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The Dust Bowl in Oklahoma History “The Dirty 30’s” Drought and Dust Storms.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dust Bowl in Oklahoma History “The Dirty 30’s” Drought and Dust Storms."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dust Bowl in Oklahoma History “The Dirty 30’s” Drought and Dust Storms

2 Map of the Dust Bowl

3 Impact on Oklahoma Nothing has helped shape modern Oklahoma since 1907 than the experience we had as a state and people during the 1930’s. Nothing has helped shape modern Oklahoma since 1907 than the experience we had as a state and people during the 1930’s.

4 Causes of the Dust Bowl Extreme drought during the mid1930’s (1936-37 parts of the panhandle receive NO rainfall) Extreme drought during the mid1930’s (1936-37 parts of the panhandle receive NO rainfall) Dust Storms (Black Sunday April 14,1935) Dust Storms (Black Sunday April 14,1935) Guymon experienced 34 in first 3 months Guymon experienced 34 in first 3 months of 1938. of 1938. The Great Plow Up : Poor farming and conservation practices in the 1920’s (Plowing all acreage up to plant wheat) The Great Plow Up : Poor farming and conservation practices in the 1920’s (Plowing all acreage up to plant wheat)

5 Dust Storms

6 Dust Bowl Photos

7 Dust Bowl photos


9 Effects of the Dust Bowl 50% of Oklahoma farms and ranches were lost 50% of Oklahoma farms and ranches were lost About 300,000 Oklahoman’s left the state (Okies moving especially to CA) About 300,000 Oklahoman’s left the state (Okies moving especially to CA) “Okie” image of Oklahoma throughout the U.S. is created “Okie” image of Oklahoma throughout the U.S. is created Grapes of Wrath/John Steinbeck Grapes of Wrath/John Steinbeck

10 Lesson Learned Do not mess with the nature and what is natural to a geographic area. Do not mess with the nature and what is natural to a geographic area. Mix crops, rotate tilling, and always keep some land in native grass. Mix crops, rotate tilling, and always keep some land in native grass. Contour farming- terracing fields to hold moisture and topsoil. Contour farming- terracing fields to hold moisture and topsoil. Be humble and respect the land. Be humble and respect the land. If it makes money fast, it is not always the best. If it makes money fast, it is not always the best.

11 The Last Chapter Like the … Trail of Tears Trail of Tears Tulsa Race Riot Tulsa Race Riot The OKC Bombing The OKC Bombing *The Dust Bowl is the story of tragedy followed by Resiliency, Recovery, Rejuvenation and the Determination of OKLAHOMANS.

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