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ANNOUNCEMENTS. Core Values of a Timberwolf Compassion Respect Integrity Responsibility.

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2 Core Values of a Timberwolf Compassion Respect Integrity Responsibility

3 “I pledge allegiance…..” Students, please rise for the flag salute:

4 STUDENTS: REMINDER ABOUT EAR BUDS School policy states: Ear buds are to be put in your backpack and out of sight during the school day. Thanks, CH STAFF

5 8:20 a.m.  Students, unless you are eating breakfast in the commons, you are to stay out of the building until an adult signals you in at 8:20 a.m.  Once you are in the commons eating, you are to stay in the commons until 8:20 a.m. when you are dismissed.  There is no wandering of the halls. Thanks, CH STAFF

6 What’s happening this week? Monday – Regular Schedule Tuesday – Regular Schedule Wednesday – Late Arrival Schedule Den Time Hat Day 7 th Grade Football Northwood @ Cedar Heights 8 th Grade Football Cedar Heights @ Northwood Thursday – Regular Schedule Band and Orchestra Concert 7pm in the Gym Friday – Regular Schedule Football Gear Turn in Gym 3-5pm ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

7 CH Girls Soccer! Ladies, got moves like Alex Morgan or Carli Lloyd? Is Abbie Wombach your idol? Please consider representing CH on the soccer field! Come on out, Monday Nov. 2 and try out! We would love to see anyone interested of all skills levels. If you were unable to come to the pre-season meeting, see Mrs. Foote or Mrs. Mjelde for more information. Paperwork, see Mr. Arrington.

8 Red Ribbon Week Are you ready for Red Ribbon Week?! The Red Ribbon Campaign is the oldest and largest drug prevention program in the Nation and a way for students and communities to take a visible stand against drugs. This year's theme, "Respect Yourself. Be Drug Free“ Red Ribbon Week is for students K-12 around the nation to learn about drugs and alcohol, and the harm they can do. Tuesday dress up day is : “Be Strong, say NO to drugs!”- wear Superhero shirts. Come take a picture during lunches. (You must be wearing a superhero shirt to participate)

9 Red Ribbon Week Fact is that while you’re a teen you’re still growing and developing, and drug abuse during these years in particular can have a lasting impact. Another fact to consider: the brain is much more vulnerable to addiction during these years. 90% of Americans with a substance abuse problem starting smoking, drinking or using other drugs before age 18. When it comes to drug use, individual reactions and experiences vary, so it’s important to understand the usual risks and effects, both short- and long- term. Knowledge can be the key to making your own best decisions. Wednesday dress up day is: “Friends don’t let friends do drugs”- Twin day! (Also HAT DAY for $1!)

10 Red Ribbon Week Alcohol is a depressant that affects nearly every part of your body. The damage it does now can impact the rest of your life. The Risks In small doses, some of the short-term effects of alcohol are reduced inhibition (your ability to stop yourself from doing something you know you shouldn’t), coordination and reaction time – all of which put you at risk. When you drink a lot and drink fast (binge drinking), the risks go up even faster. In addition to the serious danger of alcohol poisoning, the depressant effects of alcohol can overwhelm your body’s defenses. Unable to move and think clearly, you can do risky and reckless things that are unsafe, or even lethal. Each year, approximately 5,000 people under the age of 21 die as a result of underage drinking. This includes about 1,900 deaths from car accidents, 1,600 homicides, 300 suicides, and hundreds of other deaths due to accidents like falls, burns and drownings. Long-Term Effects Alcohol travels through your bloodstream and can damage your brain, stomach, liver, kidneys and muscles. As a teenager, your body is still developing, so damage done to it now can affect the rest of your life. Over time, drinking can wreak havoc with your body and mind. The Bottom Line Alcohol can have seriously dangerous, long-term impacts on a body and brain that are still developing. Also, statistics show that more teens are killed by alcohol than by all illegal drugs combined. Thursday dress up day is : LEI OFF DRUGS! For a $1 you can purchase your own Lei during lunch!

11 Red Ribbon Week DateThemeWhat to wear Monday, October 26“Love yourself and don’t do Drugs”Hearts or RED Tuesday, October 27“Be strong, say NO to drugs!”Superhero shirts Wednesday, October 28 “Put a cap on drugs”Hat day (for a $1) Thursday, October 29“Lei off drugs!”Hawaiian day Friday, October 30“Team up against drugs”Favorite team jersey

12 Wednesday, October 28 th is $1 Hat Day!!! Wear your crowns, tiaras, or baseball hats! Bring $1 and you can wear a hat for the day! Enter through the breakfast doors and pay in the commons before school to get a bracelet to wear all day; hats will be checked. You MUST keep your bracelet on, or your hat will be confiscated! If a teacher asks you to remove your hat for the period, you must comply. Noncompliance will result in a visit to the office. Hats must be school appropriate.

13 Reader Board Messages! If you didn’t know… You can purchase a reader board message at the cashier window for $1. Send a message to your friends during the day!

14 Thunderbirds Hockey Game! Thunderbirds Hockey Game! Our school is selling tickets to go to the Seattle Thunderbirds hockey game on November 27 th vs. the Vancouver Giants at 7:05pm! Tickets cost $24 with as much as $20 coming back to our school to support ASB and sports here at CH!! Ticket sales begin Monday, October 26 th. Purchase at the cashier window, cash or check Tickets can be purchased online on the KSD website under for families, and online school payments. Online tickets must be purchased by November 10 th.

15 It’s Monday October 26th – What’s for LUNCH??  Chicken Nuggets  Hamburger - MS  Cheeseburger - HS  Cheese or Pepperoni (pork) Pizza  Assorted Deli Sandwiches

16 BRING IN YOUR PICTURES Send in a picture of friends and/or family members that served and we will put it in the Veterans Assembly! Bring in your pictures to Mrs. Lunde in room 301 or you can e-mail Mrs. Lunde the picture The pictures are due by the 28 th of October

17 “The only place SUCCESS comes before WORK is in the dictionary.” – Unknown QUOTE OF THE DAY 10/26/15

18 Have a great day!

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