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Final Exam Review. Common Attack Techniques Stack overflow – Basic version – Advanced versions Mitigations – Canary – W^X page – ASLR.

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Presentation on theme: "Final Exam Review. Common Attack Techniques Stack overflow – Basic version – Advanced versions Mitigations – Canary – W^X page – ASLR."— Presentation transcript:

1 Final Exam Review

2 Common Attack Techniques Stack overflow – Basic version – Advanced versions Mitigations – Canary – W^X page – ASLR

3 Quiz Which one of the mitigations can be circumvented by the advanced version of stack overflow? A.Canary B. W^X C. ASLR 1.indirect jump 2.return into libc 3.ROP

4 Basic Cryptography Four primitives – Cryptographic hash – Symmetric encryption – Asymmetric encryption – Digital signature

5 Quiz Which property of cryptographic hash ensures that if password hash matches the one stored on the system, the password is the correct one? Which property of cryptographic hash ensures that the stored hash does not jeopardize the secrecy of passwords

6 Authentication Password-based authentication – How is authentication state stored – How is verification done – Attacks and mitigation

7 Quiz Adversary obtains authentication state from the system and conduct brute-force attacks. If the authentication state is salted, would the attack be more difficult than if it is not?

8 Authentication Protocol Challenge-response – Why need it? Example ones using the various cryptographic primitives – MAC – Encryption – Digital signature

9 Quiz Using symmetric encryption for authentication. Alice sends m to Bob, Bob encrypts m using shared key K and send it back to Alice, Alice decrypts it and send Bob the plaintext. Bob verifies that the plaintext is the same as m. – Can Alice authenticates to Bob using this?

10 UNIX Protection Basics File system protection Setuid

11 Quiz What is the security problem you can see? -rwsr-xrwx 1 simon fac 13589 Jul 30 20:08 getscore

12 Secure Operating System Mandatory Access Control – Complete Mediation: all security-sensitive ops – Tamperproof: untrusted processes cannot modify access enforcement system – Verifiable: small TCB

13 Concrete OS Examples SELinux – Only need to understand the basic protection concept. – Policy language not required Android – Basic security architecture – Security problems

14 Security Models Bell LaPadula (Secrecy) Biba (Integrity)

15 Trusted Infrastructure TPM – Root of trust for storage – Root of trust for reporting – Root of trust for measurement* Measured boot

16 DNS Security DNS poisoning problem – How the attack is carried out – Consequence of a successful attack DNSSEC – Basic concepts – How this will address the insecurity problem of DNS

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