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Used to describe a person doing something that involves himself or herself These verbs use reflexive pronouns that refer to the person doing the action.

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2 Used to describe a person doing something that involves himself or herself These verbs use reflexive pronouns that refer to the person doing the action Reflexive pronouns: me, te, se, nos, and os Often use reflexive verbs to refer to emotions, feelings, and reactions

3 To use a reflexive verb, put the reflexive pronoun before the conjugated verb. EX. Cuando se levanto Marcos? You can also use them in the infinitive. Put the reflexive pronouns either: before the conjugated verb EX. No te debes preocupar. or attach it to the end of the infinitive EX. No debes procuparte.

4 The pronoun se can be used in order to avoid specifying the person who is doing the action. EX. Se alquila apartamento. This only indicates someone renting an apartment but not specifically saying who.

5 When using se the verb is always in third person. If the noun following the verb is singular, verb is in the el/ella form EX. Aqui se habla espanol. If the noun is plural, use the ellos/ellas form. EX. Aqui se reparan carros. These se constructions can be used in any tense.

6 Animarse Dedicarse a Desanimarse Entusiasmarse Oponerse a Ponerse nervioso(a) Sentirse frustrado(a) To become encouraged, get interested To apply oneself to something To get discouraged To get excited To oppose To get nervous To feel frustrated

7 ApoyarseTo support each other AyudarseTo help each other Conocerse bien/malTo know each other well/not well Contarse secretos/chismesTell secrets/gossip Llevarse bien/malTo get along well/badly OdiarseTo hate each other (No) Pelearse frecuentementeTo (not) fight often PerdonarseTo forgive each other QuejarseTo complain SaludarseTo greet/say hello TelefonearseTo phone each other

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