dip fees; flat-rate DNS infrastructure.

4 Page 4IETF 63 ENUM WG Example #1, Ported TN $ORIGIN NAPTR 10 100 "u" "E2U+npd:tel" "!^.*$!tel:+1-215-981-7813;rn=+1-215-981-7600;npdi!" In this example, a Routing Number (rn) and a Number Portability Dip Indicator (npdi) are used as shown in draft-ietf-iptel-tel-np-06.txt. The ‘npdi’ field is included in order to prevent subsequent lookups in legacy-style PSTN databases.

5 Page 5IETF 63 ENUM WG Example #2, Non-Ported TN $ORIGIN NAPTR 10 100 "u" "E2U+npd:tel" "!^.*$!tel:+1-215-981-7813;npdi!“ In this example, a Number Portability Dip Indicator (npdi) is used. The ‘npdi’ field is included in order to prevent subsequent lookups in legacy-style PSTN databases.

6 Page 6IETF 63 ENUM WG Next Steps Minor editorial changes recommended on the list. Update document references (Yu draft iteration). Add more examples if possible.

7 Page 7IETF 63 ENUM WG Thank you!

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