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Tariq Saeed Chaudhry Group Manager – Corp Sales Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited 02 November,2010 Lahore, Pakistan.

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Presentation on theme: "Tariq Saeed Chaudhry Group Manager – Corp Sales Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited 02 November,2010 Lahore, Pakistan."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tariq Saeed Chaudhry Group Manager – Corp Sales Pak-Qatar Family Takaful Limited 02 November,2010 Lahore, Pakistan

2 Agenda About Pak-Qatar Takaful Group Life is Full of Risks Conventional Insurance vs. Takaful The Practical Side of Takaful

3 Pak-Qatar Takaful Group Pak-Qatar Group Pak-Qatar Family Pak-Qatar General

4 KEY FACTS: Pak-Qatar Takaful Group First Takaful Group in Pakistan, The Group is sponsored by leading financial institutions from the State of Qatar Paid-up Capital: – Family Takaful : Rs. 533 million – General Takaful: Rs. 307 million – Total:Rs. 840 million

5 Major Achievements Received an “A” minus (having Stable Outlook) rating from JCR-VIS Credit Co. while still in second year of operations Have Re-Takaful arrangements with some of the best Re- Takaful global companies in the world Are present in 14 cities having 25 branches Have a trained sales force of 900+ strength in the market in less than 3 years or operations Have on board 300+ corporate clients in less than 3 years of operations Have declared 15% Surplus for Individual customers for the financial year ended 31 December 2009, in second year of operation

6 Awards & Recognition WON: Declared as the “Best Family Takaful Operator” in Pakistan by 1 st National Achiever Award (2009) NOMINATED: for “Best Takaful Operator” in the world by CPI Financial, UAE (2009) WON for “Best Use of Technology” in Islamic Finance Industry by CPI Financial, UAE (2009) RANKED: Top 4 in “Best Marketing Strategy” by World Takaful Summit, London, UK (2009) WON: Brands of the Year Award – 2009

7 Life is full of Risks…

8 Motor Fire Marine Travel Machinery Life Health

9 Risk Mitigation Since the beginning, people have tried to protect themselves from risks and resulting losses What is Risk? – Risk is the potential danger that threatens to harm or destroy an object, an event or a person

10 Risk Mitigation Tools Available Risk Mitigation Tools? – Avoid Risk Mitigation: A concept generally misunderstood as Tawwakul. Tawakkaul by definition however is employment of all Halal available means/resources and entrusting Allah SWT with the outcome – Self-Insurance or setting aside contingency money for the rainy day – Conventional Insurance: A commercially viable system but inherently flawed with Shari’ah defined ills such as Riba, Gharar, and Qimar/Maysir – Takaful: A Halal and Ethical alternate to conventional insurance

11 Risk Mitigation in Islam Is the concept of risk mitigation permissible in Islam? – This very concept is not only lawful/permissible in Islam but is in fact encouraged Islamic history is replete with examples featuring activities involving risk mitigation: – Hadith: “Tie the Camel and then Submit to the Will of Allah” – Dhaman Khatr al-Tareeq: A person would undertake another person’s risks without any consideration/fee in return – Dhaman Al-d’ark: A person would influence a sale by promising to compensate for the loss if the subject-matter proved faulty – Aqila: A risk sharing mechanism in which community members pooled their share of Diyat (blood money) The underlying theme in all these examples is the concept of brotherhood and mutual solidarity

12 TAKAFUL CONVENTIONAL INSURANCE Conventional Insurance vs Takaful

13 The Conventional Insurance Process The customer pays premiums in exchange for claim (at the time of risk actualization) from the Insurer PREMIUMS (MONEY) CLAIMS (Upon Risk Actualization)

14 Shariah’s Stance on Conventional Insurance concept of Insurance? practice of Insurance? ? Shariah has no objections as to the concept or objectives of insurance ; it only has reservations with the way it is being practiced…

15 Shariah’s Stance on Conventional Insurance Point # 1 It is a sales-purchase contract. In Shari’ah terms it is called Aqd Muawaza Point # 2 Premiums belong to the company Point # 3 Insurance company pays the claims from its own pockets Point # 4 Premiums are invested in all kinds of investment avenues, including Riba- based businesses

16 Riba, Gharar, Qimar/Maysir Because this is sales-purchase contract i.e. Aqd Muawaza, this kind of risk mitigation involves: R I B AG H A R A RQ I M A R / M A Y S I R DIRECT RIBA IN-DIRECT RIBA The difference between the premiums paid by the policyholder and the claims received Premiums are invested in Riba-based investment avenues

17 Riba, Gharar, Qimar/Maysir Because this is sales-purchase contract i.e. Aqd Muawaza, this kind of risk mitigation involves: R I B AG H A R A RQ I M A R / M A Y S I R G H A R A R Gharar is present because the Subject Matter of the contract does not exist, is not specifiable, and the time of delivery is uncertain In Aqd Muawaza, Shariah does not allow Gharar & Qimar/Maysir.

18 Riba, Gharar, Qimar/Maysir Because this is sales-purchase contract i.e. Aqd Muawaza, this kind of risk mitigation involves: R I B AG H A R A RQ I M A R / M A Y S I R In Aqd Muawaza, Shariah does not allow Gharar & Qimar/Maysir. Q I M A R / M A Y S I R Total loss of premiums paid by the participant in case the risk doesn’t actualize

19 T A K A F U L

20 Definition of Takaful The word “Takaful” originates from Arabic language. Its root word is “kafala” which means “to guarantee”. Through inflection it changed to “takafala” which means “to help each other” or to “jointly guarantee each other.”

21 The Concept of Takaful Takaful is a community-pooling system in which participants contribute their savings into the common fund to help those who need it most in times of financial difficulty It is based on the concept of brotherhood and mutual solidarity. EXAMPLES: The concept of Takaful is manifested in the system of Baitul Maal, the cooperative societies and the joint-family set ups etc…

22 Takaful Process Takaful Operator creates the Waqf Fund or the “Taburru Fund” Participants contribute their premiums/contributions on the basis of “Taburru” into this Waqf Fund The Waqf Fund pays the claims Takaful Operator WAQF FUND Contributions Claims Surplus

23 Key Points on Takaful Process Point # 1 Contributions are paid on the basis of Taburru. In Shariah such a contract is called Aqd Taburru Point # 2 Contributions are credited to the Waqf Fund; Operator acts as Wakeel Point # 3 The Waqf Fund pays the claims Point # 4 Contributions are invested only in Shari’ah Compliant investment avenues Point # 5 An independent Shariah Board supervises business activities for Shariah compliance WAQF


25 The Practical Side of Takaful

26 Gap!!! Present Financial Protections Tools Public Beliefs Public Awareness Public Needs Takaful Bridges the Vital Gap

27 Applied Takaful: from Investors’ Perspective Global Market Size : “Current Global Trends suggest US$ 8.9 billion in gross contributions by 2010” (E&Y, WTC 2010) Takaful is growing 35% faster than conventional insurance worldwide (Dr. Ahmed Al Janahi, Managing Director NOOR Takaful, WTC 2009) 134 # Takaful Operators in 2009 + Approx. 36 15 Window Operators Irani Operators KEY FACT: 60% of customers of Takaful in Malaysia are non-Muslims. >18 Re-Takaful Operators

28 Applied Takaful: from Customer’s Perspective Takaful resonates with the beliefs and values system of people from different cultures: Shariah Compliant Ethical Transparent & Full- Disclosure Shariah & Socially Responsible Investments Surplus Sharing

29 Family Takaful Model


31 How can Takaful Help you? - Corporate Takaful Products - Individual Takaful Products

32 Family Takaful Products, Corporate Corporate customers Group Healthcare for Employees Payment in case of employee’s Death or disability Retirement Income plans Group Healthcare The Group Health Takaful Plan is designed to cater to your employees’ well-being. It covers their hospitalization due to any reason, major medical expenses, maternity/childbirth as well as day-to-day medical expenses.

33 Family Takaful Products, Corporate Corporate customers Group Healthcare for Employees Group Family Term Takaful for Employees Retirement Income plans Group Family Takaful The Group Family Takaful is a risk coverage Plan that provides protection to participant’s employees in the event of Death due to any cause (Natural, sickness, accident)

34 Family Takaful Products, Corporate Corporate customers Group Healthcare for Employees Retirement Income This Plan enables the employer to provide its employees with retirement benefits, in either lump sum payment or as periodic income

35 Family Takaful Products, Individual Individual Customers Savings and Protection Plans Retirement Income Plan Mortgage Takaful Education Plan Savings & Protection Why borrow loans and incur debts? A more dignified way of fulfilling your needs is through savings. Maximize your savings through Takaful

36 Family Takaful Products, Individual Individual Customers Savings and Protection Plans Retirement Income Plan Mortgage Takaful Education Plan A Takaful plan which ensures the continuity of your child’s education even when you are not around OR cannot afford the tuition fees

37 Family Takaful Products, Individual Individual Customers Savings and Protection Plans Retirement Income Plan Mortgage Takaful Education Plan Mortgage Takaful In an event of the participant’s sudden death or disability, the Takaful Operator will settle the outstanding mortgage finances thus ensuring the security of home for loved ones

38 Family Takaful Products, Individual Individual Customers Savings and Protection Plans Retirement Income Plan Mortgage Takaful Education Plan Retirement Income A Plan that provides regular income upon your retirement

39 Share ‘n Care Savings Takaful The NEEDS Share ‘n Care accumulates small savings amount and grows it into a large fund to fulfill all your financial needs

40 Salient Features of Share ‘n Care

41 Share ‘n Care Savings Takaful

42 ABC Education Takaful ABC Takaful ensures the continuity your child’s education even when you are not around or cannot afford the tuition fees

43 Difficulties in Ensuring Continuity of Children’s Education Affordability of Higher Education 1.TUITION FEES 2.FAMILY SIZE Untimely Death of Income- Generator Children become breadwinners of the family Loans Are Short-term solution Loans incur debts and debts further create problems Who should acquire education and to what extent? Sons given more preference

44 The Escalating Cost of Education An average of 5 children / family in Pakistan – To afford quality education of every child is becoming increasing difficult Cost of tuition fees and textbooks increasing exponentially – IBABBA = Rs. 640,000/- – LUMSBBA = Rs. 960,000/- MBA= Rs. 900,000/- – KUBBA = Rs. 158,000/- – SZABISTBBA = Rs. 502,720/- – CBMEMBA = Rs. 400,000/-


46 A Simple Illustration of ABC Education Takaful

47 Jazaak Allah Khairan for your patience For Feedback: – Email: – – URL:

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