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Atomic Quantum Mechanics - Hydrogen Atom (15.1-15.3) Assuming an atom doesn’t move in space (translate), the SE is reduced to solving for the electrons.

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Presentation on theme: "Atomic Quantum Mechanics - Hydrogen Atom (15.1-15.3) Assuming an atom doesn’t move in space (translate), the SE is reduced to solving for the electrons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Atomic Quantum Mechanics - Hydrogen Atom (15.1-15.3) Assuming an atom doesn’t move in space (translate), the SE is reduced to solving for the electrons only – For single electron atoms and ions (e.g., hydrogen), only the attraction of the electron to the nucleus is needed in the potential energy term – For many electron atoms and ions, repulsion between the electrons is needed in the PE For the hydrogen atom, the solution to the SE is a set of atomic orbitals – The wavefunction involves three quantum numbers (n, l, m l ) since three sets of boundary conditions are needed (1 for r, θ, and φ)wavefunction – The number of nodes in the wavefunction increases with increasing values of n and lnodes The energy of the hydrogen atom only depends on the principle quantum number n

2 Atomic QM – Many Electron Atoms (15.6-15.7) When more than one electron is present, V ee must be included in SE – Electrons are in constant motion, so potential energy is a constantly changing variable (electron correlation) – SE is no longer exactly solvable! Solutions to many electron atom SE are very similar to hydrogen orbitals – The wavefunction for each electron is a hydrogen-like orbital (1s, 2s, 2p, etc.) – The energy associated with each electron now depends on n and l (orbital filling diagram)orbital filling diagram – Two electrons can have the same principle, angular, and magnetic quantum numbers – Electron configurations are used to show what the atomic wavefunction looks like Electrons posses another quantum number associated with their spin – Electrons have another quantum number called the spin quantum number (± 1/2) – Pauli exclusion principle states no two electrons can have the same quantum numbers, so one electron in an orbital must be “spin-up” and the other “spin-down”

3 Atomic QM to Molecular QM (16.4-16.6) Solution of SE for molecules is more complicated due to much larger number of electrons and multiple nuclei – SE is still not exactly solvable since more than one electron is involved – Atomic orbitals are not appropriate since multiple nuclei are involved Just as atoms combine to form molecules, atomic orbitals (AO) should combine to form molecular orbitals (MO) – Linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) is an approximation used to solve the molecular SE – When creating MOs from AOs, there is a one-to-one correspondence – Atomic orbital overlap is the driving force in whether an appropriate MO is generated (this included orbital phases) Atomic orbital overlap MOs have similar properties to AOs (and other wavefunctions) – Two electrons can reside in each MO – MOs are orthogonal to one another – Energy order is related to nodal character

4 Hydrogen Wavefunctions

5 Radial Nodes in Hydrogen Orbitals

6 Angular Nodes in Hydrogen Orbitals

7 Probability Distribution Functions for Hydrogen Orbitals

8 Orbital Filling Diagram

9 Atomic Orbital Overlap

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